Super One – press conference live now

Published: February 23, 2013 at 12:58pm

They’ve brought out their heavy hitter – the criminal defence team of one, l-avukat Manuel Mallia, with long experience in defending murders and cocaine traffickers in jury trials.

They’ve worked out that he’s their best bet for defending the party financial administrator found handling George Farrugia’s money.

Such a peasant: asked whether he admits Evarist Bartolo and Chris Cardona lied when they said that Tonio Fenech received a gift worth Eur5000, when the clock was made by a hobbyist and is worth nothing much, he responded: “Jien miniex valuer tar-reproductions. Jien dilettant tal-antiques veri.”

Iva, minn qieh il-Blue Lantern Bar, x’qabda pozi.

Now I see that he’s under fire from some proper press questions, and he’s getting aggressive and hostile because he’s not used to it. He’s used to be in court, being the inquisitor himself, not in the dock being interrogated.

Disgusting old bullfrog.

Manuel Mallia’s pronunciation of ‘fiduciary’ (why didn’t they rehearse him before he went on stage): F’eye doo cha ree.

Poor Kurt Farrugia looks really ill. He’s finally learning what a real campaign is like, and that it’s not a matter of organising balloons, confetti, billboards and rounding up people to chant Taghna Lkoll.

Yesterday he didn’t even find time to shave.

27 Comments Comment

  1. Ray Briffa says:

    The learned lawyer says he will be seeking imprisonment for Paul Borg Olivier.

    Malta Taghana Ilkoll? What a sad joke.

  2. anon says:

    Nahseb anke l-mara tieghu dilettanta tal-antiques veri biex tqannat bih.

  3. The Shadow says:

    I’m sorry ded, imma I’m going to vote for the party that legitimized buggery.

    [Daphne – Beautiful. I’m going to steal that.]

  4. Twanny borg says:

    Jekk mhux kapaci jivalwa arlogg ghalfejn ivvintaw li jiswa aktar minn 5000 euro?

    Pero s-sabiha qalu li George Farrugia qal dan fl-istqarrija lill-pulizija meta dan ma kiex veru.

    Ipperikolaw il-proklama u telfu l-fiducja lil pulizija li inharget informazzjoni u moghtija lill-pl. il-kummissarju stess giddibhom.

  5. rjc says:

    Why you put the word ‘poor’ in front of Kurt Farrugia is beyond me. I’m past being sorry for people of his trash status.

  6. maryanne says:

    Lou Bondi for president.

  7. Alex says:

    The PN should work hard on this conference and make a presentation of the many contradictions and of Manuel Mallia, he is an excellent lawyer because in the courts you can not confront him with what you say.

  8. Custom Built says:

    So now Emanuel aka Manwel Mallia has taken centre stage. He still thinks he is addressing a jury.

    Lou Bondi is putting the heat on Manwel, who wishes he were still in bed, or doing the weekly shop at Lidl. At his age he needs an afternoon siesta.

    Hallina Manwel, you’d never have done this when Guido was alive.

  9. Custom Built says:

    Mallia does not remember if someone gives him a Chivas Regal but will remember if someone gives him a Faberge’ egg.

  10. Curious says:

    Qed jghidu li Kurt Farrugia qed jikkrolla. Xi hadd jaf xi haga izjed?

  11. Party of Liars says:

    Maybe he should be asked about the value of the water from the Valletta fountain?

  12. Ivan says:

    Jixrob ix-Xijvas Rijgal…imnejjek it-tifel kemm hu raffinat! U bajda ta’ faberx ikun irrid… PATHETIC

  13. maryanne says:

    Owner of antiques, star candidate representing the workers who cannot afford to pay bills, in parliament. Socialist fairytales.

  14. Daisy says:

    Out of curiosity, is David Farrugia Sacco the son of that Judge Farrugia Sacco who was in the news recently?

    [Daphne – Yes.]

  15. Tabatha White says:

    Courtroom bully tactics Manwel?

    Trying to deflect from the real reason you joined the Labour campaign, which was at about the same time you were working on that report?

    What a coincidence.

    To have gone to campaign for the same party where the Financial Administrator was suspect. And you knew it. Because you had informed him. Why wasn’t he kicked out of the Party then? Did he not have duty of disclosure of such a sensitive topic to Joseph, who could have found out about it any time through other channels? Wasn’t there any conflict of interest you felt, or misrepresentation, before your clients? Perhaps they all became clients?

    If Joseph didn’t know anything, how did you feel comfortable facing him and discussing matters, whilst knowing what you did about Joe Cordina. Is this how business is dealt with within LP to each his own patch? No effective Leadership?

    Did you not concern yourself about how the Party finances were run, or did the two issues not have any implication one on the other?

    Perhaps because they were linked? Perhaps because they were common knowledge within a particular group at LP headquarters?

    Your threats are hollow. The whole story doesn’t take much to piece together.

    You must have had a brilliant Christmas.

    Manwel the pitbull? Inter-bred for the occasion?

  16. Nighthawk says:

    So Joey and Toni omit to report drug dealing and Manwel wants to put his political opponents in jail. That’s not a change I’d look forward to.

  17. Vanni says:

    I bet that Manuel Mallia will not make it to parliament.

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