Eddie Fenech Adami to make star appearance at this evening’s mass meeting
While Joseph Muscat is doing his damnedest to imitate the voice and gestures of Eddie Fenech Adami at Hal Far (while doing something Fenech Adami never did – read his speeches off a teleprompter), the Nationalist Party is going to have THE REAL THING on the Floriana granaries.
That’s one in the eye for the scum who say they’ve ‘switched’ because the PN is no longer ‘the party of Eddie’.
Joseph has Albert Gauci Cunningham, Kenneth Zammit Tabona, JPO, Franco, Mugliett and Mrs Bortex. But he can’t get a testimonial from the architect of Malta’s freedom and EU membership.
Why do I get the feeling that Eddie Fenech Adami is utterly disgusted at the thought of the Super One propagandist hack who campaigned against EU membership, heckling and barracking him all the way, now becoming Malta’s prime minister?
It’s good to see the right people stand up to be counted for the right cause.
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Is-sewwa jirbah zgur.
Narawkom fuq il-Fosos.
Xiri ta’ voti sfaccjat.
Diga bieh ruhu ghal voti ahseb u ara.
Eddie is such a great man and leader. I had realised his true greatness when after they had ransacked his home and terrorised his family, he just asked everybody to remain calm and stay at home.
He always taught us “Is-sewwa jirbah zgur”. And God willing even this time it will.
Joseph should take KMB and Alfred Sant to make star appearances at Hal Far.
The PN has a history to be proud of, unlike others.
Grazzi u prosit, Eddie!
Maltin u Għawdxin isimgħu bl-akbar attenzjoni l-ftit kliem li ser jkollna x-xorti li nisimgħu l-lejla minn fomm dak il-Malti, missier il-liberta, id-demokrazija, il-ġid u l-barka li saltnu b’kotra kbira fuqna ilkoll f’dawn l-aħħar 25 sena.
U nhar is-sibt morru għatu l-isbaħ rigal lill-Edward Fenech Adami billi tivvutaw lill-glorjuż Partit Nazzjonalista, għalik, għall uliedek u għall pajjiżek.
Kunu kburin Maltin u Għawdxin, billi nhar is-sibt tmorru tivvutaw ħalli jerġa jkollna gvern ieħor demokratiku immexxi mill-Partit Nazzjonalista.
They’re all up in arms at Elve Central.
Apparently a “President Emeritus” cannot and must not involve himself in any political activity. It’s against the law, against all ethics, against the constitution and Eddie’s participation will very likely bring about famine, pestilence, plagues of locusts, fire, brimstone, etc etc etc.
What about a serving president then?
He gets his immediate family members to bash ’em. So that’s OK then. All ethical and above board, you see.
Baxxter, my thoughts exactly
So it was OK for ex President Agatha Barbara to attend the MLP general conferences and to take active part in politics, but not Eddie Fenech Adami. What a load of hypocrites.
Spot on – as usual, Baxxt.
But let’s face it, the whole reason why Joseph looks good (to those who only see the epidermis, of course), is because his predecessors were all trolls.
Dr Gonzi had to measure-up against Malta’s foremost politicians ever.
Has Moses joined the PL too?
Why are they worried? I thought Malta Taghna Lkoll and spiccat il-politika tal-firda.
How can they possibly object to Fenech Adami addressing a meeting once we’re all in this together?
Since this news started spreading, Facebook and the timesofmalta.com comments board have been inundated with comment mostly from the Labour camp.
Comments which attempt to ridicule Dr Gonzi for getting backing from Dr Fenech Adami.
I cannot see any logic in this – after all Dr Fenech Adami has recently been acclaimed by Dr Muscat himself.
The question every Labourite should be asking is that while PN is proud of past achievements and key people that led to these, PL has two leaders which have been swept under the carpet during their own lifetime.
Come on PL, get Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici or Alfred Sant to speak.
Very simple logic really. He terrorised the Labourites then and they are still terrified of him now.
I am ecstatic.
We’re ready for EDDIE. We’re ready for Gonzi. We’re ready for PN. We’re ready for Malta based on ‘futur fis-sod’.
