JosephMuscatDotCom has support in unexpected (ahem) quarters

Published: February 13, 2013 at 1:45am

Watch out, Antonella tas-Snobby. This lass Madlien is offering up some stiff competition on Facebook.

Madlien 1

Madlien 2

Madlien 3

Madlien 4

42 Comments Comment

  1. Harry Purdie says:

    Now there’s billboard potential for Labour. Caption? ‘I’m Available For All’.

  2. edgar says:

    Another caption. I’m in.

  3. lorna saliba says:

    From low class to “mittlekliss”

  4. La Redoute says:

    What an ugly bedroom and an even ghastlier occupant. What sort of stuff do these people read if she thinks that’s a glamorous pose in a glamorous setting?

  5. Excuse my French but WTF says:

    How old can she possibly be? Don’t parents monitor their children’s activity on social networking sites?

    Is she even aware of the kind of attention, she’s likely to attract with those sort of poses and attire?

    The sad truth is that we live in an era of trash TV and trash everything. I doubt she is even aware of the dangers she is exposing herself to. She’s probably emulating what she sees online and a product of today’s so called culture.

    I don’t quite recall the exact title but I once read a book about the slut factor in our culture. Women are basically debasing themselves and offering themselves up as sex objects because somehow the femminist movement has lost its battle to the trash celeb culture.

    It is virtually impossible for a woman who seeks to behave in a lady like, dignified manner, to find a partner these days because the competition embraces hedonistic values.

    The sad reality is that the dating, friendship first culture does not exist anymore. As an article in The Sunday Times pointed out, we live in a hook up culture, where men and women continuously expose themselves to a host of STDs and risk their health for one nighters.

    I am tired of sending cheating, married men to hell but I have it on good authority that there is an equal number of cheating, married women out there.

    If this phenomenon were unique to Malta, I’d say it’s a back lash to the sexually repressive influence of the Catholic church.

    I can understand an immature girl getting carried away and behaving somewhat loosely but the current crop of cougars competing with girls young enough to be their daughters for a man’s attention is pathetic.

    The trouble is that that this is the kind of example the cougar mothers are holding up for her daughters to follow.

    Nobody seems to be seeking friendship, companionship, communication and good old human interaction these days. The kind of services offered by prostitutes in the past are now freely available to any man with an internet profile on a social networking site.

    First dates are expected to take place at a woman’s home as though a single woman in her right senses would take a stranger home to end up in a body bag.

    Truly appalling! I am ashamed to say I belong to the human race. Where have the father figures gone? Those of yesteryear who represented authority and watched out for their daughters, setting curfews and imposing discipline?

    • mattie says:

      Dik wahda minn dawk li wisq probabbli tghidlek: ‘Gismi tieghi, u ghandi dritt naghmel li rrid bih, min irid ihares, min ma jridx, ma jharisx.’

      Ma jaqq, x’nies!

      • Excuse my French but WTF says:

        Have people taken leave of their senses? Is there no distincition between private and public lives?

        I am no prude and what people get up to in the privacy of their home does not hold any fascination for me because within the limits of decency i.e. being considerate to others I believe in a live and let live attitude to life.

        However, this level of blatant exhibitionism shocks me because I refuse to believe that this has become the norm and anybody who feels revulsion is automatically labelled a prude or worse. .

        Celebs pose for Playboy for the money and to boost ailing careers. At least Playboy bothers with efforts to give an artistic touch to their shoots. My question is what does such a young girl hope to gain by spreading them on facebook? Her five minutes of notoriety? Pictures that might later on in life come to haunt her?

        Worse still, if you are an exhibitionist freak pandering to the voyeurism out there, if at all possible can’t you at least try to emulate an iota of dubious style?

        I wholeheartedly agree, this is nothing but a resounding Jaqq!

      • madlien says:

        ara kif eda ti kelm ta fuqi lasa han mur namliek rahprto

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        It may be jaqq, but it works.

  6. Katrin says:

    Xi hsara ta’ nies!

  7. Herman says:

    From FB, Favourite Quote:
    jiena tafla tal gejn hi u sexy hafna

  8. AllIWantIsToLiveInPeace says:

    Another caption:

    “Everybody’s in!”

  9. jack says:

    Lolita on steroids

  10. GiovDeMartino says:

    Qalbha tajba s-sinjorina!

  11. afm says:

    Not much going on in the attic but the basement looks taghna llkoll.

  12. anthony says:

    At least she is modest enough to keep all her grey matter concealed behind red panties.

  13. cintura says:

    I bet my bottom dollar that she’s on Social Assistance otherwise how can she possibly afford the tattoo on her back-side.

    • mattie says:

      She must have a lot of time on her hands to keep, what seems to be, a very updated profile on FB.

      My bet’s like yours. Flett Scrijn, sigaretti, hair dye and blow dries, tattoos, mobajls.

      Is Malta suffering or drowning in poverty?

      Very unlikely.

  14. Wilson says:

    There is a crack in the fabled roadmap.

  15. Dunstan says:

    Thanks! Thought I would be alone for Valentine`s Day.

  16. Josette Stensen says:

    I am not questioning the intention of using other people’s photos and names and I can understand you argue that FB is public but for the mercy of respect towards each other mind the language used and ethical issues.

    • Josette Stensen says:

      Ghaziza Madlien, Ms.Caruana Galizia iddecidiet li tuza dawn ir-rittrati ghal intenzjonijiet politici taghha u fl-opinjoni tieghi ukoll twaqqa l-figura tal-mara ghac-cajt.

      Il-parir tieghi lilek hu biex ma taqax f’dan il-livel ta’ dawn il-hafna nies li qed jiktbu b’mohh mahmug.

      Tajjeb li jkollok FB pero uzah bil-ghaqal u tuzax kliem hazin bhal dawn il-hafna persuni li qed jikumentaw fuq ir-ritratti tieghek. Int persuna sabiha u zgur ghandek kwalitajiet sbieh. Hu dan l-ezempju u ghati attenzzjoni xi tpoggi fuq FB.
      Madlien tinsiez hawn hafna nies li l-hin taghhom juzawh billi jerfaw salib hadd iehor.
      Mohhok hemm.

  17. madlien says:

    mur hudu fox kem adek u tirgax tamel wahd pal dini ax jek nark meta tispica liba kolok u din dahlxa xanmel jiena ok qahda kolok

  18. the chemist says:

    Joseph does seem to like ‘the backdoor man’ approach.

  19. Makjavel says:

    How low can she go, looks like the result of the Brigata Laburista culture.

  20. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I think we’re being too harsh on this girl.

    Her style may not be to everyone’s liking, although Harry, coming from a continent that’s more – how shall I put it – lively and forward, seems to have a newfound glint in his eye.

    She’s a live one all right, and she doesn’t hide it. Thank heaven for such girls. Without them what would little boys do?

  21. ken il malti says:

    She needs a boob job to successfully compete with other low-life women who support the Labour Party.

  22. FP says:

    Next Labour’s billboard: “Jien tagħkom lkoll”

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