Labour’s switcher has gone and switched again. Gosh, how unreliable of him.

Published: February 18, 2013 at 8:15pm

Kevin J Drake
That IS the SPIRIT! Thank you Michael Briguglio and Alternattiva Demokratika for always having been at the forefront in campaigning for real action and greater awareness in relation to M.E., Fm and on behalf of sufferers of these and other unrecognized chronic and degenerative conditions. Your consistent credentials as a Voice for the most Vulnerable are as solid as the ideals you represent. Exemplary in every aspect, to be sure. I am grateful and appreciative. Thank you.

13 Comments Comment

  1. Sufa says:

    Quite frankly, I don’t think he’s all there any longer.

  2. Miss O'Brien says:

    No you’re not grateful and appreciative. You ‘re an ungrateful and an unappreciative wanker, Kevin.

  3. Cassolinho says:

    Mhux ahjar is-switchers jiddeciedu jivvutaw AD milli Lejber!

    • D. Borg says:


      I’m afraid you are wrong.

      The PN stalwarts prefer that someone votes Labour rather than AD.

      It is the loss of absolute one party governments that they dread, rather than spending some time in opposition and then regaining absolute control when the tide changes.

      Labour think likewise.

  4. Curious says:

    Oops here we go. What did i tell you yesterday! The real reason is not conviction but convenience. Threatening to switch unless he is offered his medication for ME. Now even Alternattiva is playing to the tune. Why ME and not any other disease?

    Or why not provide all medicines under the sun for free.

    What will happen with a PL government is that the economy will be so messed up that even the current 1300+ medicines currently given for free wont be sustainable and patients will have to start paying.

    U mbaghad l ghajta tkun – il mard taghna lkoll…. U bil-hlas.

  5. Herbie says:

    I strongly agree with you, Sufa.

    Pity great pity poor Kevin and I sincerely mean it.

  6. Aunt Hetty says:

    The man is quite clearly sick and his thought processes not up to standard. Typical of the illness he says he is suffering from.
    It is shameful of the PL to take advantage of the fragile frame of mind and mood of this poor guy to try scoring political points.

    • Manweli says:

      I fully agree with you. Same old Labour tactics.

    • TGTBT says:

      I agree with you, because I know that he cannot afford to pay for his meds, and for him to ‘save’ himself I’m sure they must have promised him full medical care. They have stooped that low, but I don’t blame Kevin. He is in dire straits and really had no choice.

      [Daphne – You don’t know the half of it, I’m afraid, and by saying this you insult his very patient former wife, who supported him for years while he lazed about and would certainly have no objection to paying for medication for the father of her children, because she still respects him even though he treated her so unforgiveably badly. He’s either lying, or he’d rather throw himself on the mercy of the Labour Party, out of spite.]

  7. mikiel says:

    The political parties need to start offering free shrinks.

  8. Athina says:

    My first thought on seeing him on John Bundy’s programme is that he is trying to spite his ex wife.

  9. Bob says:

    I remember the MLP taking advantage of a former MP as well who was on medication. They have no shame.

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