Maybe Hollande would better seve his own people by doing something usefull:
Screw the Maltese newspapers – this is The Economist’s opinion
“France and the euro: The time-bomb at the heart of Europe”
People like me owe their present and their future to this man. My heart swells with pride when I remember the day of Malta’s EU accession.
Hear, hear. And remember that Joseph Muscat is the man who wanted to keep Malta out of the EU (before milking it all he could).
We are leaving now to meet him.
Grazzi mil Qalb EDDIE GRANDE.
This could be the last time to listen to Eddie delivering an important speech on the granaries.
Daphne, I was first to tell you I think!
You think his gathering would be bigger than the previous one?
Joey done good.
PS Anyone wanna buy a boathouse?
As long as I can hunt in spring while I’m sitting on a beach chair outside the door of that boathouse, eh?
Wheeling out Eddie is like Cameron bringing out Thatcher – its a sign of weakness. Indeed, Obama got out Bill Clinton purely because Clinton had always been the (much) more charismatic of the two.
The PN is not the same PN that it was under Eddie. Eddie, warts and all, was a leader. Gonzi is an over promoted bureaucrat. Say what you will about Muscat – and you have – but despite the dinosours around him, the man himself has spine – short, pudgy but the man has balls – look how he fired his deputy. Whether Muscat has brains is something else. After all, Sarkozy too was charismatic and a leader – though not necessarily great for France.
Issa naraw.
You should see this:
Could it be the same people who forged the Trafigura emails?
And the inevitable spoof:
What a vision this great statesmen had. Everything he said in the pre-election speech of ’87 materialised before our eyes in the past 25 years. Please take your time to listen to all of it!
Grazzi mil-qalb, Eddie!
Dak li jien u l-familja tieghi qed ingawdu illum nafuh lilek u l-Partit Nazzjonalista
Grazzi wkoll lil Lawrence Gonzi li kompla jmexxi lil dan il-pajjiz il-quddiem anki waqt zminijiet verament difficli!
Too good.
As the electoral campaign winds down and my attempts to convince first-time voters with minds poisoned by Labour propaganda to vote for the NP are all but futile, I spend some time listening to a speech by Eddie Fenech Adami as the opposition leader in December 1986.
The link to this speech is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V650dVXefSs. How articulate, emotional, sincere and truthful.
What an eye-opener. If only first-time voters sift through videos detailing Malta’s political history instead of deciding blindly how to vote, then the right message can be sent out on Saturday — we DON’T want Labour of old back in power, not this time and certainly never.
Can Joseph Muscat answer whether he will be putting pressure on the police and the judiciary with regards to the oil procurement scandal, since there are a lot of people who are part and parcel with the Labour Party.
I just can’t wait to hear Eddie.
Muscat does not deserve to be the PM after all he did to prevent us from joining the EU.
His anti EU campaign was fabrication of deceit and lies.
You must have seen this: Labour candidate Charlie Azzopardi’s lovely brother.
At first I was in disbelief, but now I am sleeping the sleep of the saved.
That cockroach Muscat will not mention Dr Eddie Fenech Adami tonight.
He won’t dare mention Lejber past. He has to go for it with his Hollande loser from France and sink with him.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Clearly Gonzi is not enough, he needs EFA to step in to help garner the last few desperate votes.
This needs a post of its own! Brilliant stuff:
Granaries are packed.
Thank you Eddie for honouring us with your presence ! Thank you for the very bright future you laid out for me.. We can’t let the same ministers of the 80’s to rule our country.
And another thanks goes to you Daphne for showing the real true colours of Lejber.. especially to people like myself who weren’t born in those days.
Lawrence Gonzi’s words still echo in my head..
“our vote is not for a permit or the job you wanted and didn’t get. It’s for your family – your son, your daughter, your mother, your life, your country and your job. Five seconds of revenge in a dark moment in the polling-booth can ruin five years of your life”.
No politician in Malta has given a good name for Malta abroad, restored true democracy and freedom to its people, established stability and sound policies in the nation leading to genuine economic growth, for such a long time.
