Comment of the day: “the Naked Emperor scourge which afflicts this nation”

Published: March 29, 2013 at 7:53pm

Posted by H. P. Baxxter (and please, men and women alike, do not ask me for his phone number because I don’t have it):

All I care about is ending the ridiculous Naked Emperor scourge which afflicts this nation.

It is for this purpose that I hereby launch an attakk fahxi on Franco Debono.

He is a subliterate lout, a scoundrel and a disgusting, ill-mannered prole.

In any normal country he’d be raising chickens in the back of beyond. In Malta, he is raised to high office. Shame on us.

Kemm hu ragel sabih Franco Debono God Bless

34 Comments Comment

  1. Alexander Ball says:

    The sole candidate in the Malta Comedy Awards Best Comedian for every year in perpetuity.

  2. Makjavel says:

    Watch it Baxxter , the minister for the protection of animals might take you court for insulting chickens.

  3. Catherine says:

    I think the last bit is partly true. He has been known to do things with cocks in the back of beyond, hasn’t he?

  4. La Redoute says:

    I second that.

  5. Min Jaf says:

    Franco has been raising chickens in Hal Ghaxaq for the greater part of his life. Possibly that is why he turned out to be so chicken-brained and is so socially inept.

  6. ACD says:

    A friend witnessed a scene at the law courts, where a law student and member of the PN was working. This guy is a little bit on the heavy side and perhaps his posture suffers as a result, but that’s not really for me to say. Neverthless, Franco Debono and some friends certainly felt entitled to comment. He led the pack by pointing at this guy, shouting and laughing “Din hi l-forma tal-PN! Araw!”.

    That is class of this lowlife – bullying a well-meaning university student and mocking his physical appearance. Issa, Malta Taghom Biss.

    • Gahan says:

      Ma jghidx hekk lit-tifla tieghi ghax snienu minn sormu tohrogomlu, u l-ebda Jeffrey ma jirrangahhomlu!

      Avzajtek Franco!

      Skuzani sinjura Daphne , imma dan hekk biss jifhem.

    • Peter says:

      I heard this story too. It is such a shame to have a country work so hard towards proper education and upbringing and then see people like Franco given certain roles. A real contradiction and a real pity.

  7. ciccio says:

    The name of the problem is not Franco Debono.

    The name of the problem is Joseph Muscat.

  8. dutchie says:

    I insist on joining the league.

    Actually, like Catherine I think that rather than chickens, he’d prefer to be raising cocks again for fighting.

    This is a canker which is rotting the nation’s already sick roots. Pruning time!

    He needs professional help before he goes over the edge.

  9. Francis Saliba MD says:

    It is not possible for H P Baxxter to “launch” an attack belatedly now on Franco Debono for the simple reason that the attack was actually launched so many months ago and is still on-going unabatedly.

    One may argue whether the attack was actually an “attakk fahxi” enough, considering the deserved criticism he brought down on his own head with such doggedly blind and obsessively compulsory perseverance.

  10. canon says:

    Baxter, you will soon find youself condemned in the new Constitution of the 2nd Repulic.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Like I give a flying wotsit. Once they withdraw Malta from the EU there’ll be nothing else left to live for.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Baxxter, how many times must I tell you that Switzerland awaits you, will accept you and welcomes all intelligent individuals.

        We need new intelligent particles for CERN, just think, you collide with another like-minded particle and, voila, a super human god particle.

        I would bow to the result.

      • Melissa says:

        They’re not going to do that! Labour parties are trying to take over the EU. Germany’s election in September is the next to watch.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I’d tried UBS back in the day. Failed. And Google Zurich. Ditto.

  11. king rat says:

    Ahem ! dutchie He is already over the edge , let us see how far he pulls us over with him .

  12. MojoMalti says:

    Keep Frankie away from the chickens at all cost. The world has seen enough grief come from a failed chicken farmer in the last century.

  13. Ambidextrous says:

    Jekk qatt kien hawn wicc tad-daqqiet ta’ harta, this is the one.

