Why are the men in the Labour Party always touching each other?

Published: February 14, 2013 at 4:58pm

You can’t say that Toni Abela has the slightest homosexual bone in his body, so what is all this touchy-feely behaviour?

It’s just so creepy, in a way that I can’t really get a grip on.

inappropriate touching

22 Comments Comment

  1. Bubu says:

    Among certain classes it is considered friendly behaviour.

    Abela looks like il padrino giving approval to his picciotto in that photo. Creepy.

  2. Wilson says:

    First lesson in body language: villagers and city dwellers. The ones above: villagers.

    Mental possession: the need to touch underlings.

    At least in this one above Abela must be praising Micallef.

  3. The Box says:

    He is telling Jason to look at him.

  4. Min Jaf says:

    Jhobbu jidhru li qed jaghmlu najs, meta lesti bis-sikkina fl-id l-ohra, kif Joseph Muscat wera bic-car bill-mod kif agixxa ma’ Anglu Farrugia.

  5. Min Jaf says:

    Aw Jajs, kif tellghat Ix-xaghar f-irhietek? Ghidli ta, ghaliex kemm kien kif ukoll Joseph Muscat ghadna problema b’ta fuq raqsna.

  6. TROY says:

    Ha nara, ha nara, idhaqli wahda, Jason.

  7. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Well, we’ve all seen Tander’s bedroom poster. I say again, Labour is not a party, but a movement of homoerotic love for Joseph.

  8. martin said says:

    I think you know the reply to your question.

    In my opinion they just want to show that they are modern and as usual, transparent.

    Think Toni has enough on his shoulders at the moment so I will give him my humble suggestion and try and not be so transparent.

  9. canon says:

    Perhaps Abela is telling Jason that his banana is bigger.

  10. SM says:

    With all the Machiavellian back-stabbing that has been going on, I am not at all surprised that they frisk each other to ensure that they are not packing heat.

  11. zunzana says:

    Aw jas, mela ma qaxxartix dalghodu.

  12. Harry Purdie says:

    Touchy feely men. Makes me itchy.

  13. Riya says:

    Toni Abela mhux iblah tafux!

    Lil Jason Micallef jaqbillu izieghel bih sew ghax jekk idejqu itajru mill-partit bhal ma’ ghamel lil hadd iehor li kien jahseb li hu xi pilastru u li kien xi haga kbira u bzonjuza fil-partit tal-Labour izda tar f’hakka t’ghajn.

    • Tabatha White says:

      I’m with this thinking. There’s not one that will trust or honestly stick up for the other in the same way as you can expect PM Gonzi to work with his team.

      In the same way as wanabees get embarassed about the company they’re seen with, Joseph & Co shed off anyone who’s not right for the New Labour/ Joseph hoodwink image in a flash and have arms open for anyone they imagine fits the picture. No basics to keep them in place and nurture constructive support of the decent type. No genuine respect for each other. It’s all about survival of self first and foremost, coupled with an evident mismatch-merge of the drastic need for survival of party and return from Outer Mongolia. After that even Joseph won’t be safe amongst the gerontocracy, IF we get that far.

      Young faces fronting for the old.
      New movement fronting for the Old but ever present MLP.

  14. Mercury Rising says:

    Toni Abela is sending out a message:

    “Ara hi, jien ma nitqazzizx immisshom ‘il dawn, ahna nimmovimentaw favur il-gay!”

  15. Mario says:

    Hares lejja Jason. Qeghdtlek hares lejja meta nkellmek.

  16. MxC says:

    Fitting, for yesterday’s specialty.

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