Next up: ‘What Jason knows about Joseph’, or, ‘What the butler saw’
February 22, 2013 at 12:13am
It’s obvious that this just has to be the next one, and that it’s only a matter of time. The question is, will we get to know about it before the election, when we can do something about it, or after the election, when Joseph Muscat is prime minister and we’re saddled with him (jerks like that don’t resign)?
Lorry Sant got away with blackmailing Dom Mintoff for years and years, until he became the most powerful man in Malta, more powerful even than Dom Mintoff because he controlled him.
But that was a different time. Can anything similar be so protracted now?
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Staqsi lil Mario Vella.
Don’t tell me…
My guess is it takes more than an Anglu Farrugia for this to see the light of day.
Jason Micallef is as slimy as they come.
My name is Jason, and I’m in control.
He is in control of that latch inside his closet.
Tal-llum kienet il-funeral tal-Labour u li jmiss nahseb tkun il-qabar ghal partit ta’ Joseph Muscat.
Dak terremod fil-Partit Laburista ghax Joseph Muscat gabu korrott hafna aktar milli kien qatt qabel.
Joseph Muscat, int ghadek zghir, pero’ ghandek abbizzjonijiet kbar, u sibt ic-cwiec Laburisti wkoll li baqghu warajk u qieghed tahseb li lhaqt is-sema.
Pero’ m’ghandix dubju li ommok u missierek li m’ghandix dubju li jhobbuk bhal ma’ jhobbuk ic-cwiec Laburisti, kienu jaghlmuk il-proverbju Malti li jghid –
Dr. Eddie Fenech Adamai kien jghid b’vuci soda u b’konvinzjoni,
Izda int Joseph Muscat bil qerq u bil-gideb il-partit Laburista Malti gibtu gharkubtejh u gibtu Partit Laburista tal-misthijja u korrott bil-provi aktar minn qatt qabel.
Joseph Muscat int imissek tishi tidher quddiem il-poplu Malti ahseb u ara li tkun Prim Ministru ta’ din l-art helwa taghna l-Maltin ta’ rieda tajba. Int giddieb u anke taf bil-korruzzjoni u pruvajt tahbiha. Mela int korrott bil-provi.
Mur ikkonsla Joseph Muscat u lil Maltin hallihom jghixu fil-paci, fis-sliem, u fil-gid, li ilna nghixu fihom zmien bis-sahha u l-intelligenza ta’ gvernijiet Nazzjonalisti.
Din se terga’ tifthilhom il-ferita li ma ghazlux lil George Abela.
Jien hekk kont nahseb Maryanne, imma milli rajt dan l-ahhar, specjalment dak li hareg mill-membri tal-familja tieghu, ma tantx ghadni ta’ dik l-opinjoni.
Ikolli nammetti li tal-lejber kollha pezza wahda.
Those words of Eddie Fenech Adami’s are ever present, aren’t they? So fundamental. So true.
Dr Fenech Adami had also said directly to Joseph Muscat: “Din hija kampanja ta’ qerq u ipokrizija fejn int l-awtur.”
Old habits die hard; history seems to be repeating itself
Is Jason gay? Is he married with children?
Just watched Jason on One .
He’s still THE King of the station and Emperor of the Mosta Labour supporters.
HE is proud of his pedigree, pure Mosta breed.
Fejnhu Jason?
Ninni naqra, gejja in-nanna…………..