SKANDLU IEHOR: One of Labour’s Red Guards is a man with a prison sentence for defrauding the state of Eur93,000. GHAX MALTA TAGHNA LKOLL.

Published: February 26, 2013 at 7:08pm
Bjorn Charles Borg

Bjorn Charles Borg

One of the young men in the Labour campaign video Lkoll Uċuh Maltin has a criminal record for fraud: Bjorn Charles Borg.

Last June he was found guilty of defrauding the state of €93,000 and was sentenced to two years in prison, suspended for four years.

International students who paid the Department of Education for services they received here in Malta were not given a receipt and Borg, who handled the money, kept it himself.

No wonder he’s in. Or rather, he isn’t in at all, because his prison sentence was suspended.

There is no way the Labour Party could not have known about this. Bjorn Charles Borg’s defence lawyers were Labour shadow minister Jose Herrera and Labour star candidate Edward Zammit Lewis, one of Joseph Muscat’s closest allies in the party, and the friend who travelled with him on a wine-tasting trip to Asti round about when this case occurred.


37 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Suspended sentence? Jesus.

  2. Riya says:

    M’ghandniex ghalfejn nihduha bi kbira din hux!

    Il-kap Laburista Joseph Muscat u wiehed mill-vici kapijiet, Toni Abela, hbew traffikar kbir tad-droga li kien isir minn gewwa kazin Laburista, u meta inqabdu li kienu hbew il-kaz Joseph Muscat l-ewwel qallilna li ma’ kien jaf b’xejn imbaghd qal li kienet blokka silg u il-poplu ma’ kellux ghalfejn jallarma ruhu. Min tafu issaqsix ghalih!

    Kien hawn Ministri bhal Perit Vella jaghmlu l-kuntrabandu meta kien fil-gvern il-Labour u Joseph Muscat hallihom fil-Partit u anzi f’posizzjonijiet importanti.

    Il-Perit Vella xi bicca kuntrabandu jaf jaghmel mela jikteb il-programm elettorali li suppost ilu jiktbu tlett snin u baqa biss tnax il-gurnata ghal l-elezzjoni u ghandna ma’ rajna u smajna xejn hlief duhhan u gideb!

  3. Natalie says:

    Labour should thank their lucky stars that they’re not based in Britain or Germany because they would have their leader, deputy leaders, most of their star candidates, and a good part of their activists resigning or in jail.

  4. john says:

    Another reason Labour is unhappy that George Farrugia has turned state’s witness:

    he will be giving evidence in court against their very own ridiculously bewigged Tarcisio.

  5. Mario Mercieca says:

    Daphne, we thank God we have you to show us what scum Labour is all about. I assume we will have to come more often to your blog in the coming five years, when it will be more easy to expose them better.

  6. Jozef says:

    Dawn apposta qed jaghmlu. Ma jistax ikun.

  7. rjc says:

    Hiding behind a mask.

    Typical lejber.

  8. Mallia says:

    Where’s that scumbag cock (avian version) loving lawyer now? Does he not have anything to say about the new klikka / oligarchy that will be in power soon.

    As you say, Daphne, WHAT TRASH!

  9. Markus says:

    Can I have your e mail please?

    [Daphne –]

  10. Dredd says:

    Yep, Kenneth Zammit Tabona has found his home all right.

  11. Gahan says:

    Dan skandlu ikbar minn tal-VAT? Dawk il-flus li seraq raddhom lura?

  12. A Montebello says:

    €93,000? MY god, that’s pretty damned substantial. Trash! And he should keep the face paint on. It disguises that impressive monobrow.

  13. MX says:

    They removed his mono for the video how najs

  14. RosanneB says:

    Indeed Daphne, PL means thrash..literally!

  15. Matthew says:

    I’m in custody.

    If they can’t be bothered to get their much touted, flashy, immensely expensive PR right, what are the chances of getting things we don’t even see right?

    • Mister says:

      So now he’s supporting Labour cause he was busted and he had to return the stolen monies back. Prosit ukoll.

      Malta tieghek ukoll?

  16. Jozef says:

    Joseph had Mercedes Bresso invited to Bis-Sustanza yesterday. She destroyed all his arguments in two minutes, praising this government’s achievements.

    Bresso was governor of Piedmont until 2008. She left a deficit of over 900 million euros related to health services provided by the Regione.

    She also refused to accept the result which saw her kicked out of office. Cota had to revert to the courts to confirm his election.

  17. TROY says:

    The masks are beginning to slip.

    They’re wearing masks to hide from the truth.

  18. Grezz says:

    Qabda zibel, kolla kemm huma.

    Kenneth Zammit Tabona and Astrid Vella must be so proud at having joined the (not so) “in” crowd.

    • ninnu says:

      Kenneth Zammit Tabona has been uncovering the mask a little at a time, now he dropped it completely.

      • Sophie says:

        Yes, like when he THOUGHT he had just come out, at the grand old age of 50-something (only to now tell us that he’s “IN”, but that’s another story).

  19. OMG says:

    I sincerely cannot believe how people who are supposedly intelligent can possibly vote Labour.

  20. Frankie's Barrage says:

    Can someone explain to us mortals how a person can defraud €93,000 and end up getting just a suspended sentence?

  21. taxxu says:


  22. AE says:

    Bloody suspended sentence! I’M SO FED UP of seeing people getting away with it.

    Any idea if he gave the money back?

    Just shows how Lejber will accept all and sundry – what trash.

  23. ken il malti says:

    From a world famous tennis star to a common con-man.

    My my how the mighty have fallen.

  24. haga mohgaga says:

    Why isn’t Eddy commenting on this?

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