This one has been tampered with, too

Published: February 14, 2013 at 11:31pm


The listed sender (Olivier de Richemont) of the deleted message at the top is the same as the recipient of the quoted message from George Farrugia. But the subject lines of both the deleted message and the quoted one are identical, including Re and fwd.

If this were a re-forwarded message, the subject line would begin ‘fwd Re fwd’.

The subject line of the quoted message suggests that George Farrugia replied to a message which de Richmont forwarded to him, but deleted the message itself.

But then why would de Richmont hit Reply or Forward, and remove the resulting Re or Fwd, but leave the Re Fwd that was already there?

More to the point, since this is a news report we’re talking about, there is a glaring absence of any attempt to contact Olivier de Richemont (or Mathieu Rouquie). If the newspapers tried and failed to get their comments, they should have said so.

The fact that they did not say so means that they did not even try to contact either Mathieu Rouquie or Olivier de Richemont. Why not?

Embroilments in bribery scandals are taken very seriously indeed by companies like Total. It is weird indeed that a discussion about incorrect practices involving Total is taking place in the Maltese newspapers without any attempt at contacting Total itself.

It is as though the reporters who are covering this story don’t want to contact the supposed French recipients of those supposed emails, but it’s their job to do so. Is there some reason it isn’t being done?

22 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Michael Falzon wants to know why Austin Gatt blames the Labour Party for the forgery and misrepresentation.

    Simple. It’s got Labour’s fingerprints all over it – shoddy, inept, inconsistent and poorly thought out.

  2. marc says:

    Please give me your email address.

    [Daphne – [email protected]]

  3. Harry Purdie says:

    Daphne, Total has been implicated in many scandals. I have spent many years over here working in the petrochemical industry. Take it from one who knows what goes on.

    My own Canadian company was hauled up before our parliament for kickbacks. A good friend and colleague was implicated and took the fall. Eventually exonerated, but his career was dead ended.

    The Frenchies will deny, deny. That’s the game. ‘Catch me if you can’.

    Our local greedy neophytes will take the fall.

    Total? Grinning all the way to the bank.

  4. Qeghdin Sew says:

    The only reason I want these emails to be fake is so that I will be able to put my mind at rest that we don’t have important decisions like oil procurement tenders in the hands of semi-illiterate businessmen.

  5. Jozef says:

    The first two weeks of the campaign were monopolised by Labour’s energy proposal. Lost in action.

    The third and fourth week were a build up to the electoral program. Again, major difficulties with its ownership.

    The rest can only be the old fashioned mud slinging exercise.

    It’s clear they planned for a maximum of five weeks and if anything, bring on the sleaze.

    Beppe was absolutely smashing, Tonio’s unbeatable and Clive manages to disarm arguments in a very calm manner.

    Joe Cassar should avoid trying to get some sense into ONE journalists.

    The PM was unchallenged during the debate yesterday. Mainly because the questions were objectively put to test him. It’s imperative that the same tone, content and information be carried to the party’s events.

    In other words, bring forward the reasoned approach, and critically, how the results came about.

    Joseph cannot go there.

  6. Gahan says:

    I watched parts of the press conference, part of TVhemm, and part of Bondi+ before I went to sleep serenely that Austin pinned all his opponents in half a day.

    He was patiently taking the brunt for the last 15n days, but now he had to speak up and explain the obvious.

    Luckily this ‘scoop’ against Austin was brought out early in the electoral campaign.

    Labour’s campaign has always ended with a mud-slinging campaign against some MP who symbolised part of the ethos and good name of the Nationalist Party.

    Michael Frendo was hounded by this kind of press we’re at present experiencing on the bus ticketing ’scandal’ , in which it was proved later that he was not involved.The damage was done and Michael lost his seat and his political career.

    Then there was the Mistra case where JPO who was PN’s outspoken knight in shining armour on the environment ,nearly floundered his party because it was proved later that he was actually a land speculator, and tried to influence MEPA officers by phoning them about the permits he needed to strike a €100,000 deal.

    Now we have the PL trying hard to implicate Aust, AG or the Minister in an oil procurement scandal which runs into millions fof Euros (my conservative estimate).

