Some people never know when they’re washed up
February 5, 2013 at 1:56pm
Looks like Joe Tanti hasn’t yet worked out that it’s time to retire gracefully. If he’s in, then for heaven’s sake, exactly who are the out crowd.
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Tries (unsuccessfully) to imitate the DJ in ‘Good Morning Vietnam’ – watch it and you’ll see what I mean.
These people think that by right they should have got much more than what they got and are hoping that their switch will give them a chance to carry on riding the gravy train.
Jesus Christ in heaven, wasn’t he a Nazzjonalist ahdar?
[Daphne – No such thing. It’s a contradiction in terms.]
Definitely was a Nazzjonalist akkanit. I remember meeting him and John Bundy together at a PN mass meeting in Ta’ Qali. Can’t remember the year.
And now Bundy has followed in his footsteps. I remember them in 1998 cheering the crowd in front of PN HQ after Sant’s defeat.
No Baxx, the guy is certainly IN (that’s short for insane)
Nationalist, Labouristi, whatever, who gives a shit.
Washed up? Don’t think so. When I met him, there was distinct scent of patchouli oil. No need to wash.
Oh so seventies.
It seems that Joe has taken over all the red material in Malta since il-moviment doesn’t show any.
He was at Bay Radio when Roberto Francalanza was news editor. That’d be up to 1995, until Sant’s white Hyundai came along.
Jozef, A couple of corrections, if you allow me.
1. That was RobertOH Francalanza.
2. The white car was a Mazda.
No – he was just plain Robert then…
RobertHo is from Zejtun, like Joe Grima, but unlike other MLP supporters was ashamed to say that he was a Zejtuni.
Goodness, doesn’t that look like a deflated Manuel Mallia.
…a ghost?
Dan ic-carlatan iktar ma jikber iktar jibliegh.
L-ewwel ghamel ghomru jiggerra ‘l hemm u ‘l hawn u meta zmaga inghaqad IN mal-Labour li kissru u farku Malta meta kienu fil-poter.
Jekk dan mhux genn ghiduli x’inhu l-veru genn.
Veru moviment tal-opportunisti.
Those who know Joe Tanti can relate to that photo you showed. He’s completely out of it.
He looks like someone who can’t decide whether it’s rap or hip-hop.
I’m out!
Me too
Joe minn dejjem hekk kien, la jaf hekk hux gej lanqas sejjer.
Beda jitghallem il-catering, spicca jbiegh is-switches, imbghad dahal Dee-jay, imbghad telaq il-mara, imbghad sab ohra, imbghad mar mal-One-0-One, imghad wara t-telfa mar mal-One, imbghad telaq, imbghad lil-Bundy fuq Affari Taghna kwazi qallu li ghamel zbal, issa qed narawh mal-Labour.
Ma niskantax li xi darba jghid li sar lesbjan.
Could they be any more obvious?