Super One and politicians with cancer: what hypocrisy (but so typical)

Published: February 18, 2013 at 9:33pm
Hugo Chavez

Hugo Chavez

Super One TV has just given us a news report update on Hugo Chavez’s cancer treatment in Cuba.

This from the very people who expressed such shock and outrage because I burst their bubble by pointing out that the man on whom Joseph Muscat claims he will dump all his responsibilities, deputy leader Louis Grech, is a cancer patient and has been one for some time.

Before he became deputy leader, Grech was quite happy for people to know about it. But when he became deputy leader, suddenly it became a liability, and so had to become Another Big Labour Secret.

So we now have this freakish, dystopian situation in which the Labour Party updates us on the cancer status of the presidenty of Venezuela, but hides its own deputy leader’s cancer and cries scandal at those who don’t collude in keeping this information from the Great Maltese Public.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Orwellian doublespeak at its worst.

  2. Ian Spiteri says:

    i would happily shit on your grave once you’re 6 feet under, dead of cancer!!!

    [Daphne – Go right ahead. Some points, though. 1. The odds of your outliving me are not great. Both my grandmothers died at almost 100 and my great-grandmother at 103. 2. The odds of your finding my family grave are tiny. My Victorian forebears appear to have espoused some kind of Protestant ethic, so it is Spartan to the point of being invisible (and it carries a different name). 3. Dead people don’t give a damn. 4. Cancer is not an insult and only peasants use it as a curse. 5. I am surprised that you defecate in public. I didn’t know the underprivileged still did that kind of thing.]

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Over powering stuff, Ian. Why am I not impressed?

    • manum says:

      @ ian I would never wish something like that even to my worst enemy, and to write it down shows what you are made of buddy.

    • Martin says:

      Ian Spiteri, tobzoqx lejn is-sema ghax jigi kollu f’wiccek. Haga li ma nixtieqha lil HADD. imma jekk tippersisti allura jiddispjacini ghalik.

    • Joe Farrugia says:

      There are other ways of fertilising flower beds on graves these days. But it looks like that is the way you peasants “happily” do it. It is the thought that counts after all.

  3. Albert says:

    The story about Hugo Chaves cancer fight,where he was undergoing treatment in Cuba has nothing to do with Louis Grech and the local scene.It is just a normal foreign news that could well be in TVM or NET tv.

    [Daphne – Ah, I see. Foreign news operates according to different criteria. The Maltese public has a right to know that Hugo Chavez is being treated for cancer, because Hugo Chavez has nothing to do with us. But the Maltese public does not have a right to know that the imminent deputy prime minister is being treated for cancer, because it is none of our business. Mhux ta’ b’xejn tivvota Labour, Albert.]

  4. bystander says:

    Who are Super One accountable to?
    Let me guess: is it Super One?

  5. ciccio says:

    Hugo Chavez is a communist. Yet, it turns out that he is more transparent than the Malta Labour Party.

    • Makjavel says:

      Joseph’s Lejber Muvment is not communist , it is NORTH KOREAN COMMUNISM.
      Notice the jargon. Starting with the GREAT LEADER , FEARLESS LEADER , CLAPPING GROUPS , we will see more in the near future.

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