Like all cult leaders and gang leaders, Joseph Muscat uses decorative women to shore up his manhood and make himself seem magnetic
Marion Mizzi wrote on Facebook that women would rather have beauty than brains because men can see more clearly than they can think.
That comment was quickly wiped away because it’s not progressive and feminist enough.
Well, she clearly has no brains because if she had, she would have noticed that it’s a whole lot more complicated than that, which is why, in the most famous example in the history of the planet, the Prince of Wales couldn’t get away fast enough from the ludicrously lovely Diana and has clung to the rather unlovely Camilla for the best part of his lifetime.
And Wallis Simpson had a kingdom given up for her, but she was rather unusual-looking.
Marion Mizzi probably thinks that Carla Bruni got to be first lady of France after laying half the rock world because she is beautiful. Yes, that too – but there are legions of beautiful ladies and what made the difference is the fact that she is as sharp as they come.
You will notice how the Labour Party has serious trouble with women who don’t look, dress, make up and groom themselves like try-hard Silvio Berlusconi show-girls on cheap Italian morning television. This is the Labour idea of womanhood and success. How tragic.
Now we are going to have a diet queen in parliament, in true Berlusconi fashion. Ms Mizzi clearly operates by her own mantra. She is in her late 50s but has been facelifted, puckered and suckered so dramatically that she has now taken on the ‘Hollywood skull’ look, where the skin is pulled so tightly on an old face that you can clearly see the skull beneath, while the mouth achieves the proportions of a letterbox slot.
This is yet another aspect of the Cult of JosephMuscatDotCom. Like all sect leaders (and for that matter, gang leaders) from the pettiest to the most notorious, he surrounds himself with decorative ladies as a means of shoring up his manhood and building up his own power and attraction in the eyes of others.
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Ms Mizzi also seems to have taken a couple of tits, sorry, tips from Antonella tas-Snobby.
It looks like she had her breasts done, too.
They seem to lean a little to the left. Part of a cunning plan?
And a boob job as well by the look of it
From the film Videocracy.
A must see if anyone wants to understand what Labour’s doing.
I see that Ms Mizzi also got the full deal grapefruit treatment.
Are you saying she is a PL candidate?
Sorry for being so incredulous but I am.
Not only that this person would stand for election but that anyone would vote for her.
Pure mental.
All silicone and no brains.
It’s amazing what bloody inappropriate things Labour is doing. And this when still not in government.
The party’s general conference should have been held at the party headquarters, not the Eden Ice Arena. This was not merely a visit to a factory or a private enterprise. This was a General Conference of the Malta Labour Party. All the party delegates were there.
Their manifesto was being approved. And what do they do? They simply confirm what their critics are banging on about… their close ties with businesses are being confirmed in front of one and all.
I’m not saying that there’s no fiscal receipt in respect of this transaction – God forbid shouldn’t there be one – but that this whole mess was simply inappropriate.
In other words, “sotto il vestito, niente”
There are those of us in more traditional porofessions, not the female-oriented beauty business, who are not delighted with looking too young.
Clients have mistaken me for my secretary/assistant.
So, no, Marion, you’re wrong. Women appreciate having brains.
Incidentally even at home, not only at the work-place, witty banter keeps my husband keener than a prettier face would.
Labour – an insult to intelligence. And with a comment like that on Facebook Ms. Mizzi is an insult to female intelligence. What a shame.
jagħti + lilHom = jagħtiHom
jagħti + lilKom = jagħtiKom
inġibu + lilHom = inġibuHom
inġibu + lilKom = inġibuKom
[Daphne – Pointless telling me. I got that picture off Facebook, writing and all.]
Another famous example of “brains over looks” would be John Lennon and Yoko Ono.
Are you watching Karmenu on TVM? I think there might be another political murder tomorrow.
Joseph Muscat qieghed jghid li ghandu 52% kandidati ta’ esperjenza u li ilhom jimmilitaw fil-partit minn zmien Mintoff. Jigiefieri dan qed jirreferi ghal Joe Debono Grech, Marie Louise Coleiro, Karmenu Vella, Leo Brincat, Joe Mizzi, Dr. Refalo ta’ Ghadex, it-tabib Vella taz-Zejtun, Evarist Bartolo, Joe Mizzi etc.
Jista’ jghid lill-poplu dawn kollha x’qatt ghamlu jew kisbu ghall-pajjiz?
Imbaghad qal ukoll li ghandu 48% ta’ Kandidati godda.
