Lawrence Gonzi now on Dissett on TVM2
February 23, 2013 at 10:00pm
I missed the first half, with Joseph Muscat. But I’ll catch it later on TVM. I gather from the messages I received that Reno’s questions were quite good and that Muscat’s furrow made an immediate appearance when he was asked about the blokka bajda that became a blokka silg.
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Yes, he was so uncomfortable.
Reno was very good. Even a Labourite can see through Muscat.
My faith in Reno is restored.
Reno very soft on Joseph Muscat.
I can just imagine Joseph Muscat sitting on that sofa pushed into a wrought iron railing (what the hell is that anyway), in his mittleklass living room admiring himself on Dissett and as usual devouring this blog.
Pissed off that you didn’t watch him on tv and flattered that you are going to watch the repeat.
Gonzi is so confident in his arguments even though Reno is trying his best to trip him
I loved it when Reno mentioned that one of the causes of Cyprus’s economic woes are due to the explosion of their power station. He walked right into that one. Looks like Muscat is really planning to follow in Cyprus’ footsteps by planting two gas tanks close to our own power station.
Missed first part of Joseph
Gonzi was impressive tonight. Clear, sincere, decisive and with a vision. He seems so fresh.
You can stream anything you miss from the TVM website
Joseph bhas-soltu beda jahrab hafna mil-mistoqsijiet li ghamillu Reno u Dr Gonzi kien konvincenti hafna fit twegibiet tieghu, u imbghad Owen Bonnici fuq Facebook kiteb illi qatt ma ra li Dr Gonzi irrabjat, skomdu u mahruq daqs illum, ara veru dawn tal-Labour saru partit tal-gideb.
What a grilling Reno gave to Joseph. The polls will be interesting tomorrow.
Yes, as if MaltaToday can call up 500 people tonight, analyse the data, do the write up, and still make it in time for the printing deadline.
Watched both. There is no subtle way of saying this, but one is a statesman whilst the other is man in a state.
Cyprus is in a mess because the power station blew up – sure three days without power can bankrupt a country and yet our movement of progressives wishes to build an LNG terminal next to our only source of power, so intelligent.
If I heard him right, might need hearing aids, he said he never mentinoned a blokka silg.
Reno Bugeja did somethng I never heard him do, which was to very clearly tut-tut on a number of occasions when Dr. Muscat’s answers were, to say the least, questionable.
He also inferred that he spent ten years working in the EU. Malta joined nine years ago and he spent four years (2004 to 2008) as an MEP.
We must admit Joseph Muscat is good. His outlook is fresh and modern. He says “xiz-zikk” on national television. Coolio….
Kemm hu simpatiku hux! Il-hin kollu jsemmi l-arloggi waqt li jurina tieghu li probabbli jiswa hafna iktar minn dak l-imbarazz ta’ arlogg li qala Tonio Fenech.
Joseph were kemm hu cool ghax ghal daqsxejn ma h’arbitlux u kien ser jitkellem biz-zokk.
Kemm hu puerili li hlief l-arlogg ma jsemmix meta jaf bic-cert li l-arlogg li qala Tonio kien wiehed ta’wahda li ghandha delizju li taghmel replika ta’l-arloggi tal-Lira. Jekk il-lejber qed jinsistu li dan l-arlogg jiswa il fuq min 5000 ewro imisshom jixtruh, ghax Tonio lest ibieghu, u jirkantawh meta jaghmlu il-kampanja ta; gbir ta’fondi ghal partit.
I strongly suggest that you listen to Gonzi’s comments at INT U L-KANDIDATI at Ghajnsielem today. Was a good one.
Looks like Michelle was caught on mike at the end of Bla Agenda asking “kif mort?”
So she did and Josette Grech telling her ‘tajjeb’.
And if I heard correctly, Josette went on ‘ma tridx tiehu ghalik.’
Perhaps it is important to note that Dr Muscat and the PL are using “The Secret” and NLP techniques to attract voters.
This new religion came out of Silicon Valley in California, I believe, during the 1980s. The mastermind behind it all was a sociopath computer programmer and is the reason why we have books called ” How to make friends and influence people”. Books that teach people how to manipulate others. (Read “Lost at Sea” by Jon Ronson to see how bad this religion really is)
This whole movement is very lucrative because people are so afraid of being negative and unsuccessful that they are willing to spend hundreds of pounds to go to these stupid workshops and work on their positive energy.
It is a dangerous philosophy because it is all about re-enforcing self delusion. It also makes criticism impossible as anyone who is heard talking in a way that is seen as “negative” is ostracized . And by negative I mean not drinking the coolaid.
I believe this is so because of their usual come back of ” You are so negative. Leave us alone and wallow in your negativity.” The reasoning behind this is, pointing out flaws in politicians’ policies is negativity not common sense. See how this works.
Well, positive thinking will only get you so far. The rest exists in reality which we will all have to deal with.
The technique described in “The Secret” is very Maltese. In fact we have a word which is unique – tmaqdar – which is used to put down anyone who criticises anything.
We’ve even invented the artificial term “constructive criticism” to describe what is in fact non-criticism.
In a nutshell, don’t get me started about this. I’ve been on the receiving end of the ostracism for two decades now.
You should read Lost at Sea. It’s quite a good account of what really happens in those situations.
Is this Edward Clemmer?
I have this theory that Socratic dialectic is completely alien to Maltese culture.
