Oh don’t be ridiculous, Kenneth

Published: February 18, 2013 at 8:12pm
Look at Marlene Mizzi's comment beneath. You must be so proud, Kenneth, of the sort of people you are now mixing with.

Look at Marlene Mizzi’s comment beneath. You must be so proud, Kenneth, of the sort of people you are now mixing with.

Kenneth Zammit Tabona is upset at me and has written this on Facebook:

It is incredible how a woman who has been a guest in my house many times can allow herself to break the hitherto unbreakable rules of good breeding and attack her hosts and her peers for having opinions different to her own or the party she represents even though she vehemently denies it. I have no problem accepting the things she writes herself. She does it under her own name so it’s fair comment. But will she accept full responsibility for her anonymous bloggers? I have never ever written a word that was not signed off by me. I have nothing to hide; nothing to be ashamed of andmy opinions are my own. I can take criticsism and accept intelligent argument however I think it is about time that as in the case of Auxiliary Bishop Scicluna with regard to Joe Zammit from Paola, the PN should state officially that Mrs Caruana Galizia not represent the party……..Like Mr Zammit her blog has caused untold harm to the party that I hitherto held in high esteem and for which I have voted for all my life. Her blog is symptomatic of everything that has gone awry with the PN and is responsible for my complete disaffection with it and its militant diehards. For shame!

For shame? I’m not the one with anything to be ashamed of, Kenneth. You are. You have broken every rule in the book, including that of not biting the many hands that feed you.

Sharpness is not your strong point, so might I point out that there is an inherent contradiction in what you have written here. If, as you claim, this blog is “symptomatic of everything that has gone awry with the PN and is responsible for (your) complete disaffection with it and its militant diehards” (a childish statement, if ever there was one, but I expect no better from somebody who spends so much time with Mintoffjani), then why was I a guest at your home?

Are you in the habit of inviting round people who are symptomatic of everything you can’t stand? That’s a very odd habit.

When I can’t stand people, I avoid them. I certainly won’t have them anywhere near my front door.

The real reason for your absorption into the Labour Party is not politics. And it certainly isn’t me. You quite clearly fell besottedly in love with Joseph Muscat roughly four years ago, when you first began inviting him to dinner – and this after he included you on his very l-o-n-g list of vulnerable people with fragile egos to target for the creation of the first wave in his ‘movement’ (I do have some background in marketing).

You went down like a skittle. BOOM! And politics had nothing to do with it.

He courted you, flattered you and flirted with you as a woman would a man (not the other way round, oddly enough – but I’ve noticed that this is how he behaves with men) and you were delighted at all the attention.

He even had you in some sordid dive, filmed praising Dom Mintoff for decriminalising “homosexuality”, when a person of your supposed intelligence should know that what Mintoff decriminalised was in fact buggery, and that it applied to women and not just men. And that he did it to cheese off the Catholic Church, not because he was liberal and progressive.

If Mintoff were liberal and progressive, he would not have left married women in the legal status of chattels until the Nationalist government made us equal to our husbands at law in 1993.

If this is the kind of world you want, go right ahead. I am quite sure there is huge market for your watercolours among the new mittilkless. The real middle class have had enough of them already.

People are taking your pictures down off their walls, Kenneth, because they think your behaviour is so cheap.

You made yourself ridiculous by going on Super One TV to talk about Giacometti to an audience of people who communicate in swear-words and truncated sentences and who know people like you as ‘dak il-pufta bic-coff‘. And no, that’s not my description, it’s theirs – and it’s probably how Joseph and Michelle know you in private too, because that’s their background and don’t delude yourself otherwise.

You have clearly made your own Faustian pact. I knew somebody like you once: Mark Micallef. That went well, didn’t it? Where is he now after his brief stint as Labour’s ambassador to Washington?

The word is that you have been promised one of the government flats opposite St John’s Cathedral and a much better grace-and-favour position than you have now. Perhaps you had better dispell this rumour before it goes wildly out of control. You really don’t want people to think that you’re only in this for what you can get.

I heard you myself on Super One television (this time with Eman Pulis) saying that a Labour government should have some kind of fund for starving artists like yourself who live from hand to mouth and painting to painting, and that you hope nobody will then say that “Kenneth Zammit Tabona should get nothing because he’s established”.

