Labour’s Election 2013 CD: one of the tracks is called AHNA IMISS

Published: February 23, 2013 at 2:18pm

8 Comments Comment

  1. After listening to this, I’m off to kill myself.

  2. Adam says:

    ‘Ahna tal-lejber so high’ Must have been recorded at the Safi or Attard kazini.

  3. Mallia says:

    F$&k me sideways with a chainsaw!

    I’ve just had a vision of Snobby and the rest of the gang playing this music out loud from the back of a truck on March 10.

  4. SPAM says:

    Even the music they cannot create themselves, they had to copy it from U2 and other artists.

  5. Edward says:

    Dr Muscat talks about moving forward and says that his party is the party to make Malta more European. He says that his party no longer uses the politics of the past and is a new and improved PL.

    However, the way in which he tries to manipulate the people and demonise any PN supporter is him admitting that his supporters still think in terms of tribal politics. Ahna Imiss? Please. Why should anyone give a damn about whose turn it should be?

    People who vote PN don t do it because of family pressure. That video they made shows an offensive stereotype which could only have been cooked up by a diehard and bitter PL fanatic because anyone who does not resent other political parties would not have portrayed supporters of other parties as stupid, illogical and “pepe”.

    How would the PL have reacted had the PN created a similar video portraying a narrow minded and offensive image of PL supporters?

    Is that what the PL thinks of the middle class? If so, why on earth would anyone want to be like that? If that’s what the PL wants to turn the country into: I’m out- and proud.

  6. OMG says:


  7. P Shaw says:

    When Alfred Saint decided to quit as MLP leader, Joseph Muscat wrote an open letter to him on l-Orizzont, which he concluded with the words “Inhobbok, inhobbok, inhobbok, Joseph”. Fast forward a few months and he then pretended he never existed (same as KMB).

    Now ironically, this CD is titles as Inhobbkom. Does anyone doubt what the fate of the poor Malthese once he clingets the power he desperately wants?

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