Labour has colonised cyberspace with a huge online advertising budget

Published: February 18, 2013 at 10:30pm


You can’t browse a single non-Maltese site at the moment without being besieged by adverts for Joseph Muscat, Malta Taghna Lkoll and Labour’s crappy policies.

They’re coming at us out of everywhere. The other day I looked at a parrots website (don’t ask) and there was Joseph’s face, staring out at me.

He’s on Italian football sites, hobby sites, chat sites, the works. This doesn’t mean that Labour are advertising on those sites specifically (a hundred people have asked me about this already), as they would when they book specific advertising on say,

The adverts are placed with systems like Google Ads. When the system recognises your IP as being Malta-based, as you browse a site, it ‘feeds’ you the Malta Labour Party ad.

Now there is no getting away from them.


One of my readers said that we will soon be finding little plastic Joseph and Michelle figures in our cornflakes packets. Or in our Easter eggs.

He’s right. This is all so very Kim Il Sung.

48 Comments Comment

  1. Paul Bonnici says:

    I remember in the seventies seeing North Koreans walking round in Malta wearing Kim Il Sung’s badges. That’s what will happen soon in Malta, this time it will Joseph Muscat’s badges instead.

    • Sufa says:

      Walking around? They didn’t have that kind of freedom. They used to be driven around in large vans or buses, and the sight of them – emotionless faces, denim-blue uniforms – driven through my childhood town is one of my few memories of the time.

  2. Tumas says:

    Gonzi qeridna wkoll … imma flus għal riklamar żejjed (bl-Ingliż ‘overkill’) dejjem hemm donnu.

  3. Superman says:

    He’s even appearing in gmail now. He’s like an apparition.

  4. Antoine Vella says:

    Do they really believe that these irritatingly nagging ads are going to make undecided people vote for them?

  5. stephen says:

    An idea to fellow readers..
    Click on each one of them, eat a tiny sliver of their budget, and worse, skew their analytics.

  6. Groucho says:

    You can block all that and more with Ghostery.

    It’s free.

  7. vanni says:

    I guess Labour have never heard of overkill.

    And you can easily block IP based ads, but don’t you get a warm feeling when you know that you are burning Joseph’s money?

    Speaking of which, a friend is having great fun with a couple of PCs running a script opening a carousel of pages.

  8. TROY says:

    Reminds me of the Mintoff days, where you would find photos of him and his ugly Agatha all over Malta.

    • ciccio says:

      Agatha even found her way onto the Maltese lira notes, and into our wallets.
      Up to that point, I used to carry my wallet in my trouser pockets, but then started to carry it in the inner pocket of my jacket because I did not trust her.

  9. TGTBT says:

    I can’t even go into my favourite football team’s website, because believe it or not I get the ‘vote labour’ emblem there too.

  10. They’re using Google pay by click. If you wanna waste their funds just click on their ads a million times.

  11. Ian says:

    Thank God I don’t have a Maltese IP at the moment. No wonder I wasn’t seeing these emejzink edverts

  12. La Redoute says:

    I don’t get many PL ads. Should I be worried?

  13. Herman says:

    Early this morning I looked for news on an Italian website about a train accident near Sondrio (northern italy), which killed a truck driver and a passer-by. On the same page I found two ugly pictures; one of a truck crushed by a train and another of Joseph Muscat.

  14. polverino says:

    A simple way of getting rid of them is either masking your IP address through a VPN service (which you should do anyway) or install the Ad-Block Plus plugin to your favourite browser

  15. Augustus says:

    If he wants to be in every household, he should advertise on toilet paper.

  16. Kenneth Cassar says:

    L-internet taghna lkoll.

  17. Chris says:

    What are Ads by Google?

    Ads by Google are keyword-targeted advertisements provided through the Google AdWords™ program.
    These listings are administered, sorted and maintained by Google. For information about these Google ads, go to

    Google may place or recognize a unique “cookie” on your Web browser. Information from this cookie may be used by Google to help provide advertisers with more targeted adveritising opportunities. For more information about Google’s privacy policy, including how to opt out, go to

  18. afm says:

    He’s even on the Daily Mail online. Looks good though next to the Kardashians.

  19. Mario says:

    Apparently if you click on these adverts Labour have to pay $1 for every click. So I will happily click all day long.

  20. anthony says:

    My early morning poetry reading was ruined today.

    On poemhunter ‘Ode to Clothes’.

    With Maltataghnalkoll flashing on the screen I gave up .

    I took refuge in a book.

    Ciaran Carson took Neruda’s place.

    Equally superb and PL-free.

  21. Felicity says:

    This happns as well on the Sudoku online web site. If you scroll down to the ads, jumps out at you.

  22. Luke says:

    I click on them every time I see them, hoping they have to pay per click.

  23. marc says:

    I’ve found a way: if using Chrome you can disable them from the extensions settings.

  24. Joseph says:

    Click on those adverts! The more you click the more they pay.

  25. Martin says:

    Misshom m’ghandhomx flus ghall-kampanja rikka bhal din. Iriduh b’sahha l-poter. U wara?

  26. Rumplestiltskin says:

    You can easily block the ads on Google. I did, but clicking on them to spend PL’s money sounds like a good idea.

  27. sarah says:

    Yes, I’m quite fed up of seeing Joseph’s face popping up everywhere.

  28. J Abela says:

    Download adblock if you’re using Chrome. My internet is Labour free.

  29. J Abela says:

    Having said that, I think Labour are acting like their nouveau riche voters (who got rich under PN governments), spending their newly acquired wealth left, right and centre. Jaqq.

  30. Fabien Sant Fournier says:

    There’s an opt-out on Google ad preferences that will block the tracking cookie and your demographic info. Here’s hoping it does the trick.

  31. Bob says:

    I thought I was his face appear on my loaf of bread.

  32. Remembrance says:

    Reminds me of the old days of Korean communist inspired propaganda when every news item had to start with ‘Il-Prim Ministru….” ad nauseam.

    Seems to me that old habits die hard, hence I will not repeat the same mistake twice.

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