What you should have told your Super One audience is that you live in great comfort, in a style to which they are certainly not accustomed, and that you have two live-in houseboys to do all your chores. How many starving artists can say the same?

And on top of that, you want state hand-outs from an artists’ fund: state-sponsored art, eh? How very…Soviet.

Do you really expect girls who spend day after day on an assembly-line to fund your houseboys’ wages? Very socialist, very progressive.

You don’t seem to realise, Kenneth, that what you are doing here has been construed – even if you don’t see it that way yourself – as just what it is: a massive attack on almost everyone who has been a guest in your home, and in whose home you have been a guest.

And if we are going to talk about good breeding – a favourite subject, as everyone who has had the pleasure of your society knows – know this: your behaviour is beyond the pale. Not because you have decided to vote Labour (after all, you may well have voted Labour before) as people are free to vote any way they please and variety is the spice of life, but by being so very, very cheap and tacky and allowing the Labour Party to parade you about as a sort of captive Pocahontas.

She, at least, had no choice. You do.

Was it not possible to vote Labour with dignity – or was it essential to turn yourself into a circus sideshow?

That column you wrote for The Times last week, about how you turned to the culture section in Labour’s electoral programme, with excitement and trepidation, to find that it is EXACTLY what you wanted was utterly and absolutely farcical. Of course it was exactly what you wanted. Didn’t you write the notes for Joseph?

Grow up, Kenneth. I mean it. Life is all about choices and the consequences that come with them, choices and consequences from which you have largely been sheltered.

I am sure that Joseph and Michelle will make for fascinating company for the next 20 years, and will listen transfixed to your tales of the Maltese nobility and who is related to whom, well beyond your Use By date.

66 Comments Comment

  1. afm says:

    Holy Moly. Sorry Kenneth but you bloody asked for it.

  2. SPAM says:

    Well written. I’m really tired of this nonsense.

    Can you imagine the drama if his art was not exhibited in London at Harrods? There are much more talented starving artists than himself and that is a fact.

    And this coming from someone who sells his paintings for EUR2,000 a throw.

    Instead of exhibiting his work at Camilleri Paris Mode, he should start showing it at Labour HQ at Mile End. They have plenty of space there and he might get himself a new market now that his previous one is fizzling out through boredom with his repetition.

    The mittilkless are always late to any game, so he can become the new fashion with them.

    And on a side note – how would he be entitled for a government apartment if he has housing already?

    • Jozef says:

      But that’s exactly it, he just can’t bear being overtaken by young talent. Maybe he never was.

      He’s the stuff that the new rich snap up at auctions.

      I dread to think what he’ll do to the contemporary scene if he got his hands on it. He can’t get rid of Keith, so he’ll do the avantgarde.

      Fact is, he’s anything but. Imagine him doing a D’Annunzio flying over Valletta in a biplane.

  3. MB says:

    Muscat is copying Scientology’s way of doing marketing.

  4. jojo says:

    You sure did pal – she’s dead right, and she is a lady with brains. As for you, Kenneth, you’re very immature and inexperienced in just about every area of life, and it’s about time you grow up.

    • Min Jaf says:

      Too late for that. His active participation in the PL LGBT beer-cellar gathering, followed up by his boring the pants off Norman Hamilton on Bla Agenda by spouting his pseudo-cultural crap that scared off the viewers he was seeking to impress, was the point of no return.

      For now Kenneth ZT will be kept nominally in the PL fold. Come 10th March, he will find himself in no-man’s land, out in the cold, a prelude to actually becoming a starving and ignored artist.

  5. Miss O'Brien says:

    You’ve picked a fight with the wrong gal, Ken Boy.

    You’ve brought this on yourself because your brain is in your pants.

  6. Sufa says:

    To do all his chores? Oh, my! And Joseph Muscat gets to take his own clothes to the “laundry room”. ( http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20130217/local/michelle-muscat.457860 )

    Tsk, tsk!

  7. Joseph Borg says:

    Just a few weeks ago, Kenneth Zammit Tabona was given tens of thousands of euros by this Evil Government to realise his dream of a Baroque Festival over which he could preside.

  8. Sufa says:

    Kenneth referred to you – indirectly – as his peer. (See above.)