Veru imma jekk tifli min huma dawn in-nies issib li huma nies bla sugu bhal Silvio Parnis, Debora Schembri li kull meta titkellem suppost dwar politika hlief hdura lejn in-Nazzjonalisti ma tohrogx u xejn sugu politiku, Marion Mizzi, m’hemmx ghalfejn nighdu xejn!, Bastjan Muscat ta’ hal-Qormi, ex pulizija u bniedem bla sinifikat ta’ sejn, Jason Micallef il-king u qatt ma hareg bi proposta tajba, Luciano Busuttil sar Laburist ghax missieru spicca bla xoghol, Hose Herrera, il-familja tieghu xebat tiehu pjaciri taht il-Labour, David farrugia Sacco, illum kullhadd sar jaf x’tip ta’ familja gej minnha, Justin Caruana, Malta taghna lkoll, Manuel Mallia, l’aktar bnieden ezamplari ta’ kif ghandha tkun familja, Charles Azzopardi it-terapista tal-familja li jghid li llum hawn l’aks, Joseph Muscat innifsu, bla esperjenza politika ta’ xejn u jrid imexxi pajjiz, etc.
Jista’ xi hadd jghidli u jispjegali b’dawn it-tip ta’ nies fil-Gvern il-pajjiz fejn se jmur?
Ghal gol-hajt, Riya. Ghal. Gol. Hajt. .com
All he needs in his cabinet now is a member of the (fake) boob brigade.
“Muscat hails strong team.”
OK, let’s see who we have here. I can see the following:
1. Karmenu il-Guy Vella, well known for the Tunny Net episode. In the 1980s, while he was a prominent Labour Minister in the government of Prime Minister KMB Zero, he was driven around by il-Botom.
2. George Studenti Abjetti Vella. The first thing he did when he was appointed Foreign Affairs Minister in 1996, was that of travelling to Brussels to freeze Malta’s EU application.
3. Marlene Pullicino, no sorry, Farrugia. Less said…
4. Lidia Verdala Garden Plaques Abela. She is married to the son of the man who Dr. Gonzi appointed as President of the Republic. According to her husband, GonZiPn is a click.
5. Noel Widien Artna Farrugia. Labour’s ‘potential’ spokesman for all Africa.
6. Anthony Agius Decelis. He specialises in organising weekend family breaks with the Decelis.
7. Evarist Commie Bartolo. The former Labour Education Minister of 1996-1998 who changed students’ stipends into loans.
8. Leo Herr Flick Brincat. The one who appluaded Dom Mintoff when the latter proposed to arm his supporters. That moment is immortalised in a video on YouTube.
9. Helena Audit and Redeployment Dalli. When Helena Dalli was Parliamentary Secretary in 1998, the New Labour Government of Dr. Alfred Sant was found guilty of politically discriminating against Angela Callus.
10. Luciano “Hi, I Am the Hamrun Mayor” Busuttil. He celebrates a lot of important events every 17 December.
11. Silvio Minister for the Sawt Parnis. He helps with the retrieval of ‘tablets’ dropped in toilets.
12. Emmanuel Mallia. Tal-jerrycans.
13. Profs. Edward Scicluna. The future Labour Minister of Finance who published statements saying that student stipends and free health care are not sustainable. In 2005, this Professor of Mintoffianomics was engaged by the FOI as a secretary to write the FOI’s document about the pre-budget document, or so he wants us to believe.
14. Franco Mercieca. He complained because he has to wait in a queue for his turn to catch the Gozo Ferries service to Malta every morning.
15. Dr. Chris Cardona. This lawyer and former Super One news anchorman said on Bondi+ that the PN is financed by big business but then in support of his claim he refers to a case where a businessman is suing the PN for amounts due.
16. Jose Herrera. No comment.
17. Marie Louise Coleiro Preca. Hadn’t she said she would not be contesting? She had complained about threats and intimidation made against her and her family because she had said she would vote against divorce.
18. Joanne “Viva l-Labour” Vella Cuschieri. She is a GWU lawyer. Enough said.
19. Charles Azzopardi. Have the ones at the Centru Nazzjonali shaved his hair as yet?
20. Anthony tie-me-up Zammit.
21. Toni Rubber Puppets Abela – is he a candidate?
I apologise to the ones I left out.
Labour has a quantity, but not quality.
Today Labour said that its electoral proposals will cost EUR 732 million. PN said theirs will cost EUR 1.1 billion.
