And just before the polling stations close

Published: March 9, 2013 at 9:19pm

George Cutajar posted this on Facebook a couple of days ago:

This will probably be my last post before the vote and I would like to share a personal experience.

In the 2008 election I made a wrong choice and refused to vote. It was out of revenge and spite for something personal.

That Saturday was perhaps the worst one of my life. Until the result came out declaring a PN victory I was lost and wished I had been wiser on Saturday.

When the PN won I felt a huge relief.


76 Comments Comment

    • Eddy Privitera says:

      Daphne, you have played a very important part too in the PL’s victory, just as I had told you some time ago ! will you ever learn ? I doubt it !

      [Daphne – I certainly did not, Mr Privitera. What we are seeing here is the triumph of evil, opportunism and stupidity. We forget that political parties are the creation of those who elect them, and so in all discussions of ‘what must be done’ the focus stays on the parties and the very real problems in Maltese society are not addressed, though I honestly can’t see how they can be. People in Malta enjoy voting to do harm to others. By no means is this admirable, desirable, sane or mature. People outside our society know this; people inside our society accept it and find ways of working around it. When this happens, you can’t blame those ‘others’. The people who are in the wrong, the ones who should be blamed, are those who do it and those who think it normal, sane and acceptable behaviour. This is 2013 and an EU member state; there is no scope for peasant revolutions and peasant revolutionary thinking.]

      • Last Post says:

        A sound, intelligent reply to an old-Labour diehard.

        @Mr Privitera
        For a more extensive coverage of D’s reply/comment I strongly urge you to read the later post “Turn-out slightly down on 2008 and trends negative for PN (but we knew that, didn’t we)”.

        I found it very interesting and an accurate (generalised) assessment of the Maltese culture and psyche.

        Thanks D for your searching insights.

      • Floating says:

        Opportunism, stupidity..maybe. Evil, you do not know what you are talking about. You flang the word as easily as Franco Debono, but both of you are wrong. Your logic may be that since something removed another thing that you subjectively think was good, that something must be evil. It is not the case, and neither you nor him have any ability to objectively discern what is evil and what is not. Get some sense of proportion.

        [Daphne – Evil doesn’t wear horns and have a forked tail.]

      • alex caruana carabez says:

        Well, well, well….as you expressed yourself that you cannot live under a Labour administration I suggest you take the first flight out of the country and may I take the liberty of recommending some remote African country where I’m sure you feel particularly at home….bye may we never see you again ever..and do take Lou as your partner…we can do without you both

      • Floating says:

        Does it really? oh poor me! I thought it was corruption, arrogance and greed.

      • zorro says:

        The results are out and the P.L. have won with a handsome margin. Now we have to move on and hope for the best. However, please enlighten me, for starters, how will I know that my next W & E Bill will be actually 25% cheaper than that which I would have to pay under the current rates? Just a simple question that expects a simple answer.

  1. AE says:

    A heartfelt and honest post.

    Now that the die has been cast (literally since so many seem intent on gambling with our lives) I have a couple of questions:

    Can someone enlighten me as to why voting is only going to start at 11am tomorrow?

    Also do you know why the votes of the last election are kept? apparently two policemen are stationed keeping guard over them. It seems like an awful waste of resources to me.

    • sap says:

      very simple. so that if someone resigns from parliament or like tonio borg gets a diferent appointment, they go back to the votes to elect a new MP

  2. Kevin zammit says:

    Why is it that everywhere around the country, Labour clubs are setting up tents ready to celebrate. Is there any news that we should know?

  3. madness says:

    Daphne, I can understand that it was not a nice situation for you last night when you were arrested, but it made me and my husband change our minds to go and vote.

    Till 7.00am (Saturday) we were determined not to cast our vote. The PL do not have an idea what harm they do to themselves when they act in that way.

    I wish you all the luck and like our dear Eddie says: Is-sewwa jirbah zgur.

    [Daphne – I’m happy to have been of some use!]

    • claire says:

      Like you said and yor ex ex leader eddie said IS Sewwa rebah
      bi kbir…. I still cannot understand how they leave you
      Writing in their favor you are a disgrace. Evil has no horns but has a name daphne caruana galizia

      • Nic says:

        Claire be mature and let people enjoy their freedom of speech, I wish I could have told so many people that they are ignorant and not worthy of a vote but I don’t let myself because of the same reason.

