Bdejna – nationalise this and nationalise that

Published: March 28, 2013 at 10:34pm

Some people have high hopes of the new Mintoffian government. Comments are beginning to trickle in on’s board:

John F. Galea
Today, 20:44
Quite a hefty increase of 30% on letters weighing under 50 grams. Th general public would lik to know who sactioned such an increase. This will definitely really hurt all except the Maltapost sharholders. Postal services has deteriorated and should be ameliorated and upgraded to the level we used to enjoy in the past. Othersise government would be obliged to step in and nationalise soonest.

18 Comments Comment

  1. Joseph Caruana says:

    Bawżi l’hawn u l’hemm.

  2. Plotinus says:

    John F Galea should find this link useful:

  3. Min Jaf says:

    What the likes of John F Galea fail to realise is that by nationalizing (even if that were still possible) the post office, they might well retain cheaper postal rates, but they would be burdening the state coffers with the consequent financial losses which, at the end of the day must be translated into additional taxes paid by, guess who? Yes, John F Galea and the rest of us.

    That is also why the 25% reduction on water and electricity tariffs is a total sham. By selling these services at a loss, the revenue shortfall can only be made up by raiding tax revenue. And who pays those taxes? Yes, John F Galea and the rest of us.

  4. george grech says:

    It seems like they started by ‘nationalising’ Super One TV.

  5. Wilson says:

    Mr. John F. Galea the world has moved on. The only government that can help you with such nuances is in China. The rest of the world (for quite some time now) has liberalized postal services, would you like Mr. Muscat to nationalize it again or would you like to have your free handful of Panadols a week to keep your useless stash in the cupboard?

    • Mike says:

      Or free vitamin C, or free aqueoues cream and the list goes on with items worth less than 2 Euros.

      The amount of tax money that is wasted in supplying these ridiculously cheap medications is mind-boggling.

      Yet the mentality of the Mintoffjani precludes any government from addressing the issue. This is because these people have this strange ‘DAWK TIEGHI’ mentality, which is the exact same mentality that makes one ask for nationalisation.

      I remember one particular patient who would walk from one side of the village to the other to pick up her free Vitamin C tablets and who, on hearing that these were out of stock, would walk all the way to the polyclinic and Mater Dei to attempt to find if any were available.

      Then there was the gentleman who asked me ‘Dawn x’ittini ghalijhom?’ after I had just handed him his bulging bag of drugs. When I replied ‘Nothing, I will just put them back in stock if you are not using them’ he proceeded to open the bottles, pour them into the dustbin next to the door while saying ‘Mela ma intihomx lil dak il-**** Gonzi b’xejn’.

      Finally I remember one other gentleman, who had been away on holiday for three months, who with bile rising and froth speckling from his mouth, came shouting at me because I had not given him his medication for the three months he had been away.

      When I pointed out that you can’t have medication retroactivly, because let’s face it none of us can time travel and taking 3 months worth of medication in one sitting is not recemmended, his reply (high pitched and reaching a crescendo) was – DAWK TIEGHI!

  6. ken il malti says:

    John F. Galea and his socialist pea brain.

    These people think that “The Government” is the solution to all of life’s problems.

  7. Gahan says:

    There are many people like Mr John F. Galea around who expect that shareholders should not get their dividends and these companies should provide their services ‘pro bono publico’.

    Just look at the commentary boards when MIA , HSBC, GO,and BOV issue their statements of accounts, they first assume that the management of these companies remains motivated to make a profit and that the manpower in these entities would remain lean.

    These people are not risk takers , they prefer hoarding their money in some savings account(if they’re able to save any) and expect that the profits of these ex-parastatal entities should end on their lap simply because they’re Maltese (armchair) citizens.
    They never realise that Palumbo for example work hard to get orders, or that GO and Middle Sea Insurance shareholders had a very rough ride seeing their shares plummeting for years on end.

    We would have seen more new chairmanships and political appointees in these entities after the elections. I recall Mid Med (HSBC now) had Dr Reno Borg and Bank of Valletta had Danny Cremona while Malta Drydocks had Sammy Meilaq.

    BTW; these same people expected Gonzi to earn something around Lm18,000 a year (pro bono) for a 24/7 job running a whole country with a €2.2Bn budget, while they don’t blink an eye if someone gets €24k for three mornings a week part time job which should be done by our parliamentarians.

  8. manum says:

    Vera qabda injoranti – dawn lanqas biss jafu xi jfisser kompetizzjoni! Ghadhom bil-mentalita li tista taghmel li trid.

    Il-gvern Nazzjonalista iggarantixxa sistema efficjenti meta halla il kumpanniji jimxu bir regoli taghhom. Issa dawn stenbhu f’ daqqa wahda u sabu ruhhom min ghalijhom li jistghu jergghu jibdew bid-diska l-antika.

    Ser nergghu nibdew naraw il-murtali mid-dehra, ahjar tahznu il-krips u Twistess ghax meta ic-cintorin ta’ Joseph jibda jinghafas u nibdew naraw l-unemployment metre jishon, ma tantx ser jidku is-switchers, u il-property negotiators li ghandhom flettijiet fil-pjazza ta’ San Gwann il-Belt.

  9. Fi zmiem Mintoff min ma kellu xejn Mintoff ha hsiebu imma issa ma nafx kemm ha jigri dan ghax qed nara is-sistema hokli dahri ha nhoklok dahrek.

  10. Jimmy says:

    The Labour Movement (aka as the ‘Brigata Laburista’) seem not to have included many government capital expenses in their much publicised pre-election accurate ‘costings’. Now they are facing reality and it seems that we’re gonna here a lot about ‘unexpected costs’!

  11. J Caruana says:

    The new Post office tariffs were announced on 20 February 2013…refer to link below…

    • observer says:

      Admittedly, but Mr John F.Galea (who may not be unknown to some) has deemed it right to comment only yesterday night – two days and a little bit before the coming into force of the increases. Why?

  12. Lupin says:

    Welcome to the real world PL. Mhux suppost se trahhsu l-hajja ghax hawn hafna ghaks? Ibdew issawtu u ghajtu xi pjacir.

  13. mattie says:

    How can the postal services be ameliorated and be what it was in the past if what we have, as far as I know, suffices?

    With internet, email, gmail, you name it, we’ve got it, who on earth cares about bringing the postal services to what they were in the past?

    I rarely, but rarely buy stamps to post letters unless the relatives abroad, switched off their internet completely and can’t receive my messages. Otherwise correspondence and payment of bills is just one click of a button away.

    These sort of people just really don’t think.

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