This is what Labour’s George Vella said after the party leaders’ campus debate five years ago

Published: February 14, 2013 at 10:58am

9 Comments Comment

  1. Concerned Ex-Uni Student says:

    And the guy has the nerve to actually give lectures to foreign diplomats who come to Malta specifically for its well-known University institutes and academies.

  2. old-timer says:

    The EU has made prosperous the likes of Joseph Muscat, Louis Grech, Joseph Cuschieri, Attard Montalto etc. Yet they voted against it.

  3. zunzana says:

    Was George Vella talking about what happened five years ago or what happened yesterday?

  4. ciccio says:

    Was good seeing many Studenti Laburisti (you know, after Pulizija Laburisti, now was the turn of the studenti) chanting at the University hall yesterday.

    Seems that ‘Malta is taghna lkoll’ already. So what’s this bullshit about ‘change in direction’ all about?

  5. Qeghdin Sew says:

    I guess it applies now as much as it applied back then.

    The average Maltese person is an idiot. Political allegiance is just a minor difference.

  6. Pro says:

    Ghaziz George Vella,

    Nixtieq ngharfek illi jiena kont wahda minn dawk l-istudenti li kont prezenti ghad-dibatittu ta` hames snin ilu u nixtieq nghid illi kieku kelli l-opportunita` li mmur lura fis-snin l-istess kont naghmel ghax hekk kien jisthoqlu l-ghaziz kap precendenti taghkom.

    L-istudenti li tant ridt tesponi minhabba l-oxxenitajiet taghhom huma xejn hlief studenti gradwati, hafna minnhom b’familja u b’karriera liema bhalha u dan kollu grazzi ghal Partit Nazzjonalista. Qieghed titkellem hekk ghaliex l-ghira li ghandek ghalina li tant ghamilna success fil-karriera taghna, nerga` nghid grazzi ghall-Partit Nazzjonalista, qieghed iggieghlek tirrealizza kemm int qatt ma kellek u qatt m’hu ser ikollok is-success li lhaqna ahna.

    Tant sabiex taghraf tirregola l-kummenti tieghek verso s-sottoskritt u lejn dawk kollha li kienu prezenti dakinhar tad-dibatittu ta` hames snin ilu.


  7. Riya says:

    George Vella jekk huwa serju jmissu johrog jikkundanna lill-Partit Laburista talli organizza anke trasport biex ha il-marmalja Laburista gewwa l-Universita biex tghajjar lil Prim Ministru.

    Isthi Dr.George Vella jekk ghandek zejt f’wiccek.

  8. Brian Ellul says:

    Good timing for this. Pity that the new Labour students don’t remember it. He’s calling them STUPID and worse.

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