Tal-pepe English lessons for Labour video producers

Published: February 24, 2013 at 12:40am


WRONG: “Fajf more years of gideb.”

RIGHT: “Five more years of fucking lies, haqq l-ustja.”

(But you also have to get the accent right.)

14 Comments Comment

  1. Alex says:

    The switches from English to Maltese and back are really in the wrong place. And, istra, hekk – ma nafx – it sounds so odd, aye?

  2. Tabatha White says:

    They will never get it, and that is their biggest frustration.

    They now have the money, they have the opportunity, they have almost everything, but they don’t have the mindset.

    Otherwise they would not be voting for that goonie squad made up of overweight stooges waddling all over the place.

    If they had that last missing valuable element, they’d be voting differently.

    • anna caruana says:

      What is wrong with you people. Why are people stupid if they vote PL but those that vote PN have the right mindset.

      So people that voted PN last time but are now voting PL have lost their wits.

      Why not do away with elections and let the PN stay in power for ever.

      People do use their brain even when they re not as bright as you lot seem to think you are.

      [Daphne – People who vote for Joseph Muscat to become prime minister are by definition not bright, Anna. The choice is between two. One is crap, the other has a good track record. If you choose the crap over the good track record, there is obviously something deficient in your reasoning. Pn for ever and do away with elections? How, exactly, is it the Nationalist Party’s fault, or the fault of those who vote for it, that Labour just can’t get its act together? Surely even you admit that the Labour Party is rubbish. I gather that you are going to vote for it only because you can’t stand the PN for a variety of personal reasons that have nothing to do with rational thought.]

      • Tabatha White says:

        Anna, I am really sorry that you didn’t understand me. That is part of what I meant by my statement above. We say one thing and you understand it only at face value. You are seemingly incapable of seeing the deeper implication. And this is not the only instance. This is what is happening in this country all the time. It is what causes the divide between us to grow wider and wider.

        I think it really needs to be simplified for them to understand Daphne. They don’t even seem to understand “Crap,” “lies,” “intent,”consistent liar,” the fact that it all links up and that a politician in any other country (except Italy) would not have survived a year in any party if he decided matters the way Joseph & Co have. They are unable to put “rubbish” into context. Rational thought doesn’t appear to happen.

        Joseph has only climbed the Labour Ladder of success on repeatedly failed policies and his deceit to his own party (the way he did away with the internal system when Anglu was lopped) , and you are prepared to vote for him on that basis. He has never had one single policy of his own that was successful. And yet, you are willing to entrust him with the future of this dear country of ours because you say we need a change.

        A change from what to what? One would normally wish to change to something equal or better, not worse.

        He lies, repeatedly, and this matters not at all to you. The logical conclusion to anyone else is that LP/ MLP run their own personal lives in the same way and that is why it comes as no shock when Joseph does it.

        He covers up drug trafficking within his own party, which means that drug trafficking is not an issue to him. That when he talks about “cleaning up Malta” there already is at the outset a very large margin that to him doesn’t enter in the “dirty” equation: lies, drug handling and trafficking, accepting and delivering bribes, receiving funds from commissions within the LP machine and covering all this up with silence and lies – because you his supporters are too stupid (sorry that I am forced to use this) to understand the reality of it all or that you just do not care in your ghagla ghal-bidla. He lies and continues to lie, with your blessing.
        He exploits you and your stupidity (nothing personal) and you are too blind to even see it.

        You have not realised that the media machines are supporting this sham (deceitful appearance and set-up) of Joseph’s and that there is no interest by them of placing the emphasis where it should be placed. This is because if they too are LP supporters, they feel they have no moral requirement to carry out their job with a minimum of objectivity and honesty. They have become part of a brainwashing operation – and you don’t see it, or don’t care.

        The difference is also Anna, that I really care about the fact that you think so differently. I am trying to understand why there are two totally different breeds on this tiny island of ours and I am convinced that language settings and inherited perceptions are what give us these totally different mind settings.

        The negative values that Joseph and his cohort are promoting, I will never be able to accept, but you do with eyes wide shut. Additionally, it appears, are able to without any trouble to your conscience.

        Just accept then, that we are simply not made in the same way: the values mould that was used for you and other Labour supporters is not the same as the one we have.

        It is not to say that I hate you or your guts or anything about you. It is only that I am very, very sad and upset that people like you, have no responsible values system that makes any logical sense. Especially when we’ve been through it before and should have learnt our lesson.

        At least we did, because we were the ones against whom the injustices were committed. And then EFA chose to forgive all that, with the result that you couldn’t even learn then that what was done was a terrible crime. You had no measure of the crimes committed. It passed you over. Apparently.

        If you do have anything else to say Anna, do explain how you accept drug trafficking within LP premises, the conscious decision not to report this by Toni, the failure of Joseph to handle it when it was brought, repeatedly, to his attention, the lie of Joseph when confronted with it, the implication of Joe Cordina in the oil monies scandal, the fact that Joseph knew of this, the fact that Manwel knew of it all and secured himself a place within LP nonetheless or because of it (to keep quiet about everything? so that it wouldn’t blow up in Joseph’s face?), the fact that Joseph, Louis etc actively campaigned against EU membership and then went to work within it, the fact that he lied again on the tablets proposal – one day after it was presented, etc., etc., etc.

        Perhaps then I will have some understanding for your mindset, which you will have to admit is not the same as mine.

        What I did say, was that when the LP set about emulating everything about the NP, there is no way that they can emulate the mindset, because it is foreign to them, to you, and LP doesn’t even begin to understand it, as you have proved.

        I hope you understand what I said now. When people say there’s a bahar jaqsam between us, they also mean that these sort of explanations would need to be in place every time that you do not understand what we’re on about.

        Just as I have zero hate towards you, I have zero expectations for your understanding of this.

  3. ta'sapienza says:

    Which reminds me, where the hell is Marisa?

  4. Maria says:

    Give us all a break!.. correct me if im wrong but arent you a nationalist ? so does that make you smart, bright or intelligent? im a free citizen and i know shit when i see it and thats what you are! nothing more nothing less! i really hope one day ur own sown buries you alive! cause the hate in your eyes for other’s opinions, for other’s choices, for other’s beliefs is unbareable! you are such an ignorant, dumb and narrow minded woman if you fall under the classification of women!

    [Daphne – I am not smart, bright and intelligent because I vote Nationalist. I vote Nationalist because I am smart, bright and intelligent. You have it the wrong way round. Now bugger off. As I told one of your friends a couple of hours ago, it’s safe because it’s legal.]

  5. P Shaw says:

    Is Ms. Sultana now embarrassed that she is part of that hysterical ad, and is trying to detach herself by stating that it is just drama and she is only an actress?

  6. noname says:


    I love your sense of humour – you crack me up each time I read your blog.

  7. Sonia says:

    Glad you liked it!

  8. john says:

    A distinction also needs to be made between dad and daddy or father.

    I was never allowed to say dad.

  9. Chris Borg Cardona says:

    God …you’re great!

  10. LE to LEjber says:

    Il-PL tant huwa konxju li hu rubbish li kellu jghaqqad ‘moviment’ ghax jaf illi wahdu ma jaghmel xejn!

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