I have often said that we’re but one step away from North Africa, and it shows in our politics. We resolve conflict not by violence (place is too small, crowded and isolated, and the demographic balance rules against it) but by building a wall of resistance which precludes any dialogue at all.
The political contest then turns into a scrum. It’s about who can push harder (i.e. the one with the higher turnout at mass meetings, the one with the loudest crowd, the one who can talk loudest on Xarabank, the one who gets cheered, the one with the most massive billboards, etc. As if that were any sign of competence in government.)
Edward, Very good. Excellent. It’s not only that. There’s a product a good deal more local that they are using very well but with the difference that they are using it for the wrong values and negatively. The positive image portrayed is a sham for the underlying negative intentions.
Joseph first made contact with this local product on Mintoff’s instructions in the very early years of 2000 – ask Glen – and has been following through ever since with specific direct renewed contact in 2009.
Of particular relevance besides the main claim to fame is a book published in 1977: What to do when ego is larger than performance is one of the topics touched upon. “New-truthing” (under another name) is another. It too is based on a similar “Positive” purpose. There are lots of other direct connections to Joseph within the LP that have studied this further. Eman Pulis etc. is one example. Alfred Sant, AST, Varist, JAM, are all fans. They have had in-house training in this.
Important to note that RCC, in particular, was sceptical. He had other information at hand.
This person’s entire career functions in the same way as the lies we have been seeing from Joseph. What he counts as assets in his basket, did not originate as his. These too were taken, brazenly, and to the detriment of other persons and their reputation. The first recorded instance of this happened in the mid-80’s, and the FBI were on to it. The lawyers that leant upon and brought in to institute court room bully tactics against the victims were non other than Robert Maxwell’s – of the Mirror Pensions Scam. (Maxwell later committed suicide). The victims were described as “indigent” by their own lawyer in the face of this. He is good at covering his tracks. Usually zero evidence exists, or zeroed evidence – by any which way.
20 years later, the same victims who were hounded by defamatory public comment by this one person from one continent to another, were forced to put out a public statement on the net as to what happened. There is an 80 page document on-line which lays out the outline of this.
By which I mean to say: Do not take this penchant for lying lightly. It is an evil that will infect the country as sure as sure is sure. When used this way, I have seen it happen. It is as you say a We’re In” “You’re out” club. It takes time to discover, to understand the full ramifications, to see. The Jekyll and Hyde aspect is not refined at the moment: one can still see the creases where the lies are, where the evidence was. Soon, the art will be perfected and it will get seamless. That will be Manwel’s job.
I battled the negative values. In such cases, designed mobbing is instituted to oust. The attack tactics are the classic ones but so well-bolstered through the persuasion, and the envy of the “We’re In” Others to gain position. It is of the same nature as the Pyramid Scams. Each person investing in: what? Promises that will have to be renegotiated time and time again with each failed investment for the promise of a more lucrative one each time. Ironically, this is precisely how Joseph’s career bloomed.
Reasons given deflect from throwing the blame on the main person – in this case Joseph. He will perforce remain the illuminated, with a pristine polished shell, whilst others around him will be felled with routine certainty to make way for the new blood and reinforcement: The new promises to make up the bottom layer.
That is what we will see in structure here. Joseph has learnt to be a professional conman. A snake-oil artist par excellence. The student may well surpass the mentor in delusion and mass application.
I really want to talk to you. How can we make contact?
I believe that Reno was very good. He did manage to have Muscat deviating from the questions asked during the interview, besides interrupting Reno with a “bil-mod, ha nghidlek!” every now and then.
On the other hand, Gonzi was relaxed, calm and confident, besides being effective.
Another bombshell.
‘…..Asked to comment on the fact that lawyer (and former police inspector) David Gatt was also involved in the management audit of George Farrugia’s company, Mr Fenech said such a question should be referred to the MLP, which had also welcomed Dr Gatt..’
Joseph :Jien nghidlek Chris , li il-kaz seta’ gie ihendiljat ahjar.
Mela , seta’ Joseph ma jigdibx u jipprova jhawwad l-imhuh.
Mela seta’ ma johhrogx lil Toni ta’ vaz u l-ewwel jghidu li l-mexxej ma kien jaf assolutament xejn dwar dan il-kaz u wara li harget xhieda li tghid bil-kontra, johrog Joseph u jghid kemm jiftakar il-kaz bid-dettalji kollha tieghu.
Kif rajtha jien u hafna nies bhali : Joseph qal lil Toni biex izommu ‘l-boghod kemm jista’ jkun mid-droga ta’ Hal-Safi , Toni obdieh , x’hin inkixfet naqr’ iktar il-borma Joseph ma kellux triq ohra hlief li jiddikjara li kien jaf bil-kaz, jew ahjar li ivvinta u qal gidba lil-Malta kollha.
L-eqreb triq ,it-triq tas-sewwa. Meta tghid is-sewwa ma jkollokx bzonn tiftakar x’kont ghidt qabel waqt li tkemmex mohhok.
Is-sewwa hija bhal matematika, iddurilha minn fejn iddurilha , dejjem twasslek ghal-istess twegiba tajba.
Meta tinghad gidba qatt ma twasslek ghal-istess twegiba.
Michelle’s mother attends the day centre at Rabat, and this is run by the Rabat council.
It came to my ears that most of the people that attend take presents for Michelle and Joseph kids.
They bake sweets and send some to Michelle and Joseph too. Who knows what’s behind sending these gifts to Muscat – maybe they want something back in return.