Miss Sharpie Sharpie Eyes has identified the house in the Labour video: Hugh Anastasi’s

Published: February 22, 2013 at 9:53pm

Hugh Anastasi is one of the most annoying switchers around because he is so patently ridiculous.

The main reason he’s switched is because his dear friend, the squalid Consuelo Herrera, who he met fairly recently in historical terms, opened up a whole new world of Super One men to him and threw parties at his house featuring lovely guests from the Labour demi-monde, like that shark, Jason Micallef.

So now he’s Labour not because he’s evaluated their policies and thinks them fantastic, but because he thinks that kind of rough trade is rather jolly.

Here’s our Hugh, all the worse for wear on his sofa in his house (the very same sofa, as it happens, featured in the video above), getting cosy with the Labour crowd. The one with his arm around him is that vulgar midget, Super One cameraman Byon Jo, whose mother was the Labour PomPom girl who opened her legs and displayed her VERY copious labia in the infamous porn video made at Labour HQ in 1990, featuring the Labour Party’s propaganda secretary, one Stephen Ciantar, as a sort of rampant rabbit.

Yes, a porn video shot at Labour HQ (then down at the docks at Il-Macina) featuring the party’s propaganda secretary and the party’s cheerleaders, who were called PomPom Girls. If you can’t believe it, you’d better – and you should also know that that was the least of it.

What the hell is block of cocaine in the Hal Safi club when they had an amateur porn business operating out of their party headquarters when that crackpot fool KMB was leader?

Well, some people in the Labour Party know that sex sells. And I’m not talking about the porn video, either.




An extremely sloshed Hugh Anastasi with Magistrate Herrera and her boyfriend Robert Musumeci, who's the one behaving like an idiot in the background

An extremely sloshed Hugh Anastasi with Magistrate Herrera and her boyfriend Robert Musumeci, who’s the one behaving like an idiot in the background

65 Comments Comment

  1. U ajma, as if says:

    Byon Jo Zammit ta’ Super One on Hugh Anastasi’s Facebook:

    Il gardinar Ruhi !!!! Proset my friend Ure doing a great job with gardening ….!!!! hahahhahahahahahahhahaha

    I see that Hugh Anastasi is now slumming it big time.

    • Wilde One says:

      He’s always been one to fancy a bit of rough. Stronzo.

    • Futur Imcajpar says:

      Here’s a snippet from Byon Jo Zammit’s Facebook:

      Favourite Quotes: You fuck with me, you fuck with the best.

      Hugh Anastasi must really enjoy such thrilling company.

      Oh, the fine arts are going to flourish under Labour. Why haven’t we heard about the ‘New Renaissance’ yet? Or maybe I’ve missed it.

      I’m not swallowing any bitter pills until there’s no escaping them.

  2. manum says:

    Are those Kenneth Zammit Tabona’s paintings featured prominently?

  3. Kevin Zammit says:

    He belongs in Joseph’s skip so no big loss to Nationalist Party there!

  4. Lestrade says:

    But who is Hugh Anastasi?

    [Daphne – If you don’t know then an explanation is irrelevant.]

  5. Bob says:

    Min jaf kemm hadu coke bis-silg.

  6. mark says:

    Nahseb haddet zball f’ahhar sentenza. Riedet tajt ‘se nispara ghar-rasi’ u mhux ‘se nivvota Labour.

  7. Custom Built says:

    The ‘ded’ in this video has always voted Labour and during the last round of local council elections in March 2012 he was either a Labour candidate or an agent on Swieqi.

    He is a state employee – with the Customs Department.

  8. ken il malti says:

    These fruits are easy to bribe.

  9. Marian says:

    This ‘Nationalist mum’ is as Labour as they come. Her name is Karen Magro or Magri, and she was some sort of assistant to Alfred Sant five years ago.

  10. J.V. says:

    That Karen Magro who is portrayed as the extreme Nationalist mother (her horrible acting gives her away) was Alfred Sant’s personal secretary.

  11. Paul Bonnici says:

    This video clip almost made me throw up.

  12. Party of Liars says:

    “Five more years of gideb, inkompetenza, waste”

    Gideb (lies): Hasn’t she been watching Joseph Muscat, Toni Abela, Manwel Mallia, David Farrugia Sacco, Chris Cardona and Evarist Bartolo on Super One this past week?

    Inkompetenza (incompetence): Cyprus, the living wage and the Partnership come to mind.

    Waste: Just look at Labour’s in-your-face electoral campaign.

  13. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Jitnejjku bin-Nazzjonalisti anki f’video li suppost qieghed hemm biex jigbidhom lejn l-MLP.

