Did you notice Joseph’s token black?
March 3, 2013 at 9:32pm
I’m back from the Dingli Street meeting and watching Super One. I see that Joseph Muscat has a token black man on the stage behind him.
Wow, how cool.
I suppose this is his way of balancing his call for a push-back policy on boat-people, the extreme-right-wing xenophobic view which has earned him the approval of Norman Lowell and which has Norman’s girlfriend Letty (Arlette) Baldacchino telling people to vote Labour.
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Who’s the token straight guy?
Certainly not Il-Guy.
Apparently, Joseph Muscat has given up on using the veto in Europe.
A couple of months ago, I had predicted that when Lincoln is released in Malta, Joseph will have a Lincoln inspired moment.
This is where he got his speech from about ignoring “the colour of each other’s faces” even though it’s totally out of context because we don’t have a racial divide.
With a black man behind him, he must be feeling more Lincoln like than ever now.
If you want to see what Joseph’s speeches are going to be like throughout the coming five years, just keep an eye on Hollywood’s latest releases, especially politically tinged ones.
Who can ever forget Joseph Muscat quoting Margaret Thatcher quoting St Francis of Assisi?
The reason why Joseph never sounds convinced while speaking is because he doesn’t have any words of his own. It’s all a pastiche of Thatcher/Mintoff/Blair/Obama/Fenech Adami/Lincoln and whoever else he can find on youtube or at the cinema.
@Matthew, it was Alfred Sant in 1998. He was using the same wording of Margaret Thatcher’s inaugural speech.
I cannot believe that Mr. Muscat tried to sound like Obama. Get real…..but then again, most of the PL people are not so up to date with international affairs.
Watching One TV reporting on the granaries mass meeting this afternoon.
Now we are back to Partit Laburista.
Ivvota ghall-Partit Laburista (not il-Muviment il-gdid).
Now we are back to RED. Where are the blue EU flags? Old Labour?
Jaqaw Joey qed jahseb li huma William u Kate wara t-tieg taghhom u n-nies jistennew il-bewsa fil-gallerija. Rajtuhom x’ hin spicca l-meeting malli Me Shall telghet fuq il-palk Joey mar u biesa fuq xurtejha lil Me Shall u hi dehret vera mifxula u mahsuda. What a waste. Kemm kien ikun aktar ghaqli kieku ghazlu lil George Abela bhala leader. Dawk koppja ezemplari mhux Joey u Me Shall.
Bilhaqq, ghax insejt. Kemm huma intelligenti tal-PL. Bidlu l-arma tal-partit u ovvjament il-bnadar.
Nixtieq inkun naf jekk il-bnadar u mkatar godda issuplixxihomx il-kuntrattur li jissuplixxi l-karta, dak tar-raba sular, ghax fil-Libya gieli kellu bejgh ta materal ta dan it-tip u kien jixtri x-xoghol ghal Libya mic-Cina.
Muscat is a cynical b*stard. He’s denied saying that he’d let people drown to pressure other EU countries into allowing Malta to shirk its responsibilities.
But he said it during a talk-show on TV: let the boats go past.
Not rescuing people from a sinking boat means they’ll drown.
There must be a recording of it somewhere. Simon Busuttil was on the same programme. They were MEPs at the time and there had recently been a vote in the EP about MEP’s remuneration.
Look, I am not a Maltese resident. The bottom line is that if he does a fraction of what he says, and if we are wrong with his tranparancy, then it will be all good for the Maltese people.
Thing is that I was ousted by the PL back in 1975, so forgive me for being cynical, Mr. Muscat. All I can say to you is that the young people of today, the ones who voted you in, the ones who do not believe what PL are capable of doing, they will be the same ones who will bring you down.
Remember these are not US, the young people of 1971. The young of today do not want anyone to dictate to them what air to breathe let alone what might be in store for them.
They will turn on you on a dime.
May the Maltese islands continue to flourish as they have been for 25 years or better. Please tkissirx il-pajjiz taghna.