If PN is pledging not to increase taxes on the contrary it is already planning to reduce them, then with simple mathematics its clear that the nation will be getting a better package with PN then with PL.
And PL has not yet committed itself to balancing the books or, as PN is aiming, having a surplus.
Is the Euro 732 before or after they make profits off their private/partnership plans, i.e. after they increase our taxes?
And is it before or after the Euro 400m on the power ‘unit’?
And it was clearly before Karmenu Vella fudged everything by showing that no costings have been done and that they’re going to run the country on a wing and a prayer.
Did Labour publish the numbers? I want to see all numbers in a neat table.
I am a doubting Thomas.
Most telling in PL’s costings is that the gas pipeline seems to be left out if their sum total is that low.
‘women would rather have beauty than brains because men can see more clearly than they think’
Agree, this Marion Mizzi as far as I know she is no fully qualified person like her friend Rita Law, the other fitness instructor.
And perhaps the men she is thinking of are those who, like her MLP colleague Silvio Parnis, have a very low IQ.
kellek bzon andek farka zbuhija milli anda marion
[Daphne – Ma nahdimx ta’ beautician, laburist. Fix-xoghol tieghi (kif anke fil-politika), ghandek bzonn hag’ ohra.]
Laburist, qabel ma tghid li Marion Mizzi sabiha, arha xi darba tiehu xi kafe’ f’kafeterrija partikolari bhal ma rajtha jien, filghodu, u minghajr make-up u wara kellimni.
Ma rridx nohrog ta’ laghqi, imma Daphne isbah. U jien rajtha live, laburist, mhux bhalek.
Just for once,I agree. The fact that she is so intelligent , makes her SABIHA.
Perhaps in some years time,she might need some re-doing, but please don’t touch her brains.
Jaqaw il-laburisti kollha bil-false nails li jehlulhom mal-keyboard?
Il-maggoranza, iva.
Imsieken, Gonzi qeridhom – ghalhekk jaghmluhom, biex kif jaqbadhom il-guh joqghodu jieklu lilhom.
Nisa koroh tal-plastik u miksijin kisja zebgha joghgbukhom lilkhom il-laburisti, laburist.
Is-sbuhija naturali u l-intelligenza f’mara mhux biss ma tikkalkulawhiex, izda tghidulha li hi kruha.
Ara il-vera Malti trid tkun.
X’mentalita’, jahasra.
Truth is that a particular breed of many men are rather intimidated by women with brains.
The fact that this woman hits the nail on the head every time and shows them clearly how things ought to be done must cause them no end of irritation.
Hats off to you in every respect Daphne. Wish more had your guts, perspicacity and no-nonsense approach to life.
That comment she made was a disgrace and an offense to all women who intelligently, prefer to have brains. If brains are coupled with beauty, then that’s a bonus, but brains definitely outweigh beauty.
On another note, Karmenu Vella on Bondi+ was discussing the PL ‘electoral programme’. One issue and comment in particular really bugged me.
He was discussing the proposal of delivering medicines at home to those elderly who can’t pick them up themselves.
Fair enough…but to say “mhux kemm tqabbad erba drivers?” was quite unprofessional.
So what are they proposing? That these ‘drivers’ will pick up the prescriptions from the patient to take them to the pharmacy and then go after a few days to pick up their medicines from said pharmacy and deliver them to their homes?
Will the temperature-control regulations, that distributors and pharmacists are so closely monitored for, be kept?
Or will these drivers just put the boxes in the van and off they go, regardless of fridge items etc? We are talking about roughly 25,000 people here. How exactly is this system going to work?
After watching Bondi+ all I can say is that they do not know what they are doing.
It is just marketing for obtaining votes.
Forget what Toni said – consider it done. I am suspecting that his time in politics is up. We will not be able to get back to him when ‘it’s not done’.
How true…..
ma taghrax as if all the teachers will take the sabbatical at the same time…why should they all take it at the same time?
ma nafx ta, jiena I coordinated only, ta, I don’t know the numbers…
of course we weren’t just going to give the templates to the year 4 students….
Which experts think our energy plan is good, name at least one expert who thinks our plan is good..
Not just Joseph will resign ta, if the power unti fails, but all parliament…
Why should we not agree the cost of the operation with the provate sector, mela people play with health..