        Evil are those who would try to stifle someone’s talents and thoughts. You suggest you read Franco Debono’s blog, I think you might enjoy it more.

        Bhal kif jghidu l-Maltin wara kollox, ‘jekk ma jogbokx tharisx!’

  4. francesco says:

    Fatta la zorba – it’s 10pm.

    From what I gathered, Sliema did well (at least in turnouts) and 2nd and 3rd districts did not so good (till 2pm) even though Joseph told them to vote early.

    Any feedback from anyone?

    [Daphne – Higher voter turnout all round but waiting for the final return from the Electoral Commission, which would be around midnight.]

  5. Election Mode says:

    Here’s someone who knows a thing or two about theatrics, Kemm kien beka.

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I can give you my feedback if you like, in the form of the usual mundane but telling anecdotes.

    At something past midnight on Friday, I was browsing through my vast list of Facebook friends when I happened upon someone’s status update. Daphne Caruana Galizia had been arrested. It says much about the current state of the media and how little they reflect our real needs, that the news spread like wildfire on the internet, and at snail’s pace elsewhere.

    Five minutes later. Facebook was full of either “Serves her right” messages or “Appalled/shocked/horrified/worried” reaction. Ironically enough – but any fool should’ve seen it – the very people condemning Daphne for discussing politics on Reflection Day were busy doing so themselves, broadcasting their message to the billion or so Facebook users on the planet.

    I spent a sleepless night. Our Daphne’s fate was on my mind. Even worse, I had a bad bout of food poisoning and spent a supermodel’s night. i.e. being violently sick every thirty minutes. Someone’s voodoo must have worked.

    I dozed off as the sun was rising, and woke up again at 05:45. By 06:something, Daphne’s story was up on this blog, and full of trepidation, with the taste of sick still in my mouth, I watched that other hero Bondì in action. He deserves a great big medal the size of a soup plate.

    Daphne’s little statement to the media steeled my resolve, which was already made of solid steel anyway, so I suppose it just added steel pylons all round.

    I figured if the bug was going to kill me (always make sure your chicken breast is cooked, lads) at least I would go down voting.

    So, shower and shave later, I was at my polling station at 07:00 sharp.

    I thought it’d be a quick two-minute express service.

    Wrong! Like an 80s arcade game, life was throwing obstacles in my path, and had assigned me, it seemed, to the room containing all the “ghandhom bzonn l-ghajnuna” or “gurament” cases. Customer flow was down to a trickle. Each time, they had to let one voter in, bolt the doors, and everyone outside was doing some early morning huffing-while-looking-at-your-watch.

    After a full 55 minutes of waiting, it was finally my turn. Putting on my war face, I drew the white shower curtain behind me (very sexy touch by our electoral commission) and settled down to the business of democracy.

    Now I should explain that up to previous night, I was going for a selective voting strategy, choosing only the top candidates and leaving out the usual popular-but-not-bright-ones.

    After last night’s incident, however, it was full-on war. So I voted for each anti-Labour candidate, right down to the nisa tad-dar. Better a PN cabbage than a Labour genius, because PN MPs are kept in check by their brighter colleagues. Labour’s, however…

    So that was it. Five seconds for five years. And if we lose this battle, we’ll head for the hills and regroup. We’ll harass the enemy. We’ll set Europe ablaze. We’ll forage, we’ll scrounge, we’ll hunt and scavenge….

    “….The task will be hard. There may be dark days ahead, and war can no longer be confined to the battlefield, but we can only do the right as we see the right, and reverently commit our cause to God. If one and all we keep resolutely faithful to it, ready for whatever service or sacrifice it may demand, then with God’s help, we shall prevail.”

    • bookworm says:

      H.P. Baxxter, I’m ever so sorry for you, you poor soul. I was at the polling station at 7.15 am, and truly felt I was on a sacred mission. I even walked it from home, checking my votes were in place every 5 minutes or so. Then again, despite the result, I cannot say it was a lost cause, because indeed as King George said, if we keep resolutely faithful to it, ready for whatever service or sacrifice it may demand, then, with God’s help, we shall prevail.

  7. Matt says:

    I’ve heard that in spite of a better turnout till 2.00pm, the final turnout is expected to be lower than 2008 election. Is this true?