Membership in the European Union, which is the best guarantee that Malta will not slip back to the very dark days of the 80s, was his greatest achievement.
It is only those who fear the effect of his example and words who shriek that he should not speak out.
Eddie Fenech Adami endorses Gonzi. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Muscat.
One word to PN: Awesome.
Two to PL: Tough titties.
Why is Joseph Muscat yelling in anger when trying to explain his movement? Why is he frowning all the time? Why is he so frustrated?
Look at dr Gonzi he is all positive and proud to be Maltese.
Daphne, excuse me for stating the obvious but can you write a short post on how to vote, the real thing on how to write the numbers on the ballot paper.
From the point that the 1 should only be a straight line down to the fact that they should vote from 1 till all the on candidates. Many new voters don’t know this, and it would be daft to lose votes by not teaching our youths what they are being called to do.
This post might remain front page during tomorrow and Saturday.
Dear Daphne, now we know that Gonzi is drowning, he brought Dr. Fenech Adami to save him. Do you agree? I think now it’s too little too late.
Joseph brought in the French chap. At least Eddie is Maltese and he has a good feeling of the Maltese voter. He also has a good memory and well remembers Labour’s treatment of his family.
How does the times manage to leave out the fact that he is the brother of Charles Azzopardi – Labour candidate. If that isn’t of interest to readers then I don’t know what is.
http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20130307/local/charged-over-hamrun-incident.460626 http://www.independent.com.mt/mobile/2013-03-07/news/man-charged-with-assault-on-pn-supporter-1085014017/
Thank you Eddie.
Spoke like the real statesman that you are.
Malta will be forever grateful.
Bondi + on now
Simon Busuttil outshines Louis Grech
Eddie, thank you from the bottom of my heart. It was so great seeing and hearing you tonight.
It was worth standing for over 2 hours and the crowd really appreciated your presence.
Mela kellu jgib l ghajnuna biex forsi jirbah Lorenz Gonzi. ara minn kollox qed jghamlu biex jibqaw imwehlien mal poter. kemm hemm hamma nohbija mela.
Ghax ma giebx lil KMB u lil Sant, biex ituh papata – dawn zgur jafu jitkelmu fuq il-Glorious Years tal-Labour.
Hilarious if it weren’t so real
Did you see this yet? It’s a response to that video ‘Courage to vote’.
Quick quick you need to see this one
I guess you’ve seen this?
Dear Daphne, do you miss our Eddie? I am a PN supporter but I miss him A LOT.
Just back from Floriana after the glorious mass meeting, with tears still in my eyes and fire in my heart.
Listening to three great statesmen with conviction in their hearts.
The young Simon with so much energy.
Our beloved Lawrence with all his charisma and leadership.
Lastly, our beloved Eddie – Malta’s ONLY true saviour and a man for all seasons.
The toddler’s expression says it all.
He got a special roar from the crowd this evening.
To many of us who lived the Eighties with him, skin tingled.
Here was the man who led us forward when intolerance suffocated. Thank you, Eddie.
One difference.
Eddie’s fiery address to the mass meeting today rekindled the resolve of true Nationalists, and must have stirred some of those who have been considering switching. Good move, Gonzi.
So funny
Eddie Fenech Adami’s speech at the granaries.
Oh it’s the EU issue again and again and again. As I said in the beginning, and still now in the end, it will not, and it did not do any headway. And there are many reasons for it. Today, ten years after, there are many new voters, who give a damn about decisions taken ten years ago, as much as a new voter in 1981 would have cared for the Independence decision. To begin with.
Simon is an EU fanatic, and he thinks every one is as himself. It is backlashing. He measures people by the amount of fervour and loyalty towards the EU. I am only happy to be in it for its somewhat fiscal discipline and that without it these soon to be voted out political people would have robbed more. But it was surely not the financial stability heaven promised before the referendum. On one of the Xarabanks of 2002, Simon guaranteed compulsory burden sharing. He failed.
Nothing comes without a price. The inverse logic to all this, since the PN is still using it in its campaign, is that a resounding PL victory would mean that at best, the majority now thinks that membership was a bad idea, have remorses, and discarded those who have