You can stop watching that doughy bald man in his igloo. Bondi+ on TVM now.
February 21, 2013 at 10:07pm
It’s just started. Tonio Fenech and that Gino Cauchi.
Joe Cordina refused to go on the show or even to take questions over the phone. Where is he now? Moving his assets about before somebody freezes them?
He should get some advice from his predecessor, Labour treasurer (that’s what they used to call them) Joe Sammut, who spent years moving Gaddafi money around and using it to pay sluts and buy big boats for the Gaddafi boys.
Dnub li ma kienux jafu b’dawk tas-Snobby.
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Qed ifittex dizzjunarju tal-idjomi.
Ghax ma xebghax jiftahar fix-Xaghra dwar kemm hemm traffikar ta’ droga mill-pjazza taht ghajnejn il-pulizija tant li meta jonfoh certu rih minn fuq ir-rahal, il-bqija t’Ghawdex jibda jhossu ‘high’… kont se nghid ‘min jiskongra jrid ikun pur’ imma malajr jahsbu li qed nitkellem fuq xi blokka bajda.
Trid tkun jismek Gino Cauchi u tkun pruzuntuz kbir biex tmur tipprova tmeri lil Tonio Fenech, accountant qualifikat ta’ esperjenza, dwar il-ligi tal-kumpaniji, nominee companies, min huma id-diretturi skond il-memos and articles of association, responsabiltajiet ta’ diretturi ta’ fiduciary companies etc.
Bondi plus mhux bilancjat illum. Ghandu boy scout jipprova johodha kontra Navy SEAL.
Very true.
Xi hadd irid jispjegali ghalfejn Labour baghtu lil kelliem ghall-Opposizzjoni ghad-drittijiet tal-annimali.
Ghax Silvio Parnis jerga’ iktar stupidu.
Have you noticed how the Labour ‘big guns’ are nowadays rarely sent to represent their party on TV debates?
Only second-fiddle people like Cardona, Gino Cauchi and Owen Bonnici get to go.
On TvHemm this evening, Labour refused to send a representative to face the Joe Cordina ‘fall out’, but having gauged the bad image which was emerging from the programme, they quickly wheeled in Carmelo Abela to attempt some damage control.
They probably recharged his batteries in the 4th floor before, so he could continuously interrupt his opponent, to ensure the message doesn’t get transmitted.
Gino Cauchi tried, but failed, to wipe off the oil on Labour’s windscreen.
Just like a worn-out wiper, it made the dirt worse.