  8. Pisces says:

    Why is ok for LP candidates to text private mobile phones demanding to vote for them, and nothing is done about it? I was bombarded with smss from Helena Dalli, Yana Mintoff and another candidate for the local council election. Who is providing them with our private numbers?
    Daphne why were you not provided with a lawyer during interrogation? Was it your choice or not?

  9. P Shaw says:

    Turnout might not mean anything. FB is full of quotes of people claiming to be ex-PN and who voted MLP.

  10. Dickens says:

    Interesting but somehow contradictory points of view from Joe Saliba and Alfred Sammut on TVM and Austin Sammut on Net TV on the figures published so far.

  11. P Shaw says:

    The hypocrite Musumeci is already stating that everybody should respect the new government (implying it is a Labour one) and people should not put spokes in the wheels.

    Ara veru ipokrita u s**mu u wiccu l-istess. Ahjar jaghlaq halqu wara li ghamel 5 snin jikkonfoffa mal-klikka d-dar tieghu biex jaraw kif se jwaqqghu u jfixklu il-gvern ta’ Gonzi.

    Veru ma ghandix kliem biex niddiskriva dan iz-zibel ta’ bniedem. Hu, Muscat, JPO u dawk li qeghdin igebdulhom l-ispagi veru jixirqu lil xuxlxin.

    Nispera li xi darba tigi taghhom, anke jekk ikunu 5 jew 10 snin ohra, allavolja ma tantx nemmen fis-saying “Is-sewwa jirbah zgur”. L-istorja tad-dinja hija mimlija b-ingustizzji, gwerrer u dittaturi li ghamlu hafna hsara.

    • Jozef says:

      Oh really, is he scared his railings won’t be up to it?

      People pass his designs around to share a good joke.

  12. Matthew S says:

    Overall turnout is more or less the same but turnout has decreased in PN leaning districts and increased in PL leaning districts.

    Looks like we’re screwed.

  13. Oscar says:

    Attakk sfrenat fuqek u fuq Lou Bondi minn “fellow journalist” Saviour Balzan fuq Super One, 01.00 Sunday.

    Lanzit, lanzit, lanzit. Jaqq.

    • Malti minn dawk li r-rispettabilissima u aristokraticissima familtek ighidu "lil dawk ma nafuhomx" says:

      Mur kejjel il-lanzit li ghandek int issa, Oscar, wara tkaxkira kolossali bhal din. 36,000 vot u 9 siggijiet. Pero; ahna mhux bhalkom, nifirdu, ahna nohorgu id il-hbiberija kif qalilna l-kap glorjuz, bravissmu, vittorjuz u generuz Dr. Joseph Muscat. Naf li din mhix se tigi applowdjata imma niflahx ma niktibhiex. Viva l-Moviment Laburista, Viva Malta Taghna Lkoll.

      [Daphne – I am perfectly happy to upload it, even though you embarrass yourself with your Mintoffian hero worship.]

      • Jozef says:

        U xi tghidu ghal-dawk li se jahdmu biex il-kap glorjuz jitlef kull ma bena?

        Il-problema li ghandkom hi li tridu l-ghaqda akkost ta’ kollox.

  14. Il-Cop says:

    From what I can see from the turnouts it’s all the pro PL districts that have done better.

    Practically all pro PN districts have a lesser turnout.

    As far as I am concerned not even a divine intervention will win us this election. There is a chance that PN will also lose third seat in Gozo.

    Hopefully I’m completely wrong but I doubt it.

    • Beppe Grillo says:

      Ezatt. Miraklu biss irid ikun issa. Imma ma nahsibx li t-3 siggu f’Ghawdex se jintilef.

      [Daphne – Come on, how can you have a ‘miracle’ with a situation that’s done and dusted.]

      • Beppe Grillo says:

        Appuntu. Il-kelma miraklu hekk tfisser li fejn jidher li m’hemmx tama tinbidel xi haga.

      • Last Post says:

        Having read the next article (Turn-out slightly down on 2008 and trends negative for PN (but we knew that, didn’t we) – which is another brilliant DCG sociological (or is it anthropological?) analysis – I just can’t help noticing another levelheaded, down-to-earth gem of a comment which is only applicable to a community such as ours:

        “Come on, how can you have a ‘miracle’ with a situation that’s done and dusted.”

