It must be so annoying for them to have to suck up to somebody young enough to be their son
February 28, 2013 at 12:38am
“Issa lil din se nsodda u naghmilha ministru tal-hwienet, imma bejn Louis, Evarist, Edward, Karmenu, Marie Louise, Entni Zammit, Michael Farrugia, Leo Brincat, George Vella, Yana Mintoff u il-bqija se nispicca b’kabinett mimli pensjonanti. U jien in-nies ghidtilom fresh and new. U anke progressive.”
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Joseph’s cabinet members will be dropping dead during cabinet meetings.
Marlene’s looking older than her hair lately.
L-alarm clock li xtara lit-token wife biex tqum taghmel il-hasla, missu juzah fil-laqghat tal-kabinett biex izomm dawn il-pensjonanti imqajmin.
Does Muscat actually think that he is going to satisfy all the big-pretenders and contenders? How is he going to shut Debono Grech up if the latter gets voted and voted in heavily?
Does he really expect Debono Grech to be a happy back-bencher? What about that Micallef guy?
Does Joseph really expects this guy to sit quitely and do as he is told? Ma nahsibx. Then there are all the rest, Vella, Herr Flick, Gorg-anti-EU-Vella, the Mintoff-never-broughtup-in-Malt-girl. And this list goes on.
Our only hope to get rid of the PL after they are elected is this kind o internal strife that will bring out their true colours which do not happen to be fifty shades of blue and grey.
His thought bubble reads, “Tmissnix! Tmissnix!!!!!! Jaqq, xiha.”
Can I do a Maria l-Maws piece?
Tista Mrs Mizzi tichad jew tikkonferma kif bhala chairman tas-Sea Malta marret Konferenza tal-Cruise Liners (is-Seamalta qatt ma kella interessi f’dan il-qasam) li saret f’Las Vegas, fejn qaghdet fir-Ritz u swiet lil kumpanija iktar minn Lm20,000 (iktar minn €45,000)?
Il-Mercedes il-gdida li nefqet lill-kumpanija vera li kienet tintuza bix-xufier tal-kumpanija (Joey is-Sister) b’kollox bhala delivery van ghall merkanzija tal-hwienet taghha?
Imbaghad gejjin jaghmlu plejtu bl-arlogg tad-dilettanti li qala Tonio.