A special dedication to our prime minister and his entire cabinet, all of whom voted NO to EU membership

Published: March 18, 2013 at 10:59pm

And an extra special dedication to our foreign minister George Vella, who famously said “Alla hares nidhlu fl-Ewropa” and froze our application for membership as soon as he became PM Sant’s foreign minister in 1996.

As a result of his extreme hostility to the EU we are now saddled with an extra minister, a Minister for Europe, Louis Grech, who also voted No to EU membership.

And then there’s the prime minister, of course, who spent a full five years campaigning against it, and getting paid by Super One to the equivalent of Eur1000 for every anti-EU edition of Made in Brussels.


20 Comments Comment

  1. Dissident says:

    Kif kien qal tajjeb darba Guido De Marco, “Dan hu pajjiz mibni fuq l-ghira”

  2. Nighthawk says:

    And let’s not forget that he didn’t charge them VAT either. Is he going to lift the statute of limitations on that too?

  3. Lilla says:

    Hearing this song, I can only just think, what the hell happened?

    • Observer says:

      What happened was simply “ghazlu r-rih flok is-shih” as we say in Maltese! Other supposed explanations do not hold water beside this truth.

  4. Gress says:

    I remember another time when I felt even more anxious than I do now about the future of this country and that was around the time of the referendum for EU membership and the general election that followed.

    At least now I can take some solace in knowing that I hold a European passport and a possible way out, no thanks to some people.

    As for the country as a whole, the only way out of this disturbing state would be taking it back to the age of enlightenment and starting all over again.

  5. Gress says:

    I remember another time when I felt even more anxious about the future of this country than I do now and that was around the time of the referendum for EU membership and the general election that followed.

    At least now I can take some solace in knowing that I hold a European passport and a possible way out, no thanks to some people. As for the country as a whole, the only way out of this disturbing state would be taking it back to the age of enlightenment and starting all over again.

    • Maria Xriha says:

      There is consolation in others finding this situation equally disturbing.

      It is not the fact that that elections took place and that the Labour Party won. To me there is something very disturbing about this whole business of promises to all instead of policy for all, presenting themselves as believers of a European system and arrangement that they were so vehemently against, promising change and youth and presenting a cabinet with the same dreaded old faces, the very disconcerting way the media has been hijacked and silenced, the way we were told point blank that “the end justifies the means.”

      There is something lying just beneath the surface that doesn’t quite click.

      Why is it that when I hear the term Special Prosecutor I feel that there is an intention to institute, directly or indirectly, an eventual silencing of Daphne? Under civil liberties? Can such a thing happen? Or be attempted? Does a Special Prosecutor work under Constitutional oath?

  6. canon says:

    EU affairs are entrusted to Minister Louis Grech but bilateral relations between member states fall part of Minister Vella’s portofolio. Can anyone please explain this.

  7. CPS says:

    I will never forgive the PN for not having recorded one single edition of ‘Made in Brussels’ to use it during their lousy election campaign.

    • Sonia says:

      I agree entirely with that.

      Then again, who ever would have thought that the Super One journalist who campaigned so heavily against our becoming an EU member state, and who infamously heckled Fenech Adami during the last pre-EU referendum televised debate would one day not only become prime minister of Malta, but president of the EU itself?

  8. It-tezi ta' Mario says:

    Joseph Muscat has Stalinised the internet. Even the GWU newspaper websites have been purged of evidence that he campaigned against the EU. You won’t find any of this in their online archive:


  9. Tabby says:

    I wonder how George Vella intends to handle the EU aspect when conducting bilateral talks, particalry with third countries.

    At the end of the day, he will remain, and will be seen as, a Foreign Minister coming from an EU Member State – he will have to take EU policies in consideration when conducing negotiations.

  10. roundhead says:

    It-tort m’hu ta’ hadd hlief tal-poplu. Waqa’ ghal kull nasba, ghal kull lixka.

    Issa l-izball sar. U dan l-izball ma thassrux bil-gomma. Il quddiem taraw kemm kien zbaljat il-poplu. Ghal bidu kollox jidher li gej sewwa.

