Published: February 23, 2013 at 6:38pm

How bloody embarrassing. U min irid jitkellem ukoll. CHANGE CHANGE WE NEED A CHANGE. I WANT GOVERNMENT BY YANA MINTOFF NOW.

And here she is, cunningly disguised as Patty Hearst of the Symbionese Liberation Army (probably her heroine).


Yana Mintoff cunningly disguised as Patty Hearst

Patty Hearst of the Symbionese Liberation Army in the 1970s

Patty Hearst of the Symbionese Liberation Army in the 1970s

118 Comments Comment

  1. Daisy says:

    If only I had a bag of horse-shit to sling at her.

  2. Kevin Zammit says:

    il los tja ke mm hi in tel li gen ti Ya na! Hal li imm ur in gib il bic ca ghax er gajt waq qajt it te min hab ba Def ni.

  3. G. Borg says:

    Did Dom Mintoff come back to life ? OMG, what crap.

  4. Lomax says:

    Missierha kien jiggieled hafna hej. Veru kien jiggieled: Kontra l-persuni li ma kenux jaqblu mieghu.

  5. Matthew says:

    This is the equivalent of Gaddafi handing out peace and democracy prizes.

  6. Redneck Rabti says:

    Din bis-serjeta?

  7. ciccio says:

    Shame on you, Yana.

    She must be a great magnet to switchers.

  8. Oops says:

    U Paci. Wake me up, please. Has there been a war on which I was not aware of ?

  9. Maria says:

    L-ewwel wiehed li iggieled il-korruzzjoni kien missiera! Iddahhaqx nies, Yana.

    • Angus Black says:

      Imma Dumink, missier Yana, ma kienx jaf x’kien ihawwad Lorry Sant, bhal ma Joseph ma kienx jaf bil-blokka silg fil-kazin ta Hal Safi’
      Bhal ma Toni ma kienx jaf hi kellu dover jirrapporta lill pulizija meta sar jaf bil-blokka bajda u li wara qal “Allahares irrappurtajt x’kien qed isehh ghax Alla biss jaf x’kien jinqala”…
      Yana, get lost. I wrote this in English because it is quite apparent that you still have difficulty understanding Maltese as evidenced by your stalling speech because you were thinking English first then translating into Maltese.
      But, just in case, ‘mur inheba ja wicc ikrah’.
      Fejn kont meta missierek waqa minn fuq iz-ziemel u farrak wiccu?

  10. tinnat says:

    I guess the elves think it will appeal to the upper class if a candidate speaks Maltese with an English accent. They´re too thick to see how contrived it sounds.

    Now, will a journalist have the guts to ask Yana some on-the-spot questions in Maltese next time he meets her in the street, where she has no access to a phonetically-written text on a screen ?

  11. A Montebello says:

    I’m recording this recording and patenting it as a holistic cure for insomnia.
    My GOD, she’s boring.

  12. Edward says:

    Hey Yana! Why don’t you speak to my parents about fighting for democracy and social justice?

  13. Debbie says:

    Lorry Sant, Wistin Abela = Santu Wistin

  14. Pied Piper says:

    Look who’s talking. Unbelievable. I had to kick myself to listen to this rubbish.

    Did her father practise what she is now preaching to us all?

    Does she remember the name of Lorry Sant?

    Of course she does – how could she not?

    Democracy has been trampled by Gonzi during his nine years of terror; she’s so right.

    Where’s my scotch and ice….sorry I should not have mentioned the word ice. My apologies.

  15. george grech says:

    She looks like Dom’s and Lorry’s love child…u nahseb minn ghandhom tghallmet kif tiggieled il-korruzzjoni.

  16. Tal-Barrani says:

    “missirijietna ggieldu hafna… ghad-demokrazija” – is she serious? So her father fought for democracy in 1981? Unbelievable

    • dutchie says:

      Didn’t her dad once say something like “I wipe my back side with your democracy and constitution”? I’m much younger than this idiot and yet remember this.