    That is a great giveaway as to what he REALLY thinks of the average Labour voter, Joseph and Micelle Muscat included.

    Oh, Kenneth! What is it with your sort?

  9. JZ says:

    Brilliantly put!

  10. Jozef says:

    Going by his current crop of Facebook friends, I wouldn’t be surprised were he to discover some blokka bajda in the bathroom.

    He had better be careful. After all, he IS rather naive.

  11. one of us says:

    Peduna di Padre Pio, as you would say, Kenneth!

    We’ve humoured you and spoiled you for years, and now because it suits you and your ambition you move over to the other side and expect us to just smile and say nothing?

    What about the people who invited you to their house, what d’you think they’re thinking?

    Enjoy the new style of dinner parties – maybe you could start a ‘comme il faut’ school.

  12. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Kenneth Zammit Tabona and the colourful (I’m being polite) characters supporting Labour on Facebook and shown in some of the entries on this blog make strange bedfellows indeed.

  13. Wilson says:

    Previous comment -erased- was not a joke. Only someone who really gives two s***ts would write back wonderfully like you did. It is a great response which I would do to a friend that fucked up.

  14. TGTBT says:

    Well written.

    Now what if the PN win the elections, what will he do then and the other pseudo switchers too?

  15. Pro says:

    One hell of a reply!

  16. Vanni says:

    What is exactly Joseph’s middle class ? Is it defined by the amount you earn ? By the amount of property you own ?

    These are the questions everyone should be asking Joseph BEFORE the election.

    He copied most of Obama’s campaign and endorsed Hollande’s ideas by shaking his hands. So it is purely logical to expect that, once in power, he will copy their ideas and tax the upper class. It is probably not written (or even hinted at) in the electoral manifesto.

    But who does Joseph consider as forming part of the upper class ? Journalists should be asking these kind of questions and NOT focus only on Toni Abela’s problems.

    Lil Malti oqroslu il-but u jifhem mal-ewwel.

    If the journalists will not ask this fundamental question, all the switchers and most of the present non-voters will vote Joseph. They will regret their voting decision within months.

  17. ken il malti says:

    Life is not a wall to wall gay party with houseboys serving Pina Coladas and hors d’oeuvres for the majority of folks in Malta or anywhere else for that matter.

    Replicating the hedonistic lifestyle of the Cliveden set can be very expensive in this day and age.

    But if one can get the taxpayers to fund it then its scummy highway robbery and nothing else, no different than what those lazy welfare cheque cheats do, but without the bow-tie and the affectation.

  18. Gahan says:

    Kenneth has Jo Meli’s approval on FB.

    Enjoy the company, Ken.

    This Labour Party is a contradiction in which people of the “mhux xorta nippruvawh” attitude gathered as long as there is something in it for them.

    The problem is that they are dragging us with them into a five-year hell.

  19. AE says:

    What a silly spoilt brat he is. He seems to have been itching for a fight with you for a while now.

    I read your open letter to him and it was courteous. His retort on his Facebook wall was anything but. He obviously cannot stand someone expressing a different opinion to his.

    Kenneth, if you can’t stand the heat in the kitchen, then get out. Many of us loved you because although you have always been quite silly and spoilt (maaa x’inkwiet, now I am being insulting) we thought you were sweet and harmless.

    Your recent tirades against the government have really annoyed many of us. It is so clear that you are being so vociferous in your support of the Labour Party because you have been promised some prize. Shame on you.

    • ken il malti says:

      Maybe he is in need of serious money and is willing to prostitute himself to the highest bidder so he can keep leading the cushy lifestyle that he has grown accustomed to.

      But it still is a gamble as the PL is not guaranteed at winning this election no matter what they think their chances are.

  20. Joe Micallef says:

    What a trouncing. Or in the vocabulary of Kenneth’s brave new world:

    il ustja x hasla!!

    • Gahan says:

      Il-qahba x’dirsa taghtu, ma jqumx ghal-ohra.

      Fuq din il-blog jiltaqghu hafna nies rashom fuq ghonqom u minn hawn kemm ‘il-darba gie kkritikat il-PN.
      F’kelma wahda , Ken , jekk trid twahhal f’xi hadd ghax se tivvota Labour toqghodx twahhal fina, mur hares fil-mera u ghal darba uri li ghandek par…saqajn fuq xiex suppost ragel ghandu jieqaf.

