Not very educated, is he – imbasta bid-dottorat. How embarrassing.

Published: February 24, 2013 at 9:58am
Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus

I don’t have the print edition of The Sunday Times and it’s not yet on line. But a couple of early birds have already been out, bought the newspapers and read them.

And they have written in to point out that Muscat thinks Christopher Columbus discovered America after 1565.

This last deduction was made from his declaration that he wishes he lived in Spain around 1565 before the discovery of America.

The poor darling got his dates in a twist: 1565 is the Great Siege of Malta; 1492 is Columbus’s discovery of America.

U ejja, mhux xorta – mhux 73 years hemm fin-nofs.

I imagine that Kurt was of no use here in passing hurriedly scribbed notes to his boss. Somebody like that wouldn’t know either.

41 Comments Comment

  1. Gahan says:

    When asked certain questions , he makes it amply clear that HE remains in the centre of the question.

    Am watching Gavin Gulia , making sure to disrupt Francis Zammit Dimech’s explanations. Francis was clear in his arguments but with Gavin’s interruptions not all the truth was revealed.

    When speakers are talking , all the other mikes should be turned off. I know this is childish , but people have a right to know the whole truth.

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      It would appear that neither in the PBS nor in the BA is there anyone inclined to implement that obvious sensible idea. We have known for a long time that the Labour Party representatives’ main weapon is aggressive interruptions provoking a similar response thus making it impossible to understand what is being argued simultaneously by both sides. When will the PBS and the BA start to treat the TV audience with some respect?

  2. A Montebello says:

    More significant perhaps is Muscat’s unhealthy obsession with food that peppers his interview.

    • me says:

      But he buys a handbag, (one of the *most expensive* things he ever bought after the car), for Michelle instead of some ‘pastrad’ for her ‘soppa ta l-arma’.

    • delacroixet says:

      I thought Muscat saying he does not despise, but hates the guts of, a football player was more significant.

      Muscat’s take on the player’s health issues? “Milan stomached him for a year or so when he had heart problems.”

      Gonzi’s answer to the same question – “I think it’s best if I pass on this one.”


  3. DimitriFromParis says:

    Unhealthy obsession with the wrong kind of food I guess:

    “What is your favourite sound?

    Muscat: The microwave oven…because it means food.”


  4. Kevin Zammit says:

    Not surprised at all! He doesn’t have a proper recollection of the last twenty years – how do you expect him to know what the world was up to five hundred years ago?

  5. TROY says:

    Nahseb he’s on COKE.

  6. Andre says:

    Let’s be fair… he said that, if he had to have one super power, it would be that of being invisible.

    I can’t help but agree with him on that.

  7. Duttur bla dottorat says:

    Ma naghmlux mod li din l-iskoperta harget mill-“famuza” tezi tieghu hux? Qed tissemma hafna il-“famuza” tezi tieghu. Vera li kienet ispirata minn…?

  8. Frankie's Barrage says:

    The Times reported yesterday that more than 20% of Maltese don’t even know they are EU citizens.

    I bet that they all (or most of them) vote Labour.

  9. Tabatha White says:

    I can imagine Obama and the like spluttering their cocktails in turn. I can’t imagine that attention will hold right through to coffee.

  10. Roy says:

    The Colombus comment might actually have been one of the least cringe-worthy replies. The man is as shallow as a salt pan in the height of summer.

  11. Mercury Rising says:

    Dak kien ihobb jara Bim Bum Bam u ra hafna cartoons ta Cristoforo Colombo. Qatt smajt bil-Vikingi Joe? Dawk li zaru ta’ spiss l-Amerika xi elf sena qabel Colombo (mhux l-ispettur s’intendi). Daqs Isabella ghandek mohhok maghluq.

  12. freefalling says:

    It’s not just dates that Joe Muscat gets confused.

    It’s ice cubes and drugs.

    it’s his choice of financial administrator for the Labour Party.

    His choice to ‘politely’ ask one of his deputy leaders to tender his resignation and to ignore the shenanigans of the other.

    His choice to desperately try to keep Malta out of the EU and then travel to Brussels as Malta EU representative.