  14. Il-Kajboj says:

    Malta taghna lkoll comment of the day (published in the GWU news website, inews):

    “Kellu raġun meta darba minnhom, xi ħames snin ilu, Charlie Mangion kien qallhom li għandhom difett fid-DNA. U x’raġun kellu! ”

    Link to the article:

    • Philip Camilleri says:

      Kif tal lejber ghandhom jaghmlu riforma fix xandir.

      1. Jinhargu applikazzjonijiet godda li jinkludu test tad DNA halli jkunun jafu min hu laburist u Nazzjonalist.
      2.Jimbidel l-isem ta lis-stazzjon. Iss li ma ghadhomx juzaw MLP tista tintuza bhala l-isem il gdid tax xandir; Malta Labour Publications. Tinstemha isbah min Dardir Malta.
      3.Jimbidel il Logo ta lis-stazzjon. Issa li ma ghadhomx juzaw il bandiera tat -torca il hamra, tista tigi uzata bhala il Logo il gdid ta lis-stazzjon.
      4. L-announcers iridu jitkellmu bicca bil malti and part in english otherwise inhawwdi l-imhuh tal laburisti li issa draw jitkellmu hekk.
      5 Kull statment irid jibda b’ dal kliem (alla Konrad Mizzi) ‘ Ejjew nghamluha cara halli in nies hemm barra jifmu x’qedin nghidu’,
      6. Kull ma jghidu il kelliema tal Gvern irid ikun konkrit u
      kostid u skond ir-roadmap tal partit laburista.
      7. Dr Franco Debono jiehu hin kemm irid halli jkun jista jfiehem il Kostituzzjoni fid dettal lil poplu malti.
      8. Fuq XARABANK jista jitla kulhadd basta juri it tessera tal lejber.
      9. Lil BONDI minflok + ingibuh minus.

      Please, can anyone of you help with this compilation?

  15. ix-xaman says:

    Minn Malta Taghna Lkoll ghal Malta Tal-Lejber

  16. Joe Micallef says:

    H.P Baxxter I’ll report you to the British Hen Welfare Trust if you insist with your cruelty to chickens.

  17. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    shame on them Baxxter please. Do not confuse us with them. Thank God he made my DNA different to theirs.

    Otherwise I’m with you on the attakk fahxi.

  18. Al Rom says:

    When I was at school I developed this theory: those who bragged about being clever were idiots. The more they bragged, the more idiotic they seemed to me.

    This theory was proven in the most spectacular fashion when Debono showed his Form II result sheet to the media. The more he bragged about how clever he is, the more I became convinced what a total idiot he is.

    Some may say that he is a lawyer and therefore he could not possibly be an idiot. Wrong. I regret to say I know of so many professionals and graduates who are not particularly bright. Sad but true.

    It is only in an insane society such as ours that an idiot like Franco is entrusted with public office.

    Further proof of just how insane we are is the election of another idiot as Mayor of Zurrieq.

  19. old-timer says:

    The BIG very BIG mistake was that Gonzi played JOB (the bible chap) with Franco. He should have kicked him out of the party long, very long ago.

  20. shrink says:

    I fully agree with ciccio.

    Franco Debono is who he is and will not change in the near future.

    It’s the people who allow him to take up roles which can potentially impact on others who are the problem. One cannot compromise with people who have problematic or dysfunctional personalities; unless they are helped or guided to stick to or operate within specific boundaries, they are invariably bound to sometime or other cause problems or even chaos.

  21. H.P. Baxxter says:

    If anyone wishes to contact me for interviews, TV appearances, movie deals, newspaper columns, front covers of Time or Playgirl, job offers or any other lucrative deal, they can do so on

    The email isn’t fake. I got an email from Giovanni Bonello a few months ago.

  22. ciccio says:

    I do not know why, but I remembered a comment I had submitted here which Daphne had brought up as a separate post.

    I think that by appointing Frankie Tabone to Chairman of the Constitutional Reforms, without knowing, Joseph Muscat may have just opened the way for this scenario to happen.

    It is clear that Joseph Muscat is the only one in Malta who has been impressed by Frankie’s form 2c report. That says a lot about our Prime Minister.

    • Wormfood says:

      I personally think it was more of a case of Muscat using his insecurity and ego complex to manipulate him and egg him on much the same way a woman might do to some clueless chump.

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