    Hekk tghidilna l-istorja. Imbaghad wara jibda gej is-saram. Jibda r-rimors. Imbaghad ikun tard wisq.

    • old-timer says:

      Harsu ftit!! Joseph irnexxilu jghaqqad il-laburisti KOLLA – ank dawk tad-traditur. Harsu ftit ukoll lejn il PN li abbanduna GHAL KOLLOX il popolin. Tmur titkellem u hlief dahqa ma tarax. Harsu ftit ukoll li il PN dejjem qeda fil pront it-talbiet ta niex tal PN bl-isperanza li jakkwistaw il vot taghhon. Kif tippretendi li il PN qatt seta jirbah l-lezzjoni!!

  11. shirley buhagiar says:

    Li hadd bi kbir fl-elezzjoni ma kienetx it-telf ghax dan kont nafu jiena.

    Pero ftakart meta rebhu l-elezzjoni l-PN l-ewwel darba war 15 il-sena taht gvern Mintoffian, li ghaffeg in-nies, il-pajjiz, id-demokrazija u l-identita taghna u sa anke qatlu nies li ma kienux jaqblu fil-politika maghhom.

    Kull hadd ta’ l-eta’ taghna jiftakar ir-renju tat-terrur, it-tkissir tal-kurja, tal-qrati u l-attak fuq il-Kazinijiet kollha tal-PN id-dar centrali, u d-dar ta’ Fenech Adami. Nahseb kull hadd jiftakar il-hruq tat-Times of Malta u s-swat.

    Dak iz-zmien l-elezzjoni Alla jbirek l-intelligenza u is-sens ta’ proporzjon tal-poplu kien ta’ xi 4,000 voti. Spjegali naqra x’paragun ghamlu din id-darba biex in-nies taw vantag lil-LP ta’ l-fuq min 30,000 vot?

    Ma nahsibx li kien jixraq dan ir-rizultat issa.

    Nahseb li l-poplu zbalja bil-kbir u ser ibati l-konsegwenzi fix-xhur u snin li gejjin. Dan il-gvern ma jistax izomm il-promessi li ghamel ghax jekk jaghmel dan l-ekonomija tal-pajjiz titkisser.

    Jekk izzomm ikl-promessi li ghamel mal-kaccaturi ser iddahhal il-pajjizna f-inkwiet kbir mal-UE u ser nehhlu multi li jammontaw ghal miljuni. Birdlife ga qallulu dan id-diskors, imma bhas-soltu l-LP lest jghid dak kollu li hemm bzonn basta jerbah l-elezzjoni.

    Apparti dan Muscat m’ghandux la l-esperjenza u l-anqas in-nies biex immexxu l-pajjiz.

    L-izbalji ser jissarfu f’danni kbar li Alla biss jaf x’ser jiswew u kemm ser ikolhom jogholu t-taxxi.

    Kien ikun akta facli kieku ma konniex fl-UE. Imma la qeghdin hemm naf fic-cert li ser ikollhom problemi kbar ghax m’ghandhomx ideja la tal-procedura u l-anqas nies kwalifikati. Nofshom hadu l-ministeri ghax kien obligat lejhom u mhux ghax l-esperjenza taghhom tiswa ghal xi haga.

    Kennedy kien jghid li kull poplu jkollu l-gvern li jixxraqlu, u b’dispjacir nghid li l-LP jixxirqilna bhal gvern.

    Nahseb li veru ser ikollnha bzonn it-talb ta’ Francesku.

  12. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    Ah, the sweet memories.

  13. old-timer says:

    Fuq ridt nghid “jaqdu in-niel tal PL mhux PN – skuzawni!!

  14. E.Vella Clark says:

    Kull ma ghidt Shirley kollu vera, u min ghadda min dan kollu ghidnieh kemm il-darba imma hasbu li konna qed inkunu negattivi.

    Issa jindunaw li l-bidla tkun ghal-ghar kif kien jghidilna Gonzi.

    Naf li hafna min dawk is 36,000 ma jafux jew ma jiftakrux jew ma ridux jiftakru ghax webbsu rashom. Issa niehdu dak li jixirqilna allavolja hafna minna mhux tort taghna.

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