    Yesterday Gino Cauchi on TVHemm declared that there’s nothing which proves that Minister Austin Gatt had anything to do with the EneMalta oil scandal. As far as I know ex Super-One and TVM journalist Gino Cauchi was representing the PL on that program, not himself.

    Enough said.

  7. qahbuMalti says:

    The MLP reaction last night excluded any rebuttal of Austin Gatt’s theory that the MLP are trying to frame him. This is not their style! As they say – C’e qualcosa che non va.

  8. ajs says:

    Sorry to post this here

    ‘Malta sees highest energy consumption growth in the EU.’

    If there are 88k on the poverty line and everyone is complaining about the steep electricity bills, why is there such a significant increase – 17% is no joke.

    I guess anything goes with MLP: including forging these emails – great diversionary tactic to make sure people’s minds are clouded and that “WE NEED A CHANGE”.

    We do need a change in the Labour leadership and mentality.

  9. Alfred Bugeja says:

    Well Daphne, don’t be so naive. Look at who the author of the story reproduced above is.

    I’ve already said it before on this blog that journalists of the Kurt Sansone kind are present at all levels in the Allied Newspapers newsroom, starting from the news editor.

    For him to get away with this so lightly, I am now even starting to suspect that the rot in there has spread to the very top, to people who I would expect to know better. I call it the mediatodayisation of the Times. It’s been long in the making.

  10. bob-a-job says:

    From what I am understanding.

    George Farrugia is a Malta representative of a number of oil suppliers and as such IS entitled to a commission on his sales.

    At this point one has to determine whether, in fact, extra commissions were paid over above the normal ones to ensure that the tenders went to his companies rather then his competitors.

    One would also have to investigate the oil companies to establish if commissions were paid directly by them to third parties.

    Commissions paid abroad are not a problem as long as they are declared.

    As for the emails. Should some be authentic, could this not partly be a case ‘name dropping’?

  11. Censu says:

    So Victor Laiviera is asking on FB whether his readers have got a Swiss bank account, and if YES to click LIKE!

    Is he by any chance insinuating that all those with a Swiss bank account are corrupt?

    I do not think that is the case. Corruption can take all sorts of forms – including abusing of charity collection during Penny Stunts organised by university students some years back. Ir-ruh tifhem, Vic.

  12. Anon says:

    Issa mal bank account ha jaqbdu. Comments on the times are saying you cannot inherit an account but Dr Gatt said its a fund. I checked on Google and if I understood correctly funds can be inherited. Can somebody confirm this? Thanks.

  13. JPS says:

    I presume that the Police in conducting their investigations will, or rather, should approach these companies and investigate them too. Would the Police be able to comment whether they already did or plan to proceed as such?

  14. Albert Farrugia says:

    So what so you know? The “forged e-mail” theory appears on this blog in the morning, yesterday, and a few hours later out comes Minister Gatt from hibernation and presents the very same argument. What a coincidence! By the way, can we please have an analysis also of the Dalli e-mails? And the Muscat-RTK e-mails? Maybe Kingsway Store has run out of Cluedo.

    [Daphne – What exactly is it you do at the European Commission? Good thing we voted Yes, then, isn’t it – unlike you.]

  15. canon says:

    Austin Gatt requested the police commissioner to investigate a manipulated email. Are we going to uncover a Muscatgate?

  16. David says:

    The hand of Franco Debono…

    • charlie says:

      In his state of mind, Franco Debono can do anything to target Austin Gatt. The fact that he’s counsel to George Farrugia makes my body shivers

  17. Catsrbest says:

    We were all wrongly and purposely led to believe that they were arch enemies, but I am morally convinced that they are in together on this one.

    We have a Muscat/Debono-gate. Joseph Muscat is so very dangerous even in Opposition, let alone in Government. I hope all the truth will out before March 9.

  18. carmela maria says:

    I was just thinking … could it be that Franco messed up the emails?

    • Makjavel says:

      Possibly somebody has played cut and paste with what Mallia has extracted from Farrugia’s computer.

      This is just as bad as the Pawlu Busuttil frame up, this time organised by lawyers and politicians.

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