Nakita Zammit Alamango: a fascist’s pride and joy

Published: February 14, 2013 at 6:15pm

Jo Meli

Did the retro fascist (and king of Facebook idiocy) Jo Meli father Labour candidate Nakita Zammit Alamango?

If not, then what is he on about?

26 Comments Comment

  1. David says:

    U dak miskin! m`hemx mara (jew tifla) li ma jikummentaliex!

    • TinaB says:

      He seems to drool over Marlene Mizzi too each time she posts a photo of herself on Facebook.

      Il-vera hawn qabda irgiel imxenqin jahasra – qishom qatt ma raw xejn.


  2. Josette Jones says:

    Maybe he’s thinking of a lolita, instead of a Nikita. Taf int. Frojdjanslip, hux?

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    What he’s on about is that Imperium Europa and the Right Wing will be voting Labour.

    Fascists voting for anti-Europid Socialists. How have the mighty fallen, eh Jo?

    DVX? DIX more like.

  4. ken il malti says:

    This Nakita looks to be a quite a squeezable dish.

    Maybe Jo Jo has had his finger in the pie and pulled out a plum.

  5. Riya says:

    Imma kif ma’ tal-Labour ma jmurx bniedem wiehed li hu tal-affari tieghu?

    • A. Charles says:

      MLP is refugium pecatorum for political derelicts.

    • mattie says:

      A bunch of losers consisting of people using Facebook because they are not very capable of making real friendships, maintaining them and making new ones without some silly website.

    • Tabatha White says:

      I’m always asking myself the same sort of question: why does nobody in Labour speak any sense. I end up with the conclusion that they must all support each other’s inherited misperceptions and misconceptions and fill all remaining gaps with whatever Joseph happens to proclaim at the moment. Yesteryear it would have been Mintoff, then KMB, then Sant. Anything that relieves them of the business of going too deep and creating links to what may have been said – and what they too would have repeated – previously, the better.

      And then the Opportunisti: who would merge in and fake it for as long as it’s profitable.

  6. sammy says:

    What an idiot, really! At his age he should be elsewhere.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Where are the Jesuits when one needs them?

    • mattie says:

      Perhaps some people are trying to build a loving relationship. However, as public opinion shows, the virtual world is really bad arena to find a good one.

      It’s plenty of people looking for affairs, nothing to build. Sad isn’t it?

  7. george grech says:

    And a special emphasis on ‘MY’.

    Nakita Lewinsky?

  8. Beauty and the Beef says:

    Some comic relief.

    Found it hilarious!

  9. Qeghdin Sew says:

    ‘King of Facebook idiocy’ is a good way to put it.

  10. Aunt Hetty says:

    Jixieh u jiblieh miskin, dan id-DUX.

  11. Jenny says:

    This guy is so pathetic! He thinks he’s God’s gift to women.

    He cannot resist commenting especially when there’s a woman involved on FB.

    And he’s always so out of point. If I were him I would curl into a corner and stay there.

    Not that I like to criticise people’s looks but he thinks he’s in a position to judge beauty. Some ego he’s got! He needs pitying.

  12. mattie says:

    Se nibqa nghidha: Il-Facebook, mhux tajjeb ghall-Maltin.

  13. Mary Ann Curmi says:

    U ntuh ftit credits miskin lil Meli Melinu. Kien St.Valentine’s u ried jaqta figura bhas-soltu.

  14. mattie says:

    My pride and joy is something one says to his son or daughter, and not to a Facebook acquaintance.

    Facebook is a tool for faking “friendships” to the click of a button and collecting 3,000 like statuses. It is ridiculous to use facebook as any measure of social worth.

    The biggest losers are those actually living in the Facebook world and making silly connections with people and those sitting behind a screen clicking “poke” and “I like this” ad nauseum, posting photos of themselves and letting themselves and the world know that they’re on a cruise ship, in Milan, Rome, Spain and Australia, when they’re actually only somewhere in there insecure selves, trying hard to show the world how middle class they’ve become.

    • mattie says:

      Oh and I almost forgot – posting photos of their bedrooms. Photos focussing on the small bed, the 2-door wardrobe (not fit for an infant let alone an adult), the narrow book shelves and the limited amount of books.

  15. N.L. says:

    Kien hemm iehor li kien fil-kumitat MZPN Valletta ma’ Joe Meli u mar mal-Labour, in-Nutar Sandro Schembri Adami.

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