      Had your daddy been around to witness this, Yana, he’d probably have disowned you for pleading for democracy. That would have meant no inheritance for you.

      [Daphne – What Dom Mintoff actually said was, “Nigi nitnejjek mill-Konstituzzjoni.”]

  17. A Montebello says:

    The love child of Dom Mintoff and Popeye’s girlfriend.

    • Anna says:

      Daphne, please allow me just this once to say HAHAHAHAHAHA. C.Montebello, do you happen to have a spare keyboard for me?

  18. Edward says:

    Oh and another thing, try learning your lines and stop reading from a prompter.

    You don’t know how to address a camera, you look and sound terrible, and you’ve also forgotten how to breathe judging by those inappropriate pauses you made throughout the video.

  19. TinaB says:

    Il-vera irid ikollok wiccek imcappas bil**** taz-zwiemel biex tkun bint Mintoff u tghid li taht gvern Nazzjonalista hawn il-korruzzjoni.

    Go and learn to speak Maltese properly first, Yana. You hypocrite.

    • Emanuel Borg says:

      You took the words right out of my mouth TinaB, except my exclamations were unprintable.

      Is there no limit to which Labour will not sink? How f**king insulting, Mizzzz Mintoff.

      • TinaB says:

        Don’t worry, Emanuel, my first reaction was exactly the same as yours – I deleted my original post out of respect for Daphne and the readers of her blog.

        She should be ashamed of herself insulting at least half of the population like that and disrespecting the memory of those who aren’t still with us.

      • Tabatha White says:

        The only way Yana can even begin to start doing something about corruption would be to return the fruits of it, interest and all, that she inherited from her father before saying another word to the Maltese public, and then to apologise extensively, even grovelingly, on his behalf.

        After that Yana, you remain a shame in your own right, having made sure to earn it. Do you have any idea whatsoever how degraded the Maltese felt the day you strutted forth to play out your selfish disgusting horseshit performance?

        I remember that at school we were asked to pray forgiveness for your shameful act on the nation. The whole school. At morning assembly. Not that you’d understand why.

        Your current company, like you, know no shame for their ill conceived acts and their brazen lies.

        An election victory based on lies and corruption would be no genuine triumph, just the sequel of the corruption of Mintoff: another era of corruption and fear. And perversely, you are only there to underline it.

  20. Mandy says:

    Change of subject.

    The blood bank has issued an URGENT call for blood donations,, because reserves are down to alarming levels.


    • Mandy says:

      The blood bank will be open until 8pm this evening.

      • AE says:

        But check whether you are permitted to give first as you may make the trip for nothing. If you lived/stayed in the UK for a non consecutive period of 6 months in the ’90s you cannot give. Apparently you could be at risk to have contracted mad cow’s disease. that excludes a whole load of us who go to the UK regularly or studied or worked there. About time they removed this rule. I’m sure it doesn’t apply in England otherwise they’d have no local reserves at all.

    • Bubu says:

      Must be all the people cutting their wrists after listening to Mintoffyana’s drivel.

  21. Joe says:

    If you have trouble sleeping just watch this video and you’ll be asleep in seconds, although you might get nightmares.

  22. Joe Bloggs says:

    With all the good intentions this is the result of the ‘rikonciljazzjoni nazzjonali’.

    These rats should have been put in jail right after the 1987 elections and the MLP abolished just like the Nazi party in Germany. You do not tackle injustice and corruption by forgiving the perpetrators. That was a big mistake.

  23. Smelly mara says:

    Did she mention Delimara? Did she say what she thinks about Malta Tana Lkoll’s powerstation proposal with two gas tanks in the backyard of the Gharix?

    • kram says:

      Jekk il-Lejber jaqbel li l-power station tibqa hemm, anzi jzid zewg tankijiet tal-gass ukoll, ghanda trodd lura l-eluf ta’ euros lura lill-kaxxa ta’ Malta.

