This press conference is astounding

Published: February 22, 2013 at 4:55pm

Tonio Fenech has just said that he was informed by the Police Commissioner that George Farrugia, at no point in his statement or during the investigations, mentioned a gift of Eur5,000.

He did not say anything like that, and nothing similar is recorded in the written or recorded statements.



He does have a ‘Maltese clock’, he said. The wife of one of George Farrugia’s brothers (who are at war with him) made it herself – she is an amateur hobbyist – and gave it to him years ago.

It is not a bought gift and it has no monetary value. He says he feels awkward talking about it because he doesn’t want to upset somebody who made something herself (I’m thinking here that it’s a good thing I never gave anyone one of those whacky pots I made during my brief stint as a failed potter – imagine if it ended up on the news).

If you’re not able to watch this press conference live, I’ll be uploading the YouTube video as soon as I know it’s available.

Anthony David Gatt of Super One is utterly bats. If I were him I would be out of there in no time. How can you pursue a proper career in journalism working with Super One? Does he want to end up like Miriam Dalli or Simone Cini, in their 40s and still taking a pay cheque from Labour, 20 years later, to grind out propaganda on behalf of a bunch of liars and charlatans? At least their colleague and contemporary in the Super One newsroom, Joe Muscat, moved on. While they’re still stuck there with their mikes and their bollocks, he’s gearing up to become prime minister.

31 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    If Labour and Joseph Muscat in particular, knew nothing about George Farrugia, Aikon and InterShore Fiduciary Services, they are not fit to govern a country.

    Ara kemm jaghdduhom biz-zmien il-kumpanniji u l-businessmen kieku.

  2. afm says:

    OMG. I can’t believe this. Are these people so stupid, dense, shortsighted (I’ll soon start stammering), that they think or imagine that lying on this level will remain hidden?

    They have to be bloody brainless. Not even school ground lies remain hidden, let alone at this level.

    I really can’t believe it.

  3. Alex says:

    This is sounding more and more of a Franco Debonata.

    • bystander says:

      Frankie Debacle.

    • giraffa says:

      Exactly what I thought! I have no doubt that Franco Debono offered to handle George Farrugia’s case to be in a position to foment his personal vendetta against PN ministers, particularly Austin Gatt and Tonio Fenech.

  4. A Montebello says:

    OMG! I suddenly know exactly who the woman is. Her work is good, but not worth €5K (sorry).

    And Varist just shot himself in the foot … again.

    Where’s Eddy Privitera?

    At this rate, he should become a switcher.

  5. Lomax says:

    Please tell your readers it can be followed online:-

    [Daphne – I did.]

  6. Peppa says:

    Ghandu jkun ta’ l-MLP jahsbu li l-press conferences li jaghtu jarawhom biss viewers cwiec daqs in-nies li jsegwu dak it-trash ta’ Super One.

    No wonder only their “axe”-hacks are sent to represent il-muviment. Lil min iridu jbelghu r-ross bil-labbra dawn?

  7. ciccio says:

    More than just lies, are these acts of a frameup?

  8. maryanne says:

    I want to know how comfortable the switchers are going to be when voting for Labour trash. Imisshom jisthu.

  9. vanni says:

    What I would like to know is if Farrugia’s lawyer, Franco Debono, was present at this morning’s interview?

  10. maryanne says:

    Why are these so called journalists asking only about the bl***dy clock.

    Where are the questions about Manuel Mallia’s role in the audit?

    • Jozef says:

      How about what really happened to the $8.5 million dollars?

      If I’m not mistaken, the out of court settlement didn’t return all the money.

  11. Edward says:

    Am I being too optimistic in saying that I think the PN will win this one? Surely all the lies upon lies and red herrings the PL keep throwing at us are bound to come to a head and expose everything.

    • La Redoute says:

      Yes. Despite their abysmal performance, tens of thousands voted for Dom Mintoff, Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici, and Alfred Sant, and now will vote for Muscat.

  12. Seggy says:

    Insinuations and diversionary tactics by the Malta Labour Party. We’re more than used to them by now.

  13. Rumplestiltskin says:

    These so-called journalists are just pathetic. Anywhere else they would be laughed out of the room.

