Labour: scraping the bottom of the face-cream tub

Published: February 5, 2013 at 2:13pm

Like most of half the nation, apparently (how do they get our numbers?) I have received a text message from the diet queen Marion Mizzi’s campaign team.

Marion Mizzi Kandidata tal-Partit Laburista fuq it-3 u l-5 distrett. Marion Mizzi rinomata fis-sahha u l-isbuhija. Ghal kull ghajnuna cemplilna fuq 77451587.

I couldn’t work out what it’s meant to be. ‘Rinomata fis-sahha u l-isbuhija’. Is she touting for business for Myoka here, or for votes?

Am I meant to ring that number to book a facial and get a list of the steamed vegetables I should be eating, or am I meant to phone her for…what, exactly?

A job? Help to reach the polling station on March 9th? I can fish my own pills out of the lavatory, thank you.

Left click on the image to read the unbelievable bumph.

Read the unbelievable bumph on Marion Mizzi’s Facebook promo.

30 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Dafny, I think I’ll call her since I need a sensation of confidece.

    P.S. Out with Foreigners!

  2. maryanne says:

    We will soon have a Ministru tas-Sbuhija (not l-isbuhija). She will be the busiest of them all.

    I still have to hear her delivering a political speech or taking part in a political discussion, without reading from a prepared script.

  3. pm says:

    Il-moviment iwieghed li jaghti lil Maltin u l-Ghawdxin kors kif tisbih b’xejn.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Dawn ma kienux kontra s-sbuhija shiha?

  5. Jozef says:

    Pursuing a happier and healthier lifestyle requires great ‘administrative support’.

    Marion promises that with your vote your future can ‘only get better’.

    Do I have to wax my chest to land a job in reception?

  6. myname says:

    “…achieve a sensation of more security, confide[n]ce, and control.”

    She’s promising us a sensation. It sounds real nice but I tend to prefer having REAL job and economic security, REAL confidence in the ability of who is leading the country, and REAL control over my own future rather than just the sensation of all that.

    Maybe she should stick to the day job.

  7. the happy one says:

    Iva Baxxter, Svedizi fil-Mediterran.

  8. maria says:

    Marion Mizzi the dietician needs to get to work fast on half the Labour Party, most notably its leader.

  9. P Shaw says:

    In the past, the MLP parliamentary group included yoga instructor Rita Law. Given her positive contribution to politics and the degree of intellectual debate, they now decided to double up and add Marion Mizzi to the group.

  10. Marisa Borg says:

    Din zgur taqta it-tixhim.

  11. Wilson says:

    Where will she work if elected? In the obesity department?

    [Daphne – People who are elected work in parliament.]

    • Wilson says:

      Putting the question in a different manner: What sort of contribution could she bring to parliament or otherwise?

  12. observer says:

    What, on earth, does she mean with all the gibberish and nonsense she expects us to read?

    Incidentally, was that photo taken against the background of Marsaxlokk harbour?

  13. village says:

    In the meantime, 3 out of every 5 families in Italy do not have enough income to make it to the end of the month and invariably resort to the little savings they may have. Rai Uno

  14. GiovDeMartino says:

    It is a fact that in the 70s and 80s the problem of overweight and obese persons was not as serious as it is now, thanks to the Labour regime, import substitution and no money in our pockets.

  15. Wilson says:

    I am tired of hearing that the Nationalist government has had 25 years to do many things.

    The issue is, it is factual that the Nationalist government has done many things, whilst we haven’t heard as much as a whistle from the opposition in 25 years except for NO to the EU.

    Few will understand that many people have actually come back to Malta because it joined the EU.

  16. Lomax says:

    So if she’s elected, we’ll all become thinner?

  17. La Redoute says:

    Do these people ever reread what they write? It sounds like she’s campaigning for hand jobs.

  18. Spiru says:

    Sensajxin tal-banana mill-gabbana tal-MMU

  19. Riya says:

    Dik serjeta’ minn naha tal -Labour.

    Jahsbu li kullhadd tajjeb ghal politika! Basta biex jirbhu.

    Mur ara nies bhal din Marion Mizzi, Silvio Parnis, Joe Mizzi, Joe Debono Grech, Karmenu Vella u qatta kandidati li Joseph Muscat qieghed jacetta bl’addocc x’kapacitajiet u x’visjoni jista’ jkollom ghall-pajjiz f’perjidu ktuccjali bhal dan li qieghedin fih?

    Dak imissu janalizza l-votant Malti qabel imur jivvota ghax fin-nofs hemm il-futur ta’ pajjizna u ta’ uliedna u ta’ min hu gej warajna.

    Nispera li hadd ma’ ga nesa minn liema purkatorju addejna biex telaq mill-gvern il-partit Laburista u minn xiex addejna tul il-legislaturi Laburisti!

    Possibli haqna nergghu nigu hekk u bla idejat u bla vizjoni ?

    Possibli li l-poplu Malti ma’ taghllimx u jrid gvern li jmexxi gurnata b’gurnata u bla skopijiet u pjanijiet ta’ xejn?

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