Kampanja mahmuga u moqzieza/Attakk Fahxi Nr 1003: Joseph’s fake tan doesn’t meet his scalp colour

Published: February 24, 2013 at 9:40am

So lots of you have noticed that the pasty, doughy, ‘I spend my life indoors’ Joseph Muscat has undergone a complexion sea-change over the last few months. He has acquired a healthy glow that isn’t foundation make-up (we girls can tell).

It’s a fake tan, one of those that comes in a bottle and not from afternoons spent walking or sailing, and certainly not from breaking rocks in a quarry.

The trouble is that the fake tan doesn’t quite meet the scalp colour (see previous post), as this still-grab from one of his campaign videos shows (left click on it, enlarge it and examine it closely).

There’s a River of Babylon between them.

When he wears proper make-up for TV and stage appearances – they all do, nothing wrong there as it’s standard practice – the River of Babylon disappears. This is because foundation make-up is taken right up to the hairline. Where the hairline is tenuous, the job requires special skill, but that is what make-up artists are for.

fake tan

10 Comments Comment

  1. AllIWantIsToLiveInPeace says:

    Fake to the bone.

  2. If it all goes wrong for Joseph, he can migrate to Essex.

  3. tinnat says:

    Now that you pointed out the skull paint, it´s damn obvious. Have a look at this photo from Maltastar today: http://www.maltastar.com/dart/20130224-pl-appeals-for-campaign-based-on-ideas-and-proposals

    • AllIWantIsToLiveInPeace says:

      Berlusconi does the same thing — but hell, he’s about twice Muscat’s age (not that it excuses it anyway, becuase it’s still pretty off-putting).

  4. Gahan says:

    Dak qisu inharaqlu il-polvri f’wiccu.

  5. ciccio says:

    Why exactly did he complain because the PN showed him with a red-painted face, when he himself paints his face and scalp?

  6. Sonia says:

    What is it with Labour leaders and their obsession with their hair? Most men are bald at that age anyway, so why the blooming fuss?

  7. ken il malti says:

    Those phony paint-on orange tans make him look ridiculous.

    After awhile he gets to look like a Jaffa seedless orange.

  8. Mandy Cini says:

    Its ‘us’ girls not ‘we’ girls…. just thought I should point that out…..Oh and when you refer to children….you should use ‘young’ instead of ‘small’….come to think of it….you should start sending your articles to a real editor before you put them up


    [Daphne – I love it when Laburisti pop in to correct my grammar. No, sweetheart, it’s WE girls not US girls. You see, ‘girls’ is an ‘insertion’ into an already existing grammatical structure: ‘we know that’, therefore it’s ‘we girls know that’. One does not say ‘us know that’. Well, perhaps you do, but it’s wrong.

    You are also wrong on the matter of children. In proper English, as distinct from the Maltese variety, it’s ‘small children’ and not ‘young children’. Now bugger off. Thanks to your friend Mintoff, it’s legal.]

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