      • E.Vella Clark says:

        Jien nahseb li l-PL insew izidu wkoll kemm se jaghtuha flus minhabba dawk it-tankijiet, jigifieri mas 600 iridu jzidu aktar u aktar considering kemm ha missiera.

    • verita says:

      Maybe they will be asking for more compensation, who knows.

  24. Herman says:

    The Pope’s pronunciation of Maltese is much better than Yana’s.

  25. Mallia says:

    I think she needs her batteries charged

  26. edgar says:

    Daphne, please allow me to be a little bit rude.

    Yana, mur hudu f’ sorm@k.

    And now, on a lighter note, with all those millions inherited from her father, have you noticed the curtains?

    • Jozef says:

      Yes, lanqas B4 textiles.

    • observer says:

      Rather than curtains, the flimsy white cheap cloth (or whatever it is) looks just like a rudimentary backdrop – and not properly positioned at that, either, because part of the unpainted wall can still be seen to the speaker’s left.

      I think she had done a much better job in the House of Commons with her bag of horse shit than she did in her electoral presentation.

      As Emilio Fede would say “che figura di merda” – quite related to this instance, I must admit

    • il-Ginger says:

      No, Edgar – it’s “Moor hu du fiss or mok”

  27. Jozef says:

    Who switched off the lights?

    Yana, if you want to give something back, let’s have all property taken forcibly back shall we?

    And do please reimburse this republic all the expenses incurred in repairing the damage wrought. Ice money should see to that.

    Ara vera bla zejt.

    • ciccio says:

      “bex iz-zejt jetla f’wecc l-elma.” See 1.13.

      Iz-zejt tielgha f’wicc l-ilma, Sinjura Bland MintoffYana.

      Staqsi lil Joe Cordina u lil Joseph Muscat. U lil Manwel Mallia u lil David Farrugia Sacco. U lil Evarist Bartolo.

  28. MX says:

    She comes off as really simple in this video.

  29. puxa says:

    The hypocrite.

  30. Jozef says:

    I can understand a group photo on deck, but what’s with the archery in a budgie smuggler?

  31. Thaddeus says:

    Since when is Stephen Hawking on the Labour ticket?

  32. Oops says:

    Allo, Allo. I shall say this only once.

  33. H.P. Baxxter says:

    A rich, old, deeply unattractive bitch seeking our votes after retiring from her headmistress’s job.

    Honestly, fuck off back to Texas, madam.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Headmistress? Who the hell would want her for a mistress, never mind a ‘head’ mistress?

      ‘deeply unattractive’? You’re too kind, Baxxter.

  34. Bidu Gdid says:

    “Dr Muscat used a party activity in Xghajra to call on local politicians to “sober up” and not turn the last two weeks of the electoral campaign into a “mud-slinging contest”.

    “When a mistake has been made, the government should own up to it and take action. That action could take the form of a resignation or other remedial action. But politicians cannot constantly try score political goals at all costs,” he said.”

    Oh, you see. He doesn’t want a mud-slinging campaign. And he wants ‘the government’ to take action on mistakes, but he will not take any action on the grave responsibilities of prominent members of his own party.

  35. charlie says:

    Tidher li ma ghexitx f’Malta fis-snin sebghin u tmenin biex tigi tparla bid-demokrazija, bil-gustizzja u bil-paci.

    X’wicc ghandha! Qatt ma kien hawn Gvern korrott daks dak li mexxew missiera u KMB. Taht missierha, il-korruzzjoni kienet istutuzzjonalizata.

  36. Miss O'Brien says:

    OK the election is in the bag! We will win! How could it not be with such lying scum twittering about change?

    Oh hang on, we’re not a normal country.

  37. Mar says:

    Tidher li ma kinitx tghix hawn Malta fi zmien missierha, gejja tghid bid-demokrazija.

