Oh God. Painful.

Published: February 23, 2013 at 6:22pm

A day on the campaign trail with Joseph Muscat. The first 25% of the footage is taken up with Joseph and Michelle getting the twins ready for school and Joseph going to the gym.

We are supposed to believe that after working for some time at home after the twins leave with Michelle, he goes to some village market to meet the mob, then goes to the gym for a lengthy session and is somehow at MCAST, showered and dressed by noon for the debate.

He speaks to the twins in England and they say BUY BUY when they leave the house.

Then when he comes home in the evening like the other daddies he speaks to them in England again because you know they go to the San Anton School ma’ tal-middle class.

U forsi ghandhom yardstick ukoll.

And then in the evening on Facebook he has a ‘chet’ with a young man who went to university all the way up to doctoral level and who is going to vote Labour because apparently it’s all tenks to dem. And Joseph says ‘Prosit, Paul. You make my day.’ Make, not made, imbasta jitfaghha bl-Ingliz.

Kemm hu tan-ne*k, miskin. We’re going to have a prime minister to be proud of. To quote Floren Sultana: “Fajf years of gideb.”

37 Comments Comment

  1. delacroixet says:



    “Minn dan kollu jidher car li s-socjeta` International Custom Service Yachting Limited qed tipprova tiggranfa ma’ dispozizzjonijiet legali biex tahrab mill-obbligi legali taghha.
    Huwa ovvju li d-dirigenti tas-socjeta` International Custom Service Yachting Limited gew infurmati bil-kawza u kellhom kull opportunita` li jikkontestaw il-kawza izda ghal xi raguni m’ghamlux dan u wara qed jippruvaw ifettqu ma’ dispozizzjonijiet tal-ligi biex jostakolaw il-prosegwiment tal proceduri u jsibu stratagemma legali kontra l-gustizzja. Huwa veru li d-dispozizzjonijiet tal-Kapitolu 12 jorbtu kompletament, izda certament m’ghandhomx iwasslu biex jinsabu stratagemmi legali kif wiehed jahrab mill-obbligi tieghu. Meta d-dokument ta’ notifika thalla f’idejn il-persuna fizika ta’ Charles Scerri (li jirrizulta dejjem l-istess Charles Scerri skond in-numru ta’ identita`) li effettivament ircieva l inkartament gudizzjarju, in-notifika kienet wahda valida minhabba x-xjenza taccitazzjoni mid-dirigenti tal-konvenuta u l-ligi giet sufficjentement segwita. L-importanza ta’ Charles Scerri tohrog cara wkoll anke mill-fatt li r-rikors odjern ta’ ritrattazzjoni gie konfermat bil-gurament mill-imsemmi Charles Scerri u dan bhala rapprezentant ta’ l-Intershore Fiduciary Services Limited.”

  2. rc says:

    Anyone who lifts weights regularly would have far better technique than he does.

  3. Election Mode says:

    I bet he goes on Playstation the moment Michelle leaves the house. U mela jmur il-gym bil-bleck slipper. Hallina Joseph, kieku ghandu six pack and not puppy fat.

  4. Teo says:

    Istra, anki l-bieb tad-dar zebah blu.

  5. Joseph's furrow says:

    At 1.13, that furrow gets deeeeep.

  6. Min Jaf says:

    At 8.30 am he leaves home clean shaven, but two hours or less later his face displays a very considerable degree of stubble?

    That gym scene could never have been shot that same morning.

    It is becoming progressively clear that the only genuine thing about Joseph Muscat is his fakery in all things.

  7. Manuel says:

    Hi spiks two hiz cildren in the England. Basta Malta taghna lkoll. Pathetic. Jaqq.

  8. george grech says:

    He should sack his trainer.

  9. MD says:

    Interessanti … clean break with the past …. clean break from what?

    Today thanks to successive PN governments there are people of different political beliefs working together in public entities at different levels. One gets promoted or one is employed regardless of political belief.

    We all remember when things were different. One thing is still the same, and it is very noticeable on Facebook: MLP supporters vent their thoughts without fear (that is how it should be) but a much smaller percentage of PN supporters comment on Facebook.

    Guess why – they are scared, still living in fear of the past when MLP haunted the lives of PN supporters.

  10. Joe Zerafa says:

    He’s driving and using his cell phone. Isn’t that breaking the law?

  11. kram says:

    Imma he speaks to his children in England because if he becomes Prim Ministru they will meeting a lot of important people.

  12. mark says:

    He looks as fat as f*ck and does not have a muscle in sight.

    It’s impossible that this guy is training on a regular basis.

    One word of advice, Joe – stick to the treadmill and lose some fat. You need to.

  13. Daisy says:

    Why wasn’t the Courage to Vote advert shot in Joseph’s house?

    It’s just as middle class as Hugh Anastasi’s, isn’t it?

  14. Min Jaf says:

    So Joseph leaves the house with no gym kit bag, enters the gym with his kit bag, then leaves the gym without his kit bag.

    The same sort of continuity in the video that is to be found in his rendering of different versions of the drug incident at the Safi PL club on different occasions.

    And another thing, are we expected to believe that he gets up early, puts on his tie and cuff links before he dresses his children and does their hair, then keeps on his tie and cuff links late into the night.

    Yet more fakery. Hallina, Joseph. Min qed taheb li qed timpressjona.

  15. Ian says:

    Boy, those kids sure bid their dad a hearty farewell.

  16. Mario says:

    Have you noticed that he’s posed carefully in front of machines called SWITCHING?

    [Daphne – Yes.]

  17. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Kollox artificjali. Kollox fake. U c-cwiec blajniha.

  18. edgar says:

    A couple of years ago, Joseph Muscat used to come to the gym that I go to.

    He never carried weights. All he did was 20 minutes on a bicycle reading the newspaper, collected his bag, never showered, and buggered off. He was flabby and got even flabbier.

  19. David Gatt says:

    Gorgeous kids though

  20. L.Gatt says:

    What? Pay “repeaters” to give them a sekind cens? How bloody ridiculous.

    Here in Italy we have Berlusconi promising to refund property tax already paid and Monti stroking puppies on TV while in Malta there’s Jozef promising to pay students for failing their exams and rolling on his sofa with his solar system offspring.

    Daunting. Nothing worse than a double dose of politics, especially when the two countries involved are Malta and Italy.

  21. bob-a-job says:

    He is obviously a guy who’s had it ‘maked’

  22. thegolden says:

    A blue door. Wow. Baj baj dedi.

  23. Curious says:

    Bells are ringing again.

    Anyone knows of any connection between Michelle and Ian Borg? Tsk Tsk Tsk

  24. Peter Grech says:

    Hahaha il Yardstick

  25. M. Bormann says:

    Go to 7:16 on the video – see the top of his forehead – it’s lighter than the rest of this face. He has a fake tan.

  26. Someone says:

    And it’s such a safe country that Joseph doesn’t even bother to lock the door.

  27. DimitriFromParis says:

    What’s with the tearing up of papers at his desk at 3:22?

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