Cheap and tacky Labour

Published: March 2, 2013 at 11:12pm
Goodbye, Jeffrey - now even Labour is done with you

Goodbye, Jeffrey – now even Labour is done with you

The final Saturday night television viewing of the campaign, and how does Labour handle it? By inviting those two neurotic narcissists, Franco Debono and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando onto Norman Hamilton’s show on Super One.

Jeffrey is on right now – I don’t know how anyone can bear him. He sounds and speaks like one of those obsessive, fixated people who at the slightest prompting starts talking in that tedious monotone and doesn’t stop, regardless of whether his interlocutor is bored out of his mind, listening or not.

He is the sort of person you avoid, because the sick and fixated are such poor company, forever obsessing about themselves and their sorrows.

He must be hell to live with. Norman Hamilton, white as a sheet, must be wondering what in God’s name he’s doing there, aged 72 or thereabouts, listening to a fixated weirdo drone on and on and on and on.

I suppose he’s thinks it’s wortit to be appointed Malta’s High Commissioner in London, replacing Joseph Zammit Tabona.

What attention-seeking Jeffrey hasn’t properly understood is that this is almost certainly his last television appearance ever. He’s going all out, but after Thursday, Labour won’t need him anymore. And they only announced that he would be kept on as chairman of the Malta Council of Science and Technology so as to keep him sweet until D-Day. After that, he’ll find a knife in his back like Anglu Farrugia did. Nobody wants that sort of dangerous poison around, even if they used it to suit their own ends.

So now Jeffrey has no more value at all. He’s lost the seat in parliament which was his leverage over the Nationalist Party, and he’s lost the negative campaign value he had for Labour, because the campaign is at its end.

That’s right – negative campaign. Joseph Muscat talks about being positive while his television station is instructed to roll out Jeffrey and Franco.

Kemm huma sick.

He also talks about meritocracy, and then he says even before he becomes prime minister that he will keep this talentless, unprincipled and money-grubbing little shit on as chairman of the Malta Council of Science and Technology, not on merit but “because we have worked well together”. Indeed they have.

The devil, as the saying goes, looks after his own.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Daisy says:

    Well said.

    My thoughts exactly.

  2. Max says:

    Jeffrey is being used and abused. Hsibt li se jsaqsih fuq il-Mistra, Sur Hamilton.

    Ghal Labour JPO ma kienx korrott?

  3. George says:

    I would be furious if I were a Labour candidate or Labour supporter.

    For some strange reason, persons who were in some way linked to the PN are being given preference over Labour candidates who have been loyal to the party for many years.

    For example, we have hardly seen Helena Dalli, Marie Louise Coleiro or Justyne Caruana on TV programmes, yet Deborah Schembri has been constantly given prime time space.

    Similarly this evening, Cyrus was on Dissett with Simon instead of the deputy leader and Franco and Jeffrey are with Norman Hamilton.

    Is this to prove that Malta is taghna lkoll, at least until election day? But where does this leave the real Labour candidates? In the pit?

  4. Daisy says:

    Ara minn ser jghid ‘shame on you’.

    Didn’t Alfred Sant have the full backing of the Labour Party, poodle included, in that instant?

    Aren’t those people still in the Labour Party?

    Imma l-aqwa li tinqedha int Jeffrey, hux?

    So I suppose it’s shame on you Jeffrey.

  5. ciccio says:

    “Norman Hamilton, white as a sheet, must be wondering …”

    What was Jeffrey’s facial colour exactly? A mixture of red, orange and green?

    I perfectly agree with the rest of your analysis.

    It’s worth adding, though, that this time five years ago, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando was on Super One every day, too, but for a very different reason.

  6. Joseph F Cutajar says:

    I am amazed how DGC is seeing One TV (not super one -please be updated for the sake of the readers). If you are all out against Labour, why did you not changed the channel and watch NET TV?

    [Daphne – For very much the same reasons I don’t vote Labour, Joseph. Work it out.]

    • manum says:

      I just came from a not-so-nice dinner in a farmhouse place. I could easily note from the mannerisms and the way most people held their cutlery that this was a very Lejber outlet.

      How glad I am to be out.

    • Angus Black says:

      Prime example why Alfred Sant suggested a ‘repeater class’.

      Joseph, your English stinks.

  7. It-tezi ta' Mario says:

    Muscat has done other things before becoming prime minister. He signed an agreement with China, binding Malta to long-term cooperation with China. And he couldn’t resist boasting about it:

  8. stevn gerrard says:

    Franco and Jeffrey – two human trashcans.

  9. Contessa85 says:

    Jeffrey Pullicino- the infamous drama queen. We gave him the benefit of the doubt, and voted him in 2008 and how does he repay us?

    He turns against the very same party the electorate voted him in.

    I am sure he thinks he adopted a progressive way of doing politics, in reality it was trashy and dirty all along, this reflects his character – delusional and shady.

    But I would like to thank Jeffrey and Franco, because they really underlined the fact that change for the sake of change is dangerous. And I hope the electorate keeps this in mind on the 9th March.

  10. Libertas says:

    Min jaf Alfred Sant kemm ikun ‘happy’ b’Jeffrey maħtur minn Prim Ministru Laburista bħala kap tal-MCST!

  11. Dumbledore says:

    Money-grubbing or money-grabbing?

    [Daphne – The former.]

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