    A case of of il-giddieb ghomru qasir.

  13. me says:

    He must have been talking with Manuel earlier and the Spanish Inquisition was what came to his mind

  14. U Le! says:

    Tbazwar ‘l hawn u tbazwar ‘l hemm. Imagine the rewriting of recent history.

  15. U Le! says:

    Gonzi was accused of informing a US diplomat that he lacks talent in his cabinet. Imagine Joseph with a US diplomat talking about history, icebergs and the latest gym technique in a future get together at Castille?

  16. ciccio says:

    Did the teleprompter confuse the dates, perhaps?

    Without a teleprompter, this man is useless.

  17. observer says:

    Which, incidentally, speaks volumes for the reporter’s lack of general knowledge, at least where landmark dates in history are concerned, otherwise he would have pointed that out.

    You do not blame me for having stopped buying The Times and The Sunday Times quite a long time ago, do you.

  18. Sonia says:

    Kemm jiflah ikun injorant

  19. makjavel says:

    Where can Joseph’s doctoratal thesis be seen or downloaded.

    I am sure it makes interesting reading, but before the 9th please.

  20. KJD says:

    Q. “What is the most important lesson life has thought you?”

    Joseph Muscat: That one cannot judge someone from appearances and everyone deserves a second chance, you know, if you are a drug pusher, if you cover up a crime. Well almost everyone, ask Anglu!

  21. Censa says:

    I just read the interview online. Lawrence Gonzi reads like a very likeable mature family man who is genuinely interested in people and keeps himself updated.

    Muscat reads as a pompous, ignoramus who thinks only of himself, and is deeply convinced he’s witty and intelligent but is definitely not.

    I honestly think that he is not able to feel emotion, he cannot even describe love and uses a quote.

  22. Censa says:

    Lawrence Gonzi’s replies really feel genuine whereas Muscat’s replies read as shallow.

    Either he is shallow or these replies are not his and have been scripted to appeal to particular groups, ex the repeated replies referring to hurting people unintentionally – possibly a reference to Anglu Farrugia?

  23. Claude Sciberras says:

    Mhux biex inxewwex imma Amerigo Vespucci discovered America:

    Amerigo Vespucci (March 9, 1454 – February 22, 1512) was an Italian explorer, financier, navigator and cartographer who first demonstrated that Brazil and the West Indies did not represent Asia’s eastern outskirts as initially conjectured from Columbus’ voyages, but instead constituted an entirely separate landmass hitherto unknown to Afro-Eurasians. Colloquially referred to as the New World, this second super continent came to be termed “America”, probably deriving its name from the feminized Latin version of Vespucci’s first name.[1][2]

    • Claude Sciberras says:

      When asked about his best kiss he mentioned his first kiss but we don’t know if that was with Mrs Muscat. It’s unlikely to have been. I think he will sleep on the couch tonight.

      Another thing that struck me is that he said that the most expensive thing he has bought was, apart from his car, a handbag for his wife.

      The person he admires most is the Pope – I thought wow – but then he says that he admires him because he resigned.

  24. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    Please tell me that whoever wrote the article pointed this out.

  25. Aunt Hetty says:

    Christopher Colombus’s quest that led to the discovery of America was sponsored by Queen Isabella of Castille and King Ferdinand of Aragon.

    In 1565,( year of the Great Seige of Malta) Queen Elizabeth sat on the throne of England following the death of her half- sister Mary Tudor , daughter of Catherine of Aragon and granddaughter of Ferdinand and Isabella , A grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella sat on the throne of Spain in 1565,

    Ergo, it stands to reason that America was discovered by Colombus loads of years BEFORE 1565,

    Sack your history advisor Dr Muscat,

  26. Post Colonial says:

    It is a shame that Joseph Muscat expresses his wish to go back in time in 1565 (1492) when Columbus “discovered America”. That is a very colonial attitude from a potential Prime Minister of a country which has been colonized for many centuries by outsiders who were not always kind to the local population. The Spaniards brought disease, torture to the New World, imposed their religious beliefs and drained the natural resources, annihilating the indigenous political economies, with consequences which are still resonating today.

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