        Well done Daphne, your common-sense arguments are irresistible.

      • Last Post says:

        Appuntu. Il-kelma miraklu hekk tfisser li fejn jidher li m’hemmx tama tinbidel xi haga. – @Beppe Grillo.

        Come on, how can you have a ‘miracle’ with a situation that’s done and dusted. – @Daphne

        Allow me please to clarify my “gem of a comment” previous post:

        You CAN NOT expect a MIRACLE to make A CIRCLE SQUARE. It’s a contradiction in terms and not even a Miracle can achieve that.

  15. Game over methinks says:

    According to the Electoral Commission, turnout in district 10 sliema down from 91.7% in 2008 to 90% now. Also less turnout in districts 9 and 12. Nothing we can do now I’m afraid.

  16. Beppe Grillo says:

    Fid-distretti Laburisti hargu aktar nies jivvutaw. It-tnaqqis hu predominantament fid-distretti tan-Nazzjonalisti.

    Il-medja ta’ 0.3% tnaqqis fuq Malta kollha mhijiex uniformi.

    Dan ma jawgura xejn tajjeb ghall-PN. Madankollu miniex daqshekk sorpriz ghalkemm dispjacut ferm. Inlestu ruhna ghal hames snin tmexxija Socjalista ta’ Joseph Muscat.

  17. bob-a-job says:

    First seven PL leaning districts increase in voter turnout by 1.4%

    Districts eight to thirteen, voter decrease by 4.9%

    All things being equal, this probably translates into a PL electoral success of a margin of around 10,000 votes.

    Well, the writing has been on the wall for a long time.

    It is pointless trying to address wrongs so late in the day.

    PN should have learnt its lesson five years ago but it didn’t.

    Let’s at least hope for some new faces and a clean up in parliament.

    • Futur Imcajpar says:

      A clean up in Parliament? When the government side is going to be chock-a-block with the marmalja of the 80s?

  18. Miss O'Brien says:

    Hope is the last to die, they say. Well, not in this case.

  19. Antoine Vella says:

    Oh well, to look on the bright(ish) side, the next couple of years will take me back to my younger days when we had to oppose the Mintoff regime, face blatant injustice and resist intimidation and repression.

    • Johan says:

      Sant did a lot of mistakes in the 2 year span, but did these things that you are mentioning happen from 96-98? Come on!

    • Futur Imcajpar says:

      Oh that makes things ever so much better. Will it find the new generation willing to fight it as we fought it? The younger generation has been spoilt rotten – no moral fibre whatsoever.

      Do they have what it takes? Because, frankly, at this point, I wonder if I want to stick out my neck again for the good of this ungrateful, immature nation of ours.

    • canon says:

      At least the Nationalists got rid of the evil clique like John Dalli, JPO, Franco Debono and Jesmond Mugliett. One has to say at a very high price but worth it.

  20. Joe says:

    Could it be that the Mosta district that had a much lower turnout, was an effect of Anglu resigning?

  21. old-timer says:

    The PN definitely do not DESERVE to lose but they asked for it.

  22. dm says:

    Never thought the Maltese would be so stupid as to elect a hypocrite. Mela lewwel johrog jghid li m’ghandniex nidhlu fl-Unjoni Ewropeja. Imbaghad johrog bhala Member of European Parliament, u wara li ilu hames snin jghid li l-gvern Nazzjonalista hopeless case, jigi jghid li kien gvern li verament haqqu it tifhir. X’ipokrezija. Il-verament opportunist.

  23. Natanael Aquilina says:

    X’kien ghadek ma tfajtx artiklu fil-blog? Haha. Il-poplu ried il-bidla.

  24. Josette says:

    I remember that after the 1996 election, IM Beck wrote something to the sense that after the 1987 election people were ready for things to get better – which they did, and how! – while after the 1996 election people were simply hoping that things would not get worse – which again they did, and how! 16 years later we’re back in the same place. Says something about us as a people doesn’t it?

  25. Lyann Iles says:

    Hey Daphne…looks like the hoodies are the new fashion!!

    [Daphne – Governing is not about fashion, Lyann, though fashion gets people into government. You will soon discover that. And hoodies are the people who wear them, and not the item of clothing itself.]