    Ipingu n-Nazzjonalisti bhala nies li jawwgu bl-Ingliz u bil-Malti b’mod sfurzat.

    Il-messagg ukoll jghid li ghandek tivvota l-MLP b’mibgheda lejn il-PN u mhux ghax l-MLP ghandu proposti ahjar ghall-pajjiz.


    • Party of Liars says:

      Malta Taghna Lkoll.

      This middle class family is the one that will suffer most under a Labour government. They probably own their own property and a business. When JosephMuscatTaghnaLkoll’s incompetence starts to leave its negative effect on the economy, they will be the target of the New Government’s acquisitions, taxes, and threats.

      JosephMuscatTaghnaLkoll will create a new middle class. This family will move to the lower class, while their wealth is redistributed to the Laburisti (remember the Pulizija Laburist?) who will become the new middle class.

  14. RosanneB says:

    Courage to vote? True, you have to have the guts (sic) to vote PL!

  15. stevn gerrard says:

    U il-borma tkompli tithawwad. Malta taghhom lkoll.

  16. GPS says:

    Daph, Hugh lives in Siggiewi? Any connection thereto?

  17. Matthew says:

    The obvious points to make about the advertisement are these:

    1) The family lives in a huge house.

    2) Its walls are covered in paintings, with a few sculptures thrown in for good measure.

    3) Although the man runs some kind of business, he can afford to pay others to run it. (He’s relaxing reading the paper in the middle of the day. Business people whose business is struggling barely get a Sunday off.)

    Why does this family need to change if it is doing so well?

    This Labour Party represents workers (in Maltese the meaning is lost because although we say laburista, labur doesn’t exist. It should be Partit tal-Haddiema).

    If this advertisement represents the average Maltese worker nowadays, then the Nationalist Party has by far exceeded its own expectations.

    This advertisement leads me to conclude that under the Nationalist Party, Malta’s streets have been paved with gold. Surely a good enough reason to vote them back in.

  18. TV Marlene says:

    Se nza*bab, mhux nivvota Labour.

  19. TV Marlene says:

    Dak il-buffu l-Financial Times qed jaqrah?

    L-istess gazzetta li Mintoff kien jiccensura fiz-zmien tad-deheb tal-Lejber?

    Ma tantx se jdum jaqra ahbarijiet sbieh fuq l-FT jekk jitla’ ma min qaleb.

    Li hu zgur li qed jigri bhalissa hu li l-PN qed jitnaddaf u l-imbarazz qed imur wahdu go li-skip. Niftakru, li-skip Taghna Lkoll.

  20. Election Mode says:

    Disgusting, the whole lot of them.

  21. Aunt Hetty says:

    That porn film story is all true.

    It made the news headlines at the time.

    I remember reading about it. I think that the Ciantar guy left man after having to resign as Labour propaganda secretary.

    • TinaB says:


      I remember that someone I knew at the time managed to obtain a copy and I watched a few minutes of it, just out of curiosity.

      If I remember correctly they shot part of the film on an aeroplane.

    • A Montebello says:

      I had seen it. It’s a bit blurry now, but I seem to remember a swivel chair that kept rotating.

      Surely but surely someone out there’s got a copy.

  22. F J Rhodes says:

    There go the dodgy vowels which hang heavily and resolutely on the tongue of the new mittleklass wannabe-puliti and are a dead giveaway of all the nouveau riche hamalli.

    In the words of the pretty young thing bludgeoning her English lines with the tell-tale open ‘e’s in the pathetic video: “What a meaasss!”

  23. philip camilleri says:

    Ssshhh. Ser nivvota Labour bil-mohbi t’ ommok.

    Ha ha ha.

  24. TinaB says:

    Kemm huma ridikoli u amateurs, jahasra.

    Ghax gabru xi nofs tuzzana opportunisti minn tas-Sliema jahsbu li il-partit gabuh aqwa mil-PN.

    U bil-kwalita ta’ Tania is-Snobbijja u il ‘lovley wife’ ta’ Mario l-Bumblu – inkella xi wahda bhal din:http://www.facebook.com/priscilla.farrugia.9?ref=ts&fref=ts lanqas tikteb bil-Malti ma taf, l-aqwa li fan ta’ Manuel Mallia?

    X’ha jaghmlu bihom lil dawn, jitfghuhom fuq Filfla?

  25. TinaB says:

    It’s Herbert il-Bumblu, not Mario.

  26. H.P. Baxxter says:

    In my day, a man would put his arm around your shoulders either when wrestling you to the ground, or when rugby tackling you, and the second one is a foul anyway. Times have changed.

