Democracy vs Dictatorship – please pass it on

Published: March 6, 2013 at 5:06pm

Tragic the way even the simplest things have to be explained, so here we go.

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Democracy vs Dictatorship

Malta is a democracy, not a dictatorship

21 Comments Comment

  1. Bella Kumpanija says:

    Hekk jonqos issa, xi dictator.

    Imma Joey hekk qal li hu biss jitkellem ghal PL.

    Mela dan x’ifisser?

  2. kram says:

    A typical Labour rant which I heard whilst waiting to board the plane in Dusseldorf airport: “Malta xejn m’ahna sew. Hemm ircevejt kont tad-dawl 200 euro, ta’ xahar (to my knowledge the bills usually are for 2 months). U dar m’ghandi xejn, il-baziku, tlett televixins, gyser, u l-air condition, ghalkemm l’ anqas xeghltu.”

    Then he turned to speak about his son: “Ma nafx jien 11 il-O level biex imbaghad mar l-ITS. Beda jithallas 4 euros fis-siegha u telaq mill-lukanda. Issa dahal pulizija. Taf x’inhu tajjeb li ta’ 45 sena jitlaq bil-pensjoni, imbaghad jidhol security x’imkien. Ghalhekk, ta, dahal pulizija (no wonder great majority of police are Labour if they have this mentality)” he continued “jien kont kontra l-Ewropa. S’issa ma hadna xejn mit-tajjeb tal-Ewropa, mur ara, karozzi gholjin baqghu, l-ewro fallina, kollox ghola..”

    Thank God he did not sit near me on the plane because if he were to continue with the above would have given him a piece of my mind.

    He is better off than I am as I do not have three TVs and an air conditioner but I guess his problem is the wrong priorities like the one that he is going to vote Labour.

  3. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    Stupid question but why are you telling us this? Did PL compare us to a dictatorship?

    • Pink says:

      Sfortunatament kullhadd b’dik il-kelma f’mohhu li ghax ilna 25 years taht Gvern Nazzjonalista (li mhux vera imma ilna 14-il sena) allura qieghdin taht dittatorjat.

      Li ma jistghux jifmu hi li l-poplu tella lil PN fil-Gvern u mhux il-PN iddecieda li hu jibqa fil-gvern.

  4. Wilson says:

    Joseph Muscat repeats: do not be spectators but protagonists of this change.

    For five years plus they have been sleeping on the opposition benches, then the bell rang.

    They rushed out into the blinding sun after a deep slumber and decided to throw some electoral promises out banking on the possibility that the population automatically will vote them in.

    It’s a case of the donkey leading the ass.

  5. pablo says:

    Off point, but it must be said that the PL ran an expensive and effective campaign based upon irrational hope rather than credibility.

    The subliminal message was that the Movement of Hope surpasses any national interest and free political critique which is now only legitimate if one is positive about the party which created the Movement.

    Critique of the PL must not refer to its disgusting past because the rules of the Movement dismiss it as divisive. The Nationalist Party’s own legitimacy and very existence are therefore placed in doubt.

    It’s one mother of a confidence trick.

  6. Tania says:

    Actually, when I recommend your posts on Facebook they do not feature prominently.

    To make it easier for people to see and read these blogs I have started copying and pasting the URL in my status update.

  7. Peter Borg says:

    What’s your point????

    [Daphne – One interrogation mark is sufficient.]

  8. Catsrbest says:

    Another infamous dictator kicked the bucket yesterday – Hugo Chavez – gone and surely will not be missed by many.

    I have a custom to celebrate the death of all dictators like this one, Gaddafi, Mintoff, etc. (And yes in my opinion, Mintoff was nothing but a dictator awaiting the right moment; which never materialised thanks to the PN).

  9. Mister says:

    The police had better be on the alert. Look at the comments below this article – and approves.

    Emanuel. Vella.
    Today, 11:00
    ejja ha nisfogaw!!!,u nistriehu fl-ahhar,il-mument taghna wasal ukoll !!!!! hadd wara hadd jasal (tasal) ta KULHADD!!!.

  10. Steve says:

    This government has been in power for five years only.

    The last election was held 5 years ago and the nation decided democratically that they want the PN to govern for those 5 years.

    On Saturday 9th March the nation will decide again and a new government will be elected. I hope and pray that the nation will decide PN again.

  11. Hugo Chavez was definitely sincere about social justice, but I don’t think he chose the best road to achieve his goal.

    In the long run, socialism has always been detrimental to the nations it was supposed to serve.

    Also, I don’t understand why Chavez hated America with such intensity.

    By the way, I noticed that countries whose leaders hate the US are most of the times countries where atrocities are commited on a regular basis.

    • Jozef says:

      Venezuela is under martial law at the moment. Chavez did everything but plan the country’s future when he’s gone.

      Typical isn’t it? The ideology cannot be tested to the contrary under threat of civil war.

      I had a couple of colleagues from Caracas in 1999, one had his own private army, the other born into a family of academics.

      Guess who jumped onto Chavez’s bandwagon when oil was ‘nationalised’

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