      Ma’ Daphne hawn min ma kellux xi jghid? Hadd m’ghandu jwahhal f’Daphne ghax se jivvota Labour. Daphne hija Liberali u ‘all out’ kontra l-Labour. L-uniku partit qrib l-idejologija taghha huwa l-PN. Hi tipprova bl-argumenti li tipprezenta, tqarreb ‘il-PN lejn kif tahsibha hi.
      Ta’ Gahan li jien , jien ukoll fhimt il-ghala l-PN ma jiddizassocjax ruhu minn din il-blogg fejn jithabbtu l-argumenti , minn hawn iz-zewg partiti jitghalmu u josservaw x’hinu ghaddej f’Malta.

      Jekk trid tivvota Labour toqghodx issib skuzi u twahhal f’haddiehor, ghax nghiduha, trid tkun wiccek u x’imkien iehor l-istess biex tkun arts director tat-tejatru u toqghod tgerger kontra l-gvern fuq il-kultura.Allurase tara f’min twahhal. It-tfal zghar jaghmlu bhalek Kenneth.

      Ghax accetajt il-kariga minn ghand xi hadd li ma taqbilx mieghu, Kenneth?
      Din x’logika hi ? Jekk m’hix opportunista din ma’ nafx kif tkun.

  21. Crockett says:

    For shame? That’s positively Edwardian. My, my, the PL has become such an interesting concoction.

  22. Aston says:

    I am in awe.

    That is one heck of a dressing down.

  23. Aston says:

    “As the dominions of the duke of Saxony were bounded in part by France, one of the early dukes hit upon the device of a coat blue one side, and white the other. When he wished to be thought in the French interest he wore the white outside; otherwise the outside colour was blue.”

  24. David S says:

    Kenneth, you asked for this. Qazzizt lil kullhadd.

  25. MX says:

    If getting the support of Marlene Mizzi (which has since oddly been removed) isn’t enough to make him cringe, then he truly is a lost cause.

  26. anthony says:

    It is now perfectly in order for KZT to do a Saddam Hussein.

  27. Montebello says:

    I was at a drinks party on the weekend, and inevitably politics got in the way of a good time.

    Is Kenneth Zammit Tabona a Laburist, I asked? No – an opportunist was the reply and the rumour or otherwise of a flat opposite St John’s was mentioned.

  28. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I hereby petition Kenneth Zammit Tabona to include this in next year’s Baroque Festival, in honour of our true, our only, our superb heroine:


    • Harry Purdie says:

      Lovely music, Baxxter, but couldn’t get through the 50 minutes.

      Next year’s Baroque Festival will be re-named the Battery Festival, as the thugs run amok,

      Violins traded for clubs. Trumpets replaced by crumpets. Champagne transformed to white powder. And the conductor is named ‘The Great Leader.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Owen Bonnici’s been promising festivals and funds all round. Of all the market segm – sorry! – interest groups, our artists and performers are in for the biggest disappointment of all.

  29. edgar says:

    Ken be very careful. If the socialists are promising you a flat opposite St. John’s you will end up with one in Balzunetta. You certainly do not deserve better.

  30. David says:

    And under Marlene`s comment, the usual Jo Meli.

  31. Peter F says:

    Kenneth, ja traditur. “Maaaaaaa x’big inkwiet” – just in case you’re not up to scratch in Maltese, I’ll call you a few choice names in English – backstabber, quisling, snake, Benedict Arnold, Judas, double-crosser, turncoat.

    Chi piu’ ne ha, piu’ ne metta.

    And Kenneth, next time we meet, please don’t stop to chat. That’s my real name and you can work it out.

  32. ciccio says:

    Daphne’s long articles are like beautiful pieces of art, with different themes, colours, shades and perspectives.

    They deserve to be exhibited in the Museum of Contemporary Art promised by JosephMuscatDotCom, not Kenneth’s paintings.

  33. ian says:

    Legendary post. One of your best ever.