  27. Jozef says:

    If Labour wanted to make out what the Nationalist habitat is, all they had to do was watch a couple of campaign promos of the PN’s candidates filmed in their homes.

    Decent, normal, modest, unassuming people.

    And if they had to underline life as lived, (lifestyle in chavspeak), the kitchen always works better. Steve Jobs built Apple when he managed to place the 128K in a corner of the kitchen in ET.

  28. george grech says:


    Ma jifilhux jaqaw aktar ghan-nejk. U addio copyright bla rispett ta’ xejn u ghal hadd.

  29. george grech says:


    from 00:36

    ‘jiena twelidt laburist u zgur hekk ha mmur,
    jien bil-maktur ta-PN ninzel fit-tebut’

    CDs sold from ONE complex and PL meetings

    Malta Taghna Lkoll

  30. tal-misthija says:

    Uzgur li inkwetata din l-omm, ghax bintha kienet ghada gejja minn kazin tal-PL u qaltilha li kull ma hadet soft drink bit-trab tas-silg.

  31. manum says:

    Nivvota Labour ghax hawn hafna ghaks u mizerja.

    I am speechless.

  32. Jenny says:

    I think we should nominate this clip for an Oscar. The acting is brilliant.

  33. Claude Sciberras says:

    But who is advising Labour? Do they truly think that this video appeals to the socio-economic group that features in the video?

    To be able to pull off something like this you would need a real tal-pepe/Sliema family and even then I think that as soon as you script it, it won’t work.

  34. Party of Liars says:

    “Imma believe me. You’re going to regret it.” 0.45.

    How true.

  35. Hopeful says:

    Mother’s always right. You’re going to regret it. Ded is quite clearly not up to it.

  36. M.. says:

    And the dark glass desk is ideal for snorting cocaine.

  37. Me so horny says:

    Ninety seconds of premature ejaculation therapy.

  38. judy says:

    I could not understand half of what she was blabbering. The irony is that whilst doing some errands this morning I discover that most of the Labour people I know still think it is a PN advert – “Le le, hi, qed jitkelmu bl-Ingliz.” I didn’t bother setting them straight.

  39. Toffee says:

    Well there`s one house where KZT`s paintings will remain in place. There aren`t many left.

  40. reno saliba says:

    Dan ir-riklam, meta rajtu rriflettejt u għidt, kos, verament nixfu għeruqhom, tilfu ruħhom u biegħu ġisimhom dawn in-nies.

    Taf li meta l-għeruq jisparixxu, ix-xitla, il-pjanta tkun tal-plastik jew mejta. Hekk saru dawn, ċaħdu kulurhom, għanjiethom, ilbieshom, u qed jilagħbuha tan-nagħaġ, tal-konvertiti, tal-progressivi, tal-Ewropej.

    U issa tal-pepe’…….qed jixħtulna diskursati, semi lingwi, anke lsienhom, li tant kienu jgħidu li ġġieldu għalih, illum qed jiċħduh, biex mingħalihom iqarrqu u jidhru sbieħ ma min dejjem kienu jintnu miegħu.

    Imma l-maskri għad jiċċartu u x-xema’ għad iddub u l-ilpup għad jigdmuk. Jekk tħallihom ibellgħulek is-sunnara.

    NEMMEN LI L-POPLU MALTI MHUX DAQSTANT ĊUĊ u ser jiftakar lil min qal li ‘the end justifies the means’u jiddeċiedi favur mezzi veritiera u mhux giddieba.

  41. steve says:

    Join the Labour Party and meet new men.

    • Sonia says:

      Yes, anything goes with a certain type of person. Excuse the pun.

    • ken il malti says:

      The “Buggery ‘R US” party.

    • reno saliba says:

      New men? Joe Debono Grech, Leo Brincat, Perit Vella, Varist, Toni Abela, Joseph Muscat – they were against EU, against euro, against low cost airlines, against free broadcasting, against VAT, and we all know what followed in 1996. Certainly they are brand new.

  42. Custom Built says:

    You have to hand it to Joey Mussy- he’s sure changed Labour to a motley movement – with people like Kenneth Zammit Tabona thrown into the same skip as the Snobby girls, Manwel Mallia with Cyrus Engerer, Hugh Anastasi with the porn girl’s offspring, the guy Cunningham who is anything but cunning but definitely a ham, Mugliett’s wife, Mariella Scerri of Orienta fame and so much more.

  43. Jane F says:

    The other girl is Norman Hamilton’s daughter Yasmin-Marie. Good job she convinced her dad too.

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