One step away from the Brigata Laburista

Published: February 18, 2013 at 7:20pm

This must be one of the creepiest photos of the entire campaign, almost as bad as the current Labour billboard showing a dystopian group of individuals with uniform painted faces that erase all individuality.


Joseph Muscat visits an old telephone box (ta’ zmien il-hakem) in Hal Qormi, which has been turned into a sort of free library, and is surrounded by an orchestrated group of children all chanting ‘Viva l-Labour’.

There are books inside that telephone box, but the children were given copies of Cyrus Engerer’s hagiography of Muscat, and one boy is seen proudly holding two.

Brigata Laburista children in the early 1980s

Brigata Laburista children in the early 1980s

Brigata Laburista

13 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Ok, this is sick.

    I can imagine what ‘books’ they’ll have on their tablet.

  2. La Redoute says:

    Cyrus Engerer’s hagiography is feeling distributed at all the (ahem) spontaneous event involving Joseph Muscat.

    Several copies were distributed at Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School, along with copies of Labour’s “manifest” (sic) and their new party flag, the one that says Malta belongs to them.

  3. bookworm says:

    Lanqas inizjattiva suriet in-nies ma jiflah. Kellu jmur jiddeffes ukoll.

  4. Neil Dent says:

    Is Kurt actually carting along a load of those books that Cyrus wrote, to every event? Sales seem to be going OK – although I can’t imagine those young kids falling over themselves to get a copy, mind you. More likely just forced upon them for the photo. Brigata ta’vera.

    • La Redoute says:

      How do you know sales are doing well? Who said the people holding up copies for signature actually paid for them?

  5. Gahan says:

    Dawk it-tfal tal-klassi ta’ Nuxxellina, jaqaw?

    • Gahan says:

      Qieghed naraha hdejn Joseph, go Hal-Qormi, mat-tfal ta’ l-iskola wiehed b’zewg kotba ta’ Cyrus li mhux zgur se jaqra ;la ghandu tnejn.

  6. xmun says:

    Giving out free “Joseph” books reminds me of when my neighbour had loads of Kim Il Sung biographies to hand out to his socialist friends.

    I still remember my dad’s face when I went back home, innocently happy that our neighbour had given me a book for free. He threw it straight in the bin and when I was older he told me why.

    I am forever grateful.

  7. Min Jaf says:

    ‘Nibnu generazzjoni Socialista’ kienu jghidhu il-gvernijiet mmexxija minn Mintoff u Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici (mgharuf bhala z-zero) u nspirati minn Gaddafi u Kim Il Sung tal-Korea ta’ Fuq.

    Joseph Muscat qed immexxi ill-Partit Laburista fuq l-istess triq. Dik hija ir-roadmap vera li bi hsiebu jimxi fuqa Joseph Muscat.

  8. Makjavel says:

    We will all have the little yellow book known as Joseph’s Multicoloured Book, it will also,be given in tablet format to all school children, Il Brigata Qeda Hawn.
    Heil Joseph!

  9. ciccio says:

    I hope the photos included by Cyrus in that Joseph Muscat book are appropriate for those kids and that none of those photos were illicitly obtained from Joseph’s hard drive while Joseph was asleep.

  10. Adam says:

    Wonder if Randy reads bedtime stories to Cyry? maybe a couple of extracts form Joseph’s bio

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