  38. maryanne says:

    Jahasra il-wirt ma ghiniex tirranga naqra ruhha u tidher iktar prezentabbli?

  39. Wilson says:

    I shall say this only vunce…

  40. Wormfood says:

    Incidentally my parents and others did fight for democracy by opposing her father’s regime but I suppose she wouldn’t know that being a foreigner who cannot speak our mother tongue and all.

  41. Ian says:

    Sounds like me speaking Maltese when I was about 4.

  42. Steve Forster says:

    1. Try wearing an orange jumpsuit and having a couple of Al Qaeda operatives with AKs standing behind you to look/sound more believable, otherwise better than Stilnox for sleeping.

    2. Who is the guy with Speedos trying to shoot a compound bow? I hope he did not trap something precious when he drew it back.

  43. Raffaella says:

    I could only watch the first few seconds.

    Yana who are you to talk about democracy? You’re Dom Mintoff’s daughter.

    And who are you to talk about corruption?

    You’re Dom Mintoff’s daughter.

    Your father made life a corrupt and undemocratic hell, so you had best keep quiet.

  44. Chris says:

    Funny, she sounds like the female version of Stephen Hawking. Probably he would have done a better job. God give me strength .

  45. sasha says:

    Excuse me, but WICCA U SORMA L-ISTESS.

    This is the result of the Nationalist Party not acting on its battlecry of Gustizzja back in 1987. Had it been taken care of we wouldn’t have this sick bunch around today, gagging for our vote.

  46. il bus says:

    Ara min irid jitkellem ukoll!

    X’demokrazija hi li ggieldet ghaliha din?

  47. Wormfood says:

    Golda Meir was better looking.

  48. Natalie says:

    It’s like having a drug addict accusing Mother Theresa of using cocaine.

    X’wicc vili.

    U qabel il-video, belghet zewg Valium?

  49. Mary Jane says:

    Next time do a couple of joints Yana, they will help you relax. Or have you gone to rehab?

  50. mikiel says:

    Another Desperate Dan who doesn’t want to retire and do the gardening at 60+.

    Yana and her colleagues seem to be hanging on for the last opportunity to become ministers.

    Imma kif sibniehom dawn in-nies? Ghax ma jirtirawx bil-kwiet!

  51. Village says:

    Meta nisma jew nara kunjomok jew ritratt ta’ missierek jaqbadni sens ta’ hdura mhux komuni. May he rot in hell.

  52. Village says:

    Consiglio hares lejn wicca sew u ara tarax lill missierha.

  53. clara says:

    Bil-korruzzjoni ta’ zmien il-papi taghha hafna familji batew il-guh u sfortunatament il-familja tieghi kienet wahda minnhom.

    Who do you want to convince, honey?

  54. bystander says:

    There are a few moments in life when not understanding a word of Maltese is a blessing in disguise.

    This appears to be one of them.

  55. l ghawdxi says:

    She doesn’t even know how to speak Maltese ahseb u ara kemm ghanda idea on ”whats going on in Malta”. Did she forget what her dear father used to do? Or is that the past that we should forget now?

  56. Gladio says:

    I challenge Yana to tell us how much land, money and other property her father left her.

  57. observer says:

    Utterly, absolutely, and abominably miserable.

  58. zizka says:

    Mhux bic cajt, imma fakkritni f’ wiehed mill episodji tad-Dar tas-Soru, li konna naraw fuq T.V. fi zmien id-demokrazija ta’ dal l-gh*xx ta’ missiera.

  59. Innit says:

    And in the red corner, all the way from ‘ole blighty’ and living up to her surname – Yana ‘monotone’ Bland.

  60. Wilde One says:

    Kit tista tivvutalu.

    [Daphne – Damn, I missed most of it. Just in time for Lawrence Gonzi, but I will catch the repeat on TVM.]

  61. Majsi says:

    Joseph Muscat will be grateful to her for accepting to contest these elections.

