They’re all over the place. Michelle on Super One and her husband on TVM.

Published: February 23, 2013 at 11:47pm

I’ve just finished watching Joseph with Reno Bugeja on TVM. Now I’ve switched to Super One and found Michelle with Norman Hamilton’s wife Josette.

I got the tail-end. Michelle’s just said how people feel at home with her and her husband and she tells them, of course, we don’t look at the colour of your skin and we don’t look at politics as tribal.

The colour of your skin. Martin Luther King had black and white and Joseph and Michelle have red and blue.

Politics isn’t about colour, madam. It’s about personal choices and what they say about us. The colour is nothing but the representation of those choices. You don’t get to choose whether you’re black or white, but you get to choose your politics. It’s called a decision.

Anyway, that happens to be the subject of my column in The Malta Independent on Sunday tomorrow, which will also be online at

10 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Joseph Muscat would not have complained if the PN billboard had depicted him with a blue face.

    But then, if he is so keen to be a Nationalist, why did he join the Labour Party? Another one of his wrong decision somewhere along the years, maybe?

    • Jozef says:

      Whenever he tells his followers about his mixed family, it’s a subtle hint they should be up to his expectations.

      Sant had his books, red and cerebral enough to shrug it aside.

      Muscat can’t. He’s enslaved in materialism as a cause, not consequence of success.

    • stephen says:

      Good one, really good!

  2. Kevin Zammit says:

    What the heck did we do wrong in this life to deserve these megalomaniacs?

    • observer says:

      Nothing much – at least as political choices are concerned. Megalomaniacs do not thrive on correct political choices, but on utter ignorance of realities.

      The simply attach themselves on such ignorance and sap any possible signs of active intelligence – just like parasites on tree trunks or other host living beings. The weaker the host, the stronger – and the fatter – the parasite grows.

  3. Scotti says:

    Super One left the mics on when the programe finished, and Michelle asked Josette if she did well on the show, and again asked her are you sure I did well?

    Josette replied yes, yes you were very good.

    Does her husband get angry with her if she does not perform well? Miskina.

  4. Futur Imcajpar says:

    But she did very poorly at a Malta Dyslexia Association activity last Friday.

    When Dr. Ruth Falzon was asked to address the audience to round off a very interesting evening, she started by thanking Mrs Gonzi and Mrs Muscat for their presence. At this point, Mrs Muscat completely took over with a yawning-inducing waffle of rhetoric and long winded sentences – the type that clearly show she doesn’t know how she’s going to end what she’d started to say.

    When given a chance to resume and looking somewhat incredulous (or maybe bemused?), Dr. Falzon just thanked the audience and brought the meeting to an end.

    But Mrs. Gonzi had briefly participated earlier in the discussion and Mrs. Muscat could not let the evening pass without giving us her 2c worth of wisdom.

    Not that anyone gave a toss, but she informed us that she had read the evening’s invitation email on her ‘Blackberry’.

    Xi dwejjaq ta’ nies. U x’misthija. Hi u zewga sa jhammrulna wiccna kull fejn imorru.

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