  34. sammy says:

    Love this post. Prosit. I take a bow…… (tie)

  35. Matthew says:

    Thank you for the information on Kenneth Zammit Tabona’s way of life. I always thought there was something very odd about the way he whined about electricity bills and the world coming to an end one week and gave us lectures on art, manners and nobility the next.

    The articles which show the real Kenneth (not his knowledge) are the ones about politics. I have commented previously about how very few of them make any logical sense.

    Now that you have told him to grow up, I realise that the adjective to describe his political way of thinking is ‘immature’. It wouldn’t really have crossed my mind because he seems to be a learned man but now that you mention it, it completely makes sense.

    Thank God that he isn’t an MP or we would have had to deal with Franco Debono Mark II.

    [Daphne – No, definitely not that last bit. I’ll say that for him. He was absolutely horrified by Franco Debono and his behaviour.]

  36. TinaB says:

    You nailed it, Daphne.

    Kenneth, it serves you right – you got what you deserved.

  37. Matthew says:

    I have also never been impressed with how he only publicly admitted being gay only a few years ago.

    Surely such a learned man would know how to deal with his homosexuality and send any critics to hell in a hand cart.

    Ironically, he has now joined a group which often looks down on homosexuals. It’s the equivalent of coming out as a witch and travelling back to the 17th century.

    Go figure.

    Immature is definitely the word.

  38. Gahan says:

    Sorry, but why should a person “deal” with his homosexuality?

    How should I deal with my heterosexuality when I see an attractive woman for example?

    There aren’t sexuality problems, there are behavioural problems. I can’t go running after every sexy girl I see, and and parade my sexuality as if I have something special more than anyone else.

    Kenneth ZTand Ray Calleja put people off as much as the Snobby girls do.

    I won’t mention a PN young MP because he acts normally like normal people do, and I like his arguments. He’s gay but keeps that to himself like I keep my ‘straight’ tendencies to myself.

  39. Betty says:

    Spot on – what a reply!

  40. Gorg Borg says:

    What a great reply. I actually saw Kenneth’s interview and bloody hell, he deserved this reply. Well said, Daphne!

  41. Lestrade says:

    Kenneth Zammit Tabona was for donkey’s years in the closet at Mid Med Bank. As soon as HSBC hit the ground, he was Out (of the bank and of the closet).

    Now he is back In and hoping that the marmalja will buy his naif paintings at Eur2000 a pop, instead of a karozza armata or a boob job. Dream on, Kenneth – from the flat’s balcony opposite the cathedral in Valletta.

    • cashier says:

      And what a joke he was back in the Mid Med Bank days posing and flouncing around (is that the word?) Head Office in his WHITE three-piece suit pretending to work but in actual fact doing jack f…..g s..t.

  42. Athina says:

    I always wanted one of his paintings. No more.

  43. francesca says:

    Daphne, you are fantastic. I totally agree with you. Kenneth, I hope you’ll enjoy your new friends and government – as you would have said yourself once, they are a bunch of peasants.

  44. Candida says:

    Excellent, Daphne – exceptional, brilliant.

  45. Joe Farrugia says:

    This is truly a masterpiece. I’m sure that if you change the name and a few other bits here and there it will serve as an open letter to all the so-called switchers.

  46. ta'sapienza says:


  47. 10th.Febuary says:

    So will Mr Zammit Tabona now fill the Manoel Theatre programme with pole-dancing performances by the Snobby girls?

  48. noname says:

    Brava, Daphne! I couldn’t take it anymore either, sucking government funds and whining on Super One.

  49. Bugi_30 says:

    Well said, Daphne. I recall seeing a photo of the three stooges standing in front of a Labour “I’m in” poster: Ray Calleja (il-Bomba), Cyrus Engerer and Kenneth Zammit Tabona. I think the poster meant to say that now Joseph is in their behind, rather than they are in, if you know what I mean.

    I am convinced that now Zammit Tabona is sooooo pleased that his Labour government is working so hard to accustom its Labourites to culture. After all, who can be a better cultural expert than Jason Micallef?

    I’m sure Mr. Zammit Tabona is thrilled by the idea of having Strait Street turned into another Paceville, with everyone puking uncontrollably, low-class twits involved in daily brawls and drunken idiots fooling around till the early hours of the morning – what a cultural City Valletta would be in that state.

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