Kurt covers all bases: this morning he took the boss to the Island Sanctuary. At Tas-Silg.

Published: February 25, 2013 at 8:57pm
"Hi. I used to be a poodle too once but now I'm going to be prime minister."

“Hi. I used to be a poodle too once but now I’m going to be prime minister.”

I’m trying to picture him humming and hawing over the press call notification:

Joseph Muscat jzur l-Island Sanctuary f’Tas-….”Madonna, x’se naqbdu niktbu, ras?”

You’ll notice from the press coverage that he wasn’t too crazy about meeting the dogs. Instead, he posed with the volunteers. When a dog was brought out for a close encounter – a poodle, chosen either by somebody with a sense of humour or by somebody who never knew what his nickname was – Muscat made the same mistake he makes with children. He didn’t go down to its level and instead looked at it nervously.

The guy hates dogs. Why bother? It’s like it is with people who can’t stand children: when you put them into forced contact situations, it shows.

31 Comments Comment

  1. Wilson says:

    If you like a person: test number 1; make them meet the dog. The dog will know what is good and what ain’t.

  2. Tinnat says:

    Doesn’t like dogs? Oh my.

  3. Kevin Zammit says:

    F’so*m*k Daphne, kif dejjem inwaqqa it-te minhabba fik!

  4. Dott Abjad says:

    Oh look, A POODLE!

  5. ciccio says:

    Joseph Muscat’s attempt to break the ice with the animals at Tas-Silg. Lovely.

  6. bob-a-job says:

    How appropriate yet again: Joseph going to the dogs.

    Exactly what our country will be doing should he become Prime Minister.

    On a different note.

    Does that frigging Go advert with an owl called Holly make anyone puke or is it just me?

  7. Evergreen says:

    That jacket is on the verge of exploding. He needs a new personal trainer.

  8. bob-a-job says:

    When Joseph said ‘blokka silg’ he was only mentioning the ‘trip’ of the iceberg.

  9. M.. says:

    That clip is so funny.

  10. KJD says:

    Quoted from Alfred Mifsud’s blog:

    Let’s be realistic: if Enemalta procures its oil in a transparent and clean manner, why should any supplier require an agent in Malta to whom they have to pay commission for every deal?

    PBS reported in their eight o’clock news that more people have been questioned and are to be charged with corruption amongst them ex CFO of Enemalta Mr Tarciso Mifsud. Apparently officials in the finance department headed by Mr Mifsud requested payments from oil companies for their bids to be considered favourably. Perhaps dear Alfred that answers your question.

    Tarcisio is his brother.

  11. Karl Flores says:

    Generally those who aren’t fond of dogs also have a weak personality which isn’t suitable for those seeking to be Prime Ministers.

  12. MX says:

    His suit button looks dangerous.

  13. Gahan says:

    The Labour Party is going to see to it that there will be a commissioner for animal rights.

    This is not a joke.

  14. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Strained, fake smile says it all. He looks like those very silly girls who shriek every time they see my dog.

    (ps my dog is the biggest fesudu ever)

  15. Mica says:

    I’m with the goat on this one :D Fortunately wasn’t drinking anything at the time haha.

  16. Qeghdin Sew says:

    All those stripes on their ties almost gave me an epileptic fit.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Careful, don’t give Joseph a clue on what to fake next time there’s an uncomfortable question he wants to avoid answering.

  17. Grezz says:

    Was he trying to be funny, visiting Tas-Silg? Why didn’t he go to the Coke factory instead?

  18. Anon says:

    Thanks for lifting my spirit after a week of feeling miserable with the flu.

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