Some people never know when they’re washed up

Published: February 5, 2013 at 1:56pm

Looks like Joe Tanti hasn’t yet worked out that it’s time to retire gracefully. If he’s in, then for heaven’s sake, exactly who are the out crowd.

Joe Tanti, a radio DJ popular in the early 1990s, in top-to-toe red at Labour's mass meeting. If he's in, then...

Joe Tanti, a radio DJ popular in the early 1990s, in top-to-toe red at Labour’s mass meeting. If he’s in, then…

22 Comments Comment

  1. Jar Jar says:

    Tries (unsuccessfully) to imitate the DJ in ‘Good Morning Vietnam’ – watch it and you’ll see what I mean.

  2. Herbie says:

    These people think that by right they should have got much more than what they got and are hoping that their switch will give them a chance to carry on riding the gravy train.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Jesus Christ in heaven, wasn’t he a Nazzjonalist ahdar?

    [Daphne – No such thing. It’s a contradiction in terms.]

    • Anna says:

      Definitely was a Nazzjonalist akkanit. I remember meeting him and John Bundy together at a PN mass meeting in Ta’ Qali. Can’t remember the year.

      • caflanga says:

        And now Bundy has followed in his footsteps. I remember them in 1998 cheering the crowd in front of PN HQ after Sant’s defeat.

    • bob-a-job says:

      No Baxx, the guy is certainly IN (that’s short for insane)

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Nationalist, Labouristi, whatever, who gives a shit.

      Washed up? Don’t think so. When I met him, there was distinct scent of patchouli oil. No need to wash.

      Oh so seventies.

  4. pm says:

    It seems that Joe has taken over all the red material in Malta since il-moviment doesn’t show any.

  5. Jozef says:

    He was at Bay Radio when Roberto Francalanza was news editor. That’d be up to 1995, until Sant’s white Hyundai came along.

  6. Luke says:

    Dan ic-carlatan iktar ma jikber iktar jibliegh.

    L-ewwel ghamel ghomru jiggerra ‘l hemm u ‘l hawn u meta zmaga inghaqad IN mal-Labour li kissru u farku Malta meta kienu fil-poter.

    Jekk dan mhux genn ghiduli x’inhu l-veru genn.

  7. verita says:

    Veru moviment tal-opportunisti.

  8. rundun says:

    Those who know Joe Tanti can relate to that photo you showed. He’s completely out of it.

  9. mattie says:

    He looks like someone who can’t decide whether it’s rap or hip-hop.

  10. Natalie says:

    I’m out!

  11. Gahan says:

    Joe minn dejjem hekk kien, la jaf hekk hux gej lanqas sejjer.

    Beda jitghallem il-catering, spicca jbiegh is-switches, imbghad dahal Dee-jay, imbghad telaq il-mara, imbghad sab ohra, imbghad mar mal-One-0-One, imghad wara t-telfa mar mal-One, imbghad telaq, imbghad lil-Bundy fuq Affari Taghna kwazi qallu li ghamel zbal, issa qed narawh mal-Labour.

    Ma niskantax li xi darba jghid li sar lesbjan.

  12. ian says:

    Could they be any more obvious?

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