Brace yourselves, chaps! Here’s your new Minister of Water & Energy
March 14, 2013 at 9:17pm
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The way he moves his mouth reminds me of a claptrap dummy, and why does he wear lipstick?
Because he is a dummy.
Because he’s a creep.
Fuck knows what he’s on about but I hope he started with “it’s alright, I’m not going to hurt you”.
I’ll bet that chap can make a battery with a pumpkin, a three penny nail and a bobby pin.
I’m English by birth. I have no Maltese blood, therefore it follows that English is my mother-tongue.
I’m fluent in Maltese – people immediately assume I’m Maltese when I speak. As far as is humanly possible, I insist on speaking Maltese, as it should be spoken, whenever possible and practical. (I do, still make occasional mistakes)
People like this guy REALLY piss me off. You can just sense the “I’m better than you – listen to my silly English intonation, and daft “spent years abroad” accent in Maltese. Impressive and intelligent sounding, aaayyy?
What a prat.
Omg! Gob smacked!
Peter’s principle states that with time everybody will rise to the height of his incompetence. For this one, time will not be a factor.
The heavy word meritokrazija used is clearly missing on competence. Accountability goes with competence in as much as meritokrazija goes with favoritismu.
So much for the ‘Energy Guru’. He’s shocked because factories here pay twice the electricity rates as their counterparts in Germany.
Does he even know that the only reason electricity is cheap in Germany is because they burn coal to make it? Is that what he wants us to do here ? (a rewind to Mintoff’s 1980s coal burning power station)
He’s saying a whole load of bollocks in that speech. I’m sick of hearing this uncontested rubbish.
‘We should have machines that are much more efficient than the existing ones’ (at the power station) – does he realise that the BWSC plant which is supplying over half the electricity today is right there at the top in terms of efficiency and at best it could be improved by a few percent if at all by ‘better’ machines?
He talks about the ‘incredible amount’ of a million Euro a day, as if burning gas instead of oil wouldn’t also cost about the same. He speaks as if it would just cost us perhaps a tenth of that (even though he doesn’t actually say it)
Even more BS comparing the exhaust of the BWSC plant to the exhaust emitted by ships engines, as if the mere fact that they also burn HFO meant that they emit the same pollutants. He doesn;’t even realise that HFO is actually used by power stations in the EU as well.
He says that government changed regulations to allow the use of HFO, implying that this was done to use oil instead of gas whereas the only alternative at the time was gas-oil (aka diesel) which is far more costly than HFO and would have made electricity far more expensive.
Sorry about the rant, I’ll stop here just four and a half minutes into the video as I can’t bear hearing these lies any longer.
‘I’m sick of hearing this uncontested rubbish.’
You’re not alone.
Why did I take an instant dislike to him?
To save time.
Trouble up ahead for Konrad Mizzi.
Tesla discovered a way of how to achieve a wireless power system using the earth’s crust and the ionosphere. Pity the Wardenclyff tower was not completed because such technology wasn’t profitable.
Now we have to deal with someone, like this guy over here…
Operation Konrad is a Smart idea. But very very expensive one. Heavy fuel oil is much less costly and even up to 50% less by mixing water with fuel to create an emulsion that can reduce CO2 emissions.
Konrad dream can only be real if Malta is lucky enough in stricking natural gas in the sea bed.
Kemm hu helu u bravu hux, zeza?
Hi mela kikka, dak ghazlu Joseph.
Qisu pupu, marelli.
Veru ta, qisu pupu minn dawk li tara fuq hogor ta’ xi ragel, dawk, hemm, li jcaqalqu halqhom.
Hi vera wiehed min dawk qisu.
Da l-ghodu hekk smajthom jghidu: ‘kemm hu bravu alla jbierek, kemm hadt gost li tela’.
Ajma jahasra, zaqqi kemm tugaghni!
Hawn Malta, Kulhadd ragel sew u kemm hu bravu.
Nistennew u naraw. The proof of the pudding is the eating!
J’alla l-Gid – jien il-kont Zero irridu.
Most of the Laburisti voted Labour because they think that this guy is going to cut down the electricity bills.
Do you think they understood him? Even to understand the Maltese language is difficult for them.
He s on telly right now and he just said that in six months’ time he’ll have the company that will be doing the works on the new power station identified and all plans ready. I think what he means is the two-year countdown will start then. Diga bdejna nilghabu bit-time frames.
Watched it, Konrad’s first priority on the agenda is to dismantle the MRA, part of which will be absorbed by his ministry.
So much for the authority for sustainable development then and all the bull about environmental NGO’s on board.
He won’t talk about the process simply because they haven’t a clue how to go about it; a workshop to determine week by week the tasks ahead, including manpower and technical experts required.
The idiot got it the wrong way round, in a normal commercially viable world, an expression of interest is issued, submittals are made and your panel of experts give you the best option.
What he’s trying to do is to force the option by integrating the technical expertees into their democratically elected idea.
He never mentions the commercial negotiations involved.
Or better, we have the investor, but somehow can’t see the project gaining credibility unless everything we deem in its way is removed.
Most telling is the statement that officers from MEPA will be seconded to provide their input.
When Reno pressed him to the transparency of the process, Konrad replied everything will be carried according to the law.
The laws in question lie with MEPA, Joseph, Keith and Sandro will be doing their very best to reduce that one to rubble.
I’ve noticed MEPA has gone missing from their vocabulary.
The movement is NOT something to measure against any existing criteria. Those will be revised by popular acclaim.
Whatever it costs the taxpayer or this country’s sovereignity.
A birdie told me that the new thing is a “made in China” affair. This birdie told me also that there will be a huge discount because (the birdie said) the thing is a family affair.I suppost that this will lead to the new power station being built in record time by under-paid chinese (thousands)labour.
Does he have Asperger’s (with no insult meant to any sufferers of the syndrome) or is he reading off a teleprompter?
Min jaf x’xalata ghaddej Marco Cremona bhalissa bil-konulenzi li se jibdew iroxxu. Ghamlulu ministeru propju mibni fuq il-linja tieghu – mhux ta’ b’xejn mar jipprostitwixxi gol-igloo.
I never realized this during the election campaign – he really sounds and looks like a puppet (one of those irritating ones that never stop talking).
Kraftwerk, we are the robots
What the fuck? Joseph is his master and he is a puppet on strings. Literally.
This guy’s lack of charisma is impressive.
Of course it is not really important for an energy minister to have charisma, but his lack of it really strikes me.
He’s the sort of person who’s meant to spend his time behind the scenes, as a ‘technical’ guy.
I mean, look at him – his eyes are focused on a teleprompter – it looks like he’s staring at the edge of the screen.