    • Lyann Iles says:

      I refer to the hoodies as you referred to them in the past on your blog! At least you’re admitting that your writing is of no political significance and people only follow your blog to entertain themselves reading your shambles and appalling and dirty writing !

      • maryanne says:

        Lyann Iles shared Paul Aquilina’s photo.

        17 hours ago

        Grazzi Mulej li hlistna mill-klikka tas-sinjuri u l-bravi

        Jigifieri Keith Schembri mhux sinjur u mhux bravu?

  26. Clarissa says:

    Do you recieve electricity bills by any chance?!?

    [Daphne – Yes. But we also have a solar panel, which makes a great difference. Why do you ask? Oh, and it’s ‘i before e except after c’, and what you require with a question is a single interrogation mark, not two interspersed by an exclamation mark.]

  27. Glenn Zammit says:

    Just for your information Daphne Caruana Galizia!!!!! Malta won the election and you have to live with it for 5 long years that is 60 months or you pack your things and run away. From today there is no blue party or red but one nation under two colors White and Red that is the Maltese flag. Try not to hurt anyone else.

    [Daphne – Don’t be ridiculous, Glenn. I am not 20 years old and have other attributes which give me insight into human nature. Labour, not Malta, won this election. Malta lost it. Your level of education is so poor that you do not realise what you are saying when you speak of no parties but one nation under the Maltese flag. That is the doctrine of Mao and Hitler. Parties and dissent are essential for democracy, and no party can appropriate the national flag.]

  28. Mc says:

    Kif jghid Fenech Adami “S Kif jghid Fenech Adami “S sewwa jirbah”!!

    Does that mean that labour is the one whos right tghis time

    Looks thag way.

    DCG may you rot in jail!! Glory Glory Alleluia!!

    • Last Post says:

      Iva, jien hekk nemmen ukoll, li s-Sewwa Jirbah. Mhux illum, lanqas ghada, forsi lanqas hamsa jew ghaxar snin ohra…

      Is-sewwa thossu jtektek f’qalbek wara hafna tiftix u fil-politika jinkixef u jsir maghruf bil-gudizzju tal-istorja. Jista’ jkun li sa dak in-nhar ma nkunux hawn.

      Imma nemmen li s-sewwa jirbah. Nemmen – mhux fi spirtu religjuz ghami – imma ghax nemmen li minkejja l-manipulazzjoni ta’ madwaru, jekk jaghmel sforz genwin, il-bniedem kapaci jasal biex jaghrfu (is-sewwa).

      • tony street says:

        Excellent reply, Last Post, and a good reply to that idiot who wishes Daphne to rot in jail, even though I do not always agree with her style.

  29. sandy:) says:

    Natius Farrugia
    Like ·

    [Daphne – He obviously assumes that I think and behave like one of the people of his acquaintance.]

  30. Robert Attard says:

    I am assume that the only way you can accept this defeat is by starting a new rant on how democracy can go horribly wrong. unfortunately I think you contributed to this humiliating defeat and I hope that this will help you release that hating your opponent will amount to nothing. I really hope that you have a good life and wish you all the best to you and your family. You are a Maltese citizen and although I don’t agree with you I will still respect you. I know that you will not publish this comment but I hope you accept this message in a light and I hope you will start accepting the fact that some labourites are civil and are ready to engage in civil and polite discussions. Thank you for reading this post

    [Daphne – Robert, I didn’t have to ‘accept’ the defeat because 1. I am not a politician, and 2. it’s been predicted and foreseeable since March 2008. I have never seen the last five years as anything but an unexpected period of grace from Labour, to be followed by a Labour government. I am not humiliated by the result. On the contrary, I am proud not to be associated with the Labour Party or to have voted for it. I am quite content to hold a minority view and never, in all my life, have I done things just because other people do them. Don’t respect me because I am a Maltese citizen. The one does not follow from the other. Respect me because I made the right choice. The Labour Party and its media are the masters of hate propaganda and it is only the frighteningly stupid or naive who can’t see this.]

