Line-up tal-genn (literally)

Published: February 17, 2013 at 11:58pm
A couple of sexagenarians from the Mintoff years and a Brussels sprout. Just fantastic.

A couple of sexagenarians from the Mintoff years and a Brussels sprout. Just fantastic.

10 Comments Comment

  1. Sufa says:

    The daft-Magic-Kiosk-takeaway-milkshake-maker turned Brussels-sprout. Whoever would have thought?

  2. ian says:

    And more than half the population are about to vote for them.

  3. ciccio says:

    Ir-roadMEPs tal-Muviment iffokat.

  4. rjc says:

    Please take the ‘sex’ out of your caption. It’s revolting when referring to such people.

    ‘Immuffati’ sounds better.

  5. Augustus says:

    The three stooges.

  6. Gian says:

    Where’s the 4th one? Mhux fuq xi cruise ghallijista jkun?

  7. Galian says:

    Kind reminder to everyone that the brussels sprout will be 45 next wednesday. Pathetic.

  8. Sandra says:

    Being his contemporary, Louis would be nice to meet and have a coffee with in Sliema, but it’s so painful to see him trod along BEHIND il-mexxej. His post as an M.E.P. was more befitting.

  9. Tinnat says:

    Brussels sprouts actually taste great if cooked well. To me this guy is a a undercooked frite without sauce.

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