    She will get the compensation she wants (as it is never enough) without the need to make fun of herself in the European Courts and at no expenses.

  62. anthony says:

    “Ic-cittadin ghandu dritt ghall-informazzjoni” she says.

    I say to her “Mhux fl-interess tal-poplu”.

    And bugger off.

  63. J Abela says:

    You’re giving us peace, Mrs Mintoff? Guess what? We have had it since 1987 when we got rid of your daddy’s regime.

  64. bob-a-job says:

    There’s Dom trying out a consignment of modern weapons for the army to replace the slingshots.

    • ciccio says:

      The consignment is probably part of the secret arms treaty signed between Alex Sceberras Trigona and the dictatorship of North Korea.

  65. ken il malti says:

    What is with her gimpy accent?

  66. AE says:

    Gustizzja Yana? U hallina. Mela aghti lura dak kollu li seraq missierek, inkluz il-kumpens li hadtu minn flus il-poplu tad-dar li ghandkom Delimara (minghand min xtara dik l-art missierek jew qabad u bena d-dar fuq art il-poplu?)

    Damn you, Daphne, I’m going to have nightmares tonight.

  67. Joe Azzopardi says:

    Has she no shame ?

  68. Paul Bonnici says:

    She’d better go to the House of Commons and throw some more shit.

    She appeals for change; how could someone her age bring change?

  69. Aldo says:

    She’s as false and vile as her father.

  70. Dan Yuri says:

    Foreign interference.

  71. Tabatha White says:

    Yana, do something about that land your father snatched. The one the house is on, for example.

  72. Joseph Vassallo-Agius says:

    Nassigurak, illi z-zejt dalwaqt jitla f’wicc l-ilma!

  73. Kenneth says:

    Still wearing the Brigata Laburista beret.

  74. il-korla says:

    Il-paci? L-istess paci li gab missierek?

  75. Clifford Galea says:

    Screen reading softwares which are meant to read English pronounce and formulate Maltese sentences better than she does.

  76. jaqq says:

    Did you read the interview with Joseph Muscat and Lawrence Gonzi in The Sunday Times?

    Muscat doesn’t even know that Robert Kennedy wasn’t US president.

    • A.Pace says:

      Anyone worth his salt would also know that the year 1565 is when Malta went through one of the biggest events in its history, The Great Siege.

      It was in 1492 that Christopher Columbus discovered America. Therefore, Muscat’s wish to have lived in Spain in around 1565 BEFORE the said discovery is a bit of an anachronism.

  77. David S says:

    #MintoffYana #Imdellka #Giddieba #Qammiela #Kerha #Mignuna #State-of-the-Art

  78. Miss O'Brien says:

    FUCK OFF, YANA MINTOFF. That’s off my chest. Now I can start the day.

  79. anthony says:

    I strongly disagree that “wicca u sorma xorta”.

    There is no way the latter can possibly look as bad as the former.

    It is anatomically and aesthetically impossible.

  80. J Farrugia says:

    Ara vera lanqas biss jisthu dawn in-nies, man.

  81. Rumplestiltskin says:

    A genuine chip off the old block. Who’s she trying to fool?

  82. candida says:

    Maybe a bit late to comment on Yana imma ha nghidlek bil-Malti, mi-naha tas-South: Mur inheba, ghib ghax tidher li ma taf xejn fuq l-istorja taghna u ta’ missierijietna.

    What hypocrisy

  83. me says:

    Ara vera il-qahba …

  84. ciccio says:

    How insensitive of Joseph Muscat to bring another Mintoff into politics.

  85. Adrian Gouder says:

    Strange how she can talk about justice, freedom, bla bla, when she doesn’t even acknowledge her own father’s wrongs in these areas.

  86. Carmen borg says:

    Dak li jonqosa Malta lil Yana Mintoff – mhux bizzejjed hemm Joseph Muscat.

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