  31. sandy:) says:

    Mario Fava
    Moviment li ghandu vizjoni, vizjoni li jaghmel Malta l-ahjar fl-Ewropa…. Ghax Malta Taghna Lkoll!!! Grazzi poplu Malti!!
    Like · · Share · 9 minutes ago via BlackBerry ·

    11 people like this.
    Audrey Palmier la dubju MAr..
    8 minutes ago · Like
    Carmen Consiglio Gurnata tal genn,memorabli unika f Malta ……………….
    3 minutes ago · Like
    Mario Fava Malta tinghata lura lill-Maltin!!
    about a minute ago · Like

  32. Labour says:

    Lemons to all you PN supporters Qlajtu tkaxkira PAPALI Daphne thank you for all the help without your help 36,152 wouldn’t have been possible so I thank you and all your sheep beeeeeqqqqqqqqqq beeeeeeeeeqqqqqqqq beeeeeeeeeeeeqqqqqqqqqqqq hudu pacenzja 5 years MINIMUM

    [Daphne – Ghadkom sejrin bil-lumi? I remember asking my grandmother back in 1971 why ugly men were throwing lemons at us off a lorry in Sliema. I can’t believe that 40 years later you’re still so primitive. Liberal and progressive – so amusing.]

    • Macchiavelli says:

      Peasants in more ways than one

    • Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

      What’s the story behind these lemons?

      [Daphne – People from a certain kind of social background, which we are not allowed to mention lest we be called ‘classist’ and ‘snobs’ or ‘tal-pepe’, use lemons as a form of insult to those who have lost a competition or match or similar. When I was a child growing up in Sliema, lorries packed with men who looked like they’d crawled out of some cave drove round the streets while the men hurled lemons at any ‘tal-pepe’ they saw walking by. This was after Mintoff’s 1971 and 1976 electoral victories. This was before they graduated to dead rabbits in 1981.]

  33. Labour says:

    yet again the perfect Maltese saying states IL qahba milli ikolla ittik…… after 48 years dont you think you are primitive and stale apart from the usual spitfuleness look at your leader and learn he resigned ou shlould emigirate un wantede citizen!

    [Daphne – I see that Joseph has cornered the vote of the intelligentsia.]

    • Last Post says:

      Oh D, I find your comments and replies witty and amusing.

      You might as well take a break from writing new blogs and I’d still return to your page for the comments.

  34. Natanael Aquilina says:

    Daphne Caruana Galizia –> The queen of grammar nazis.

  35. Daphne lover says:

    maa daph, THEY won, x’biza .. don’t go out taaa hiii … did you buy enough supplies to stay inside ehh hon? isma babe, issa stay inside hi and stay watching Joseph on TV ta kissing Michelle, i know you wish it was you cos deep down you love him but pacenzja babe, don’t go out ta hiii if you need anything just call that used toilet paper and he’ll get you what you need .. what ?? who ?? mhux LOO !!

    What, cat got your tongue now you bitch? you ugly witch? nothing to say? you think you can get a couple of votes if you post this ?? you can satick them up that ugly ass of yours you ugly bitch. Have a good life asshole, you and your middle-finger bastard ‘fuck you’ offspring.


  36. Ganni Gahan says:

    Jekk tibqghu sejrin hekk fl-elezzjoni li jmiss il-GerfexPN ma jaqbizx it-30% tal-elettorat.

    [Daphne – Hares lejn in-1996 u 1998, Ganni. Jew ahjar, lejn in-1992 u 1996.]

  37. Charles says:

    Ohhhh Daphne!

    Such pride in seeing pl win!

    [Daphne – Did you also feel pride in seeing ‘Joseph’ sitting pigeon-toed and knees apart, talking nonsense during his first interview as PM, on Close-Up (TVM) this evening? The man is inarticulate in two languages.]

  38. joseph says:

    hi daphne, i am very happy that the pn isn’t anymore in the government but i am more happy and glad to say that i wish that all the bullshit u said about EVERYONE will someday be said for you. Remeber u ugly bitch that what goes around comes back around. and i really wished that after u said those hateful words after mintoff’s dead u say u were sorry but u never did, but i guess that when your time arrives many people would feel relived that you left, and remember Daphne what Eddie said, is-sewwa dejjem jirbah!! alek rebah il labour u int kont wahda min-nies li tellift il voti lil partit nazzjonalista.

  39. Neville Carabott says:

    Minn jaf kemm tixtieq tistrieh ftit daphne!!!!U ifimni!!!!!Min jaf?

    [Daphne – How vulgar you people are. You are no better than the animals your grandparents slept with. And if you consider that a classist comment, accept the fact that you asked for it by coming here to parade your ghastly class hatred.]

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