An eye-witness account of Jeffrey PO trying to get in backstage at the Labour celebrations last Sunday

Published: March 16, 2013 at 6:57pm

Sent in by James:

I actually happened to be passing by the Floriana granaries on the day of the Labour win and stopped out of curiosity. There was Jeffrey behind the barricades of the backstage area which was for people with tags only.

At first when Jeff tried to get in the security asked for his tag (which obviously, he didn’t have..) at which point a beer-soaked Jeff smirked at him and said “Mela lili mhux ser thallini nidhol wara dak kollhu??”, then the guard let him in without question.

On a human level, the scene was embarrassing to comprehend, let alone watch.

Jeffrey Pullicino celebrating with Andrew Ellul March 2013

JPO Labour

19 Comments Comment

  1. denis says:

    I feel sorry for this guy.

  2. spa says:

    Is the Labour party/AF sign studio/Hamilton travel breaking the law by using the free-from-permission billboards used for the elections to advertise commercials?

  3. verita says:


  4. TROY says:

    Benedict Arnold is a saint compared to this low life

  5. Village says:

    There would go 10% of your savings should Joseph get it wrong with the country’s finance.

    • Maria Xriha says:

      There are those who are saying he’s headed that way with intention – after Keith and Manuel take what they want to take out. If Keith is meant to represent efficiency, how come his company accounts are only up to date till 2008?

  6. Pawlu says:

    Qisu xi babbu u dik li hemm mieghu tidher li ghandha il-hruq ghalih.

  7. Someone says:

    Don’t tell me his guy isn’t a psychiatrist’s wet dream :-)

  8. Joe Micallef says:

    He probably feels he’s Jesus, only that he reversed the order of things.

    Until some time ago he was the villan of the same crowd who now consider him a hero!

  9. Libertas says:

    He must have wanted to get a copy of ‘L-Iskandlu tal-Mistra’, a book that sold out five years ago around this time.

  10. concerned citizen says:

    You do realise that if all you watch is One tv then this chap is considered a hero?

  11. Angus Black says:

    That’s were he always belonged. Let’s hope they keep him.

  12. Catsrbest says:

    Wiccu mpahpah. Ghajnejh kwazi maghluqin daqs kemm huma minfuhin.

    Nahseb li m’ghadux fuq l-Earl Grey, qaleb ghal xi haga ohra.

    Jekk mhux qieghed fuq xi blokka bajda? U ta’ magenbu, … ahjar ma nghid xejn.

  13. AE says:

    what a turd.

  14. nev says:

    Jeff, sincerament ma jixraqlekx. Xi darba kont nammirak. Illum ma nixtieqx inkun xaghra f’gismek. Sincerament Jeff.

  15. ken il malti says:

    I think he is constantly looking for free booze.

  16. CIS says:

    No wonder Marlene got rid of him. She is so much better off now.

  17. caflanga says:

    Have you noticed the other turd in the picture, Dr Andy Ellul, Sharon’s brother, is suddenly getting media coverage on One? is he trying to get the DOI job by any chance?

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