STAR COMMENT: “There is a criminal lot, waiting to get in.”
Posted by Esteve beneath my ‘Hoist by their own petard’ piece (the excellent meme came from Antoine):
You must be really gone to vote these guys in.
They investigate, decide and condemn according to what is convenient to them, without “indhil” from the respective institutions.
They obviously do not believe in democratic institutions. Even after all these years they have not learnt what they are there for.
It’s the “u ejja” attitude on steroids.
To all those “switchers” who had the courage to rethink all their convictions to make the famuza switch: you should really think again.
Convictions or policy do not feature in this election AT ALL. There is a criminal lot just waiting to come into power. Do not have it on your conscience.
If you really want to vote in somebody else there is always AD or else look deeply for your proverbial balls and found another party.
The country badly needs a viable opposition and it is clear that the MLP is letting it down time and time again.
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Didn’t Michelle recently tell those women at Hal Ghaxaq ‘issa stennew minn kollox’ in the last 15 days before election day?
Jiena qed nistenna izjed. I want more. Ghax Malta Taghna Lkoll.
I’m loving it, I’m in…volved!
Have you ever seen, how when a shark bleeds, what the other sharks do?
This is totally unrelated (maybe you could investigate it a bit), but, I’m asking why the Times decided to print this story now. This happened in 2010. Possibli saru daqshekk biased favur il-Partit Laburista? Mela nsew x’garahom meta nharaq kull m’hemm?