Tonio Fenech press conference live now on NET: PL = Party of Liars

Published: February 22, 2013 at 4:28pm

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Incredible. They’ve just replayed a clip in which Labour star candidate David Farrugia Sacco denies categorically and repeatedly that his brother handled the IT audit of George Farrugia’s company system, in the case opened against him by his brothers.

Now it turns out to be YET ANOTHER LABOUR LIE because Farrugia Sacco’s brother was so involved in the audit that he actually presented the report on it himself.

They just leave you breathless. How did they think they would get away with this?

Now the subject is Manuel Mallia, that bloated bullfrog. They’ve replayed a clip with saying that he had absolutely no connection to the investigative audit of the Farrugia business. It turns out he did.

PL: Party of Liars

Now Tonio Fenech is talking about the law suit filed against Labour Party financial administrator Joe Cordina, in representation of his fiduciary company Intershore, by Labour Party candidate David Farrugia Sacco, in representation of George Farrugia’s siblings. The law suit was for $8.61 million which they claimed he stole from them.

And yet last night Cordina released a statement saying that ‘only a few thousands’ were handled by his company.

So what we have here is a Labour candidate (a lawyer) suing on behalf of his clients the financial administrator of the Labour Party (an accountant) for more than eight million dollars.

And the Labour Party claims to have known nothing about this?

The Labour Party tries to pin this on AUSTIN GATT?

I am aghast. Yes, despite living through the Golden Years, I am aghast. They have been given all the time in the world to change and they remain THE PITS.


You have to be mad to vote for them. Mad or immoral. Or just plain effing stupid.

16 Comments Comment

  1. Betty Boob says:

    Breathless! Dumbfounded! Disgusted!

    The Labour Lie machine is cracking. Xi hlew ta’ direzzjoni gdida.

    Il-Gideb Taghna Lkoll.

  2. Lomax says:

    Oh God Oh God Oh God….I just got a frantic call from a relative – I’m getting goose-bumps. This is serious. Very very very very serious. Much more serious.

    NO EFFING WONDER THEY DON’T WANT THE PROKLAMA. Sorry for the caps. I can’t help it.

    [Daphne – I know what you mean about the caps. I’ve noticed I’m using them too. It’s that kind of mood…]

    • Lomax says:

      It is indeed. I’m shivering – literally. I should be working but am going nuts. I’m shocked beyond belief. I’m shocked they can spin so many lies, I’m shocked that they have not learnt their lesson and, above all, I’m shocked that they are so stupid.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I’m shocked that more than one Maltese in two will vote for them.

      • La Redoute says:

        I’m shocked that anyone still votes for them.

      • Tabatha White says:

        I’m not shocked at the spinning of them because that mentor I’ve been going on about that Joseph sought out on Mintoff’s instructions is the master liar.

        I am profoundly shocked at the journalistic inertia that remains quasi intact and their abysmal level of interest and application. How many more lies do Malta Today feel it’s necessary to go on covering up and misreporting? How many intentionally (?) misleading headers and unconvincing bland reports do The Times need to put up and out?

    • manum says:

      Are the Maltese blind? Do they really want this party to govern?

  3. Lomax says:

    Is Ramona Attard the first journalist who asked the question? The journalist that Fenech is thrashing now?

  4. VR says:

    Tonio… He’s demolishing them.

  5. Il-Bella Kumpanija says:

    To Lomax: I don’t think that PL are stupid. They think that we are stupid and believe them.

    No WAY – I will vote PN as always. Labour did not change at all and I think that there are more cases to be revealed until the election day.

    GOD Help Malta and the Maltese people.

  6. Joan says:

    One has to be IN_sane to trust the PL with the future of our country.

    Bad memories are starting to haunt me.

  7. Sandra says:

    The Times buy their paper supplies and bought their machinery from KASCO, the company owned by Keith Schembri, who is managing Labour’s campaign.

    They don’t want to rub him the wrong way in case he calls in their debts.

    They might even have entered into some kind of trade-off or pact, who knows. The way The Times is behaving leaves question marks over how much leverage Keith Schembri has over them through their financial debts to him.

  8. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Just received SMS from Chris Cardona telling us to follow Xarabank tonight with Tonio Fenech.

    After reading this I’d be hiding in a corner and not advertising via SMS

    Hawwadni ha nifhem.

    [Daphne – Chris Cardona is the king of unsolicited text messages. He has been reported multiple times to the Data Protection wotsit.]

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