Hekk, it depends u, if it’s an operation that can wait, it will wait ta, if it’s life threatening mhux ovvja they will be operated on immediately
Ghalfejn qieghdin tiddubbitaw, Jekk Joseph ghal li jista jsir, jsir…. no matter the cost
There’s one thing they’re fully aware of, no doubt determined to deliver.
Karmenu Vella said that planning scandals cannot ever be the applicant’s responsibility, just the officers’.
And that, my dears, is what will do away with the spirit of the new regulations. Muscat termed these applicants ‘clients’.
I sincerely hope someone challenges him on this. It is in the public’s interest.
BA permitting.
Like practically everything else handled by Labour, it won’t. If the scheme will ever be introduced, that is.
Like il-Guy said, “Isma, dawn mhux bilfors isiru l’ewwel sena. Jistghu jsiru wara sena, sentejn, tlieta…” Sort of, taf int, laqwa li nkunu hadna il-voti w ikolna il-gvern f’idejna, umbaghad fuck all, x’ala z$$bbna mil-votanti w il-konsegwenzi fuq il- pajjiz.
Today I had the displeasure of watching a totally controlled (one way by Il-Guy) Bondi+. It’s normally an entertaining debate programme. These people don’t know how to ‘Live and let live’. Can’t they retire once and for all.
Wicca jidher li hu falz bhal partit li hierga mieghu.
Milli jidher, ma hix l-unika parti falza li ghandha f’gisimha.
Another proposal that definitely sounded atrocious was the one re security guards at schools.
So these will create some new jobs for the boys and at the same time cause the children a lot of stress and anxiety by giving schools a Fort Knox atmosphere.
The present security steps in schools are enough, thank you very much.
Once again the movement-sic- is not fit for purpose.
‘kellek bzon andek farka zbuhija milli anda marion’
Trid tkun vera bniedem tad-dahk, redikolu u irrelevanti biex tikteb kumment medjokru bhal dan fuq dan is-sit.
Mhux ghax nifhem jew nista’ naghti kontribut fil-politika imma ghax ‘nahseb’ li jien sabiha.
go through the comments on her wall – so many people congratulating her for being another pretty PL candidate.
and she hasn’t deleted any of those comments.
Female politicians to be reckoned with would scorn such attention (Hilary Clinton, Julia Gillard…..)
Agreed. Simpering and batting eyelashes for being congratulated for being a pretty wanna-be politician?
Give me the brains any time.
Karmenu Vella qal dwar l-ideja brillanti li ghandu biex iwassal il-medicini lix-xjuh
“mhux kemm tqabbad erba drivers?”
L’iktar ikunu xi erba’ bhal BOTOM jibaghtomlok wara l-bieb!
Din il-proposta qiegheda wkoll fil-programm tal-Labour? Vera trid tkun gharef!
In District 12, there are 7 PN and 13 PL nominees, almost twice as many.
If the number one votes are the best, why so many candidates?
Isn’t the PL vote diluted?
That’s not a dimple on her chin, it is her belly button gone up high with her face lifts.
Cripes! You mean that beard is…
could you please provide your email address again? i saw it a few days ago but can’t find it now
[Daphne – [email protected]]
Ma’ Marion Mizzi nkunu lesti biex nissikaw ic-cinturin taht il-Labour. Hey. Hey.
Hilarious – Love it. What was Marion Mizzi thinking about when she decided to contest this election?
Surely promoting herself and her business, and little else.
Great, another minister for Joseph Muscat. Marion Mizzi….Minister for Plastic Affairs.
With 58% ‘mature’ candidates hailing from the horrific times of Mintoff and KMB, several of whom still think that those times were the ‘golden years,’ how can anyone claim with a straight face that the PL is a ‘ progressive’ movement and, as claimed by a speaker in the latest PL mass meeting, the events of the 70s and 80s cannot recur.
Great- Another minister for Joseph Muscat’s cabinet. Marion Mizzi….Minister for Plastic Affairs.
Seems this Muscat is copying Berlusconi by surrounding himself with brainless pretty women.
Anyway if Labour wins, we can only blame the P.N. and the voters who have flipped sides. Need to understand why they flipped sides.
I wonder what Ms Mizzi’s views on precarious labour are.
But how ” is-sewwa jirbah zgur”!!! I never showed signs of family beauty and I knew right from the start.Never complained I was happy with my face and body. it built my character and sustained my brains. But I am even happier I followed my brains by sticking to PN for good reasons instead of changing positions where the wind blows. Bad counsel renders beauty useless.