    [Daphne – Tell me about it. They just don’t understand even basic issues. And their thinking skills are f**ked, if they ever had any to start with. Not all of them, of course, not by any means – but my God, why do newspapers send that quality of person to an important campaign press conference, when it should be the most senior and able?]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      And their writing skills. When you write, “X never told Y he did Z”, it means that X did Z but kept it hidden from Y. Whereas if you say: “At no point did X tell Y he did Z” you would at least be reporting the truth.

      The Times hasn’t just become a Labour mouthpiece, it’s taken on Labour grammar and thinking skills. No wonder even floating voters have come to despise PN. You can’t even get straight reporting from The Times nowadays.

      Why do I bother?

    • La Redoute says:

      While there are undoubtedly others who are more senior, what gives you the idea that they are more able. These guys are classic examples of the Peter Principle from day one of their flat line carrier.

    • Betty Boob says:

      I totally agree! And please, basic etiquette dictates that they introduce themselves by name and the newspaper/TV station they represent before they start firing their questions in a quest to show off their “wit”. I highly recommend some foundation for those who have open pores

    • P Shaw says:

      I disagree with you on this, Daphne. I just finished watching the entire press conference and all of them are f**ked up, including the one sent by The Times. They are simply amateurs, purposely disingenuous, or subtly intimidated by the MLP.

      There is no wit, the Malta Today representative was receiving instructions on her mobile, the two Super one journalists who monopolized the entire press conference were often seen chatting and colluding.

      They kept repeating the same questions. Fortunately, they forgot to ask the Minister what he was wearing the day Ray Farrugia gave him the clock.

      I am amazed at the calmness of Tonio Fenech during 60 minutes of idiotic questioning.

      These reporters won’t even qualify for an unpaid internship with the press corps in Washington DC or London.

  14. ciccio says:

    Now let us wait for a press conference of reply from the Liars Party.

    Will they bring out Manuel Mallia and David Farrugia Sacco with that viper Maria l-Maws?

    Shall we try to guess the colour of the Coconut Midget’s face – violet for lent, perhaps? Because you know, Malta Tana Lkoll does not look at the colour of your face.

  15. Miss O'Brien says:

    If Labour are elected I demand a mea culpa from most journalists for dereliction of duty.

    • Tabatha White says:

      IF Labour are elected and once any filter of pretence is thereby lifted, will journalists still be required to serve any function. Will they have a job? Or will we be back to filling seats with numbers to help mount statistics, pay subsidized – rigal tal-Labour tax-xoghol siewi?

  16. Daniel says:

    We certainly have no reason to doubt that the gift was made for him by an amateur hobbyist. And it most probably doesn’t even cost half the amount mentioned.

    But…doesn’t it look like George Farrugia knew Tonio Fenech and he probably knew him well?

    So well that his brother could feel comfortable at Tonio Fenech’s doorstep unannounced with his wife’s clock.

    [Daphne – It is impossible to spend the first 40 years of your life living in an extended town like Malta, unless you are from s-e group DE, and not know large numbers of ‘significant’ people through growing up, school, family and work. I didn’t hear Fenech say that they were unannounced.]

  17. zunzana says:

    If these inept journalists were lectured by Varist, at the university, no wonder they are not doing a good job.

  18. Neil Dent says:

    I almost cheered out loud when Dr. Zammit Dimech pulled up that smarmy git from ONE, who repeatedly insisted on referring to ‘a token of appreciation’ (note the use of English – this one did get the memo).

    Then, when he kept pushing the suggestion that the clock was given by ‘il-familja Farrugia’. They shot him down on that one too.

    His intention was obvious: to create false impressions in the viewer’s mind. A pathetic attempt to grab something back from a severe beating for the MLP.

  19. Alex says:

    Sad to see my party stoop so low. Anyone who knows anything about fiduciary services can tell you that this is a non-issue. Intershore was simply providing a nominee service for a paltry sum of €700 per annum (according to Dr.Martin Fenech). I am surprised that Joey was so quick to accept Cordina’s resignation.

    The reality is that all the good work that has been done by the PN in government has been undone by the ineptitude of the people trusted to run the party. PBO is no match for his counter parties at the MLP. One wonders, what were the PN councillors thinking when they voted him in the post of General Secretary. Joe Saliba he certainly ain’t.

    [Daphne – Paul Borg Olivier has not counterpart at the Labour Party. The post of secretary-general was abolished because there was no other way of getting rid of its incumbent.]

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