“I nemici della Costituzione sono l’indifferenza alla politica che è amore per la vita, e il non voto. Non ti tirare fuori, se ti tiri fuori è terribile, dai il potere alla folla che sceglie sempre Barabba” (Roberto Benigni, 2012)
The “paladin tal-ilsien Malti” who pulled a hissy-fit in the European Parliament because he could not deliver his speech in Maltese does not know that “inħares ‘il quddiem” is not an acceptable translation for “I look forward to…”
I’m up in the Swiss alps, having a super time. Then I see, through the miracle of technology, the reincarnation of Mussolini, mouthing bullshit in Maltese.
Time for another framboise to accompany the fondue.
Joseph’s speeches seem to point to the Biblical promised land of milk and honey.
Or to this quotation from Isaiah 11:6:
“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.”
Fully back you there Edward. Very sly. Totally dangerous. The professional conman snake-oil artist who is playing with his cards very close to his chest.
Many people can’t see the half of it yet. He will surf the crest of his own myriad lies and disastrous suggestions to get the movement of possibilities (where and what are these, effectively?) into the Second Republic he’s craving. Only then will it hit the electorate like a ton of bricks, IF he gets voted in.
Off topic: Let’s not forget certain emails to RTK journalist.
“I nemici della Costituzione sono l’indifferenza alla politica che è amore per la vita, e il non voto. Non ti tirare fuori, se ti tiri fuori è terribile, dai il potere alla folla che sceglie sempre Barabba” (Roberto Benigni, 2012)
Hitler comes to mind.
Don’t risk the county’s future. Go out to vote. And vote PN.
Then: E tu Brute, now: Hail Caesar. Then: he shot me six times, now: I love you Anglu, please come back to mama
Ghalhekk iwieghed li hadd mhu se jispicca l-habs habba l-VAT.
His stance and claw gestures reminds me of a praying mantis. Or maybe he has been influenced by this:
“We have to appreciate more the work done by our educators who ultimately are the ones responsible for the upbringing of our children”.
This was stated by Labour leader Dr Joseph Muscat this morning as he addressed the press in front of the Hamrun Lyceum …
Ara dal-bniedem tassew ma jafx x’inhu jghid: l-edukaturi huma fl-ahhar mill-ahhar responsabbli ghat-trobbija ta’ wliedna!
U l-genituri fejn jidhlu, jekk joghgbok?
@Last Post
U l-genituri fejn jidhlu, jekk joghgbok?
Il-genituri jhalluna man-nanna sabiex tohodna l-metting ta’ Mintoff.
The “paladin tal-ilsien Malti” who pulled a hissy-fit in the European Parliament because he could not deliver his speech in Maltese does not know that “inħares ‘il quddiem” is not an acceptable translation for “I look forward to…”
I just love the way he shifts from one teleprompter to the other.
If only I could drop the next one he would be turning to, and as he panics drop the other before he can find it.
I’m wondering how the fearless leader hasn’t asked Botox Jeff to inject him between the brows to get rid of that giveaway furrow.
Because he’s spoilt for choice between JPO and Marion Mizzi.
I’m up in the Swiss alps, having a super time. Then I see, through the miracle of technology, the reincarnation of Mussolini, mouthing bullshit in Maltese.
Time for another framboise to accompany the fondue.
Have you noticed that Joseph Muscat developed a dimple in his chin in the latest poster?
I have looked at several videos and photos and cannot see it anywhere.
In fact I think they made him look more like Joseph Calleja to improve his image.
Road maps, paroli u kacca kemm tridu – basta ittellghuh.
Joseph’s speeches seem to point to the Biblical promised land of milk and honey.
Or to this quotation from Isaiah 11:6:
“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.”
This man is the most manipulative human being I have ever met. No apology? Of course not. He wouldn’t do something as humble as that.
And who on Earth is supposed to make these sacrifices? I hope he isn’t expecting the whole island to make a sacrifice for his ego.
Fully back you there Edward. Very sly. Totally dangerous. The professional conman snake-oil artist who is playing with his cards very close to his chest.
Many people can’t see the half of it yet. He will surf the crest of his own myriad lies and disastrous suggestions to get the movement of possibilities (where and what are these, effectively?) into the Second Republic he’s craving. Only then will it hit the electorate like a ton of bricks, IF he gets voted in.
His hand gestures reminds me so much of his mentor, Alfred Sant.
If elected, Joseph will make FULL use of the amount voted for Malta by the EU after Gonzi’s succesful, hard, negotiations