Labour’s inspiration: a supermarket coupon business called ‘I’m In’

Published: February 8, 2013 at 2:46am

Here’s the home page from

supermarket coupons

7 Comments Comment

  1. Marie says:

    Cry the beloved country

  2. Min Jaf says:

    As the cock said to the bottom. Emblema gdida ghat-Tieni Reppublika ta Malta taht govern ta Joseph Muscat.

  3. Josette Jones says:

    So that’s why they put those big mobile phones everywhere: so we can be in when we’re out.

  4. ciccio says:

    Offerti tal-gurnata fuq il-brand “Mintoffianomics.”

    10% discount fuq il-kavalli tal-bott.

    20% discount fuq l-incova tal-landa.

    30% discount fuq it-tonn taz-zejt.

    Ic-cikkulata Desserta giet dezertata u qed noffruha b’xejn.

  5. Tabatha White says:

    Is this the modern bulk-buying?

  6. ron says:

    Mal-Lejber safe. Sorry they meant mal-lejber sejf.

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