Ara, how nice! Here’s Norman Hamilton’s daughter – YET AGAIN

Published: March 7, 2013 at 12:15pm

They’re at MCAST benefitting from the education programmes of this government, but they’re going to vote for change ghax hemm bzonn ta’ Joseph u bidla fid-direzzjoni.

Jahasra, kemm huma dimwits. I wonder what sort of intellectually deprived homes they come from – oh wait! One of them is Norman Hamilton’s daughter, who’s appeared in practically every Labour promotion video, from the Obama rip-off Malta Taghna Lkoll to the one filmed in Hugh Anastasi’s house, with the ‘dett’.

17 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    MCAST student number two says everyone should have an even chance. Is that an admission that he twisted arms to get to where he is today?

  2. Wilson says:

    Kindly attach names…..we love it when they send their CVs in.

  3. francesca says:

    She’s as ugly as her father.

    • mattie says:

      On the contrary, I think they’re all good looking, healthy, beautiful people.

      I wonder why?

    • Village says:

      Missierha sar sinjur taht in-Nazzjonalisti minn bicca reporter ma’ Xandir Malta fi zmien Mintoff.

      Dawn ser jkunu t-tfal privileggiati jekk jirbah il-Labour.

  4. Ooooops says:

    She is as fake as her hair.

  5. just me says:

    They should see this video about education in the 70s and 80s during Labour governments. It will make them change their minds.

  6. Diapason says:

    “Gowzeff Muffkaat”

  7. bystander says:

    I refuse to believe that the Maltese electorate will be so stupid as to vote for ‘change’ without having clear specific costed details as to what exactly those changes will be.

    A reduction in educational opportunities coupled with the removal of stipends would constitute ‘change’.

    What kind of ‘change’ are they after?

  8. MX says:

    “Jiena nemmen f’Joseph Muscat” – You’d be forgiven for thinking they’re talking about Moses.

  9. licious says:

    What change do these students want?

    It will definitely be to the worse. In 1996, the majority wanted the change. And what did students get?

    A loan after they finished their university studies. I could not vote in 1996 but I suffered Labour’s stipend loan as soon as my university years were over in 2002. By the way, the change in stipends was not mentioned in Labour’s electoral manifest back then.

    So please students, think before you vote for change.

  10. Eddie_mlt says:

    I think Norman Hamilton’s daughter should think twice when voting Labour, since she is a student at ITS.

    She should be glad that she is getting quality education and getting paid for it, thanks to the policies of the Nationalist Party which her parents have been campaigning against for decades.

  11. Sargu_Xih says:

    Vera Joseph Muscat igib il-bidla! Ix-xitan jibda jghir ghalih ghax nidhlu f’kompetizzjoni ma l-infern.

  12. Sargu_xih says:

    Vera Joseph Muscat igib il-bidla, u bil-garanzija li ix-xitan jibda jghir ghalih ghax nidhlu f’kompetizzjoni ma l-infern.

  13. Anna says:

    Why doesn’t Ms. Hamilton say that her father built his business of selling tours and cruises in these last 25 years, due to more spending power by Maltese people, a cruise liner terminal, and the lifting of the infamous restriction on the amount of money one was allowed to take out of the country for a holiday (Lm250 if I remember correctly).

    Oh, I forgot, and a European passport, European currency and no restrictions on bringing back anything you like (legal, of course) without being stopped, harassed and made to pay ridiculous duty fees.

    U hallina Ms. Hamilton jahasra, possibbli ma qallek xejn minn dan il-papa’?

  14. tess says:

    Jien li ma nistax nifhem ghalfejn dal-ghageb kollu, li qeghdin maksin u ghandna bzonn bidla.

    Imbasta irridu il-bidla, imma taht Gonzi id-daddy xtralha karrozza gdida, u taht Gonzi kabbret sidirha, ma nahsibx li daqshekk mejtin bil-guh mela.

  15. ken il malti says:

    Is her hair photo-shopped on the video?

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