JosephMuscatDotCom: a gerontocracy
February 13, 2013 at 3:14pm
The names of places where progressive parties are directed by groups of old men with their roots in a totalitarian past tend to begin with ‘The People’s Democratic Republic of…’.
JosephMuscatDotCom follows the grand tradition.
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KARMENU VELLA – … served as PM KMB’s (PAUSE FOR LAUGHTER) Minister of Industry in the early 1980s.
He-he, I like THAT!
I would have thought Louis Grech was reasonable and educated enough to be a Nationalist turncoat. It’s disappointing to see he was a Mintoff supporter already in the 60s.
I would have thought, on the other hand, that ‘reasonable and educated’ people do not turn their allegiance or even their choices as easily as hinted in your comment.
Of course that too. Rather than being of the worst kind by being a Nationalist turncoat, he is the worst of the worst by being a Laburist through and through.
So it will be ‘The People’s Second Democratic Republic of Malta’. And of course, it will just as democratic as all the others thus named.
Apologies for not using this blog’s chosen language. It simply feels much better expressed in maltese.
Malta Taghna Lkoll, hux?
Le Joseph, Malta mieghiex kollha tieghek jew taghkom.
Dik il Malta li hija kburija (ta vera) li tifforma parti mill-Unjoni Ewropea – Dik m’hijiex tieghek.
Dik il Malta li tixtieq gvern li lest jiehu id-decisjonijiet, dawk l-iebsin – Dik m’hijiex tieghek.
Dik il Malta li tesigi gvern li lest jiehu id-decisjonijiet it-tajbin; Dawk li tinduna li kienu tajbin meta thares lura fl-istorja – Dik m’hijiex tieghek.
Dik il Malta li tixtieq li l-gvern ikun maghmul minn nies li jafu jgibu ruhhom sewwa – Dik m’hijiex tieghek.
Dik il Malta li tixtieq membri tal gvern li huma kompetenti (ghalmenu relattivament kompetenti)- Dik m’hijiex tieghek.
Dik il Malta li trid li meta membru tal gvern jew tal-oppozizzjoni jigi mistoqsi fuq ‘X’ dan jwiegeb fuq ‘X’ u mhux fuq ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’,’D’…….etc – Dik il Malta m’hijiex tieghek.
Dik il Malta li ma tridx li l-media tkun kkontrollata mill-istat – Dik m’hijiex tieghek.
Dik il Malta li ma trid lil hadt jindahal fil hidma tal pulizija – Dik m’hijiex tieghek.
Dik il Malta li ma tridx gvern li u biss tal posi, tal bulxit, tal gideb sfaccat, tal kummenti u statements qarrieqa – Dik m’hijiex tieghek lanqas.
Mela jiena mhux tal-ginger, zgur – ghax dik hi l-Malta li nghozz jien b’qalbi kollha, b’hilti kollha u b’sahhti kollha, habib.
Actually it is a cross between a gerontocracy and a mediocracy, with a rather obvious and wide overlap between the two.
Now I understand why Joseph Muscat says that his cabinet will not get an MP’s honoraria and a salary.
What they will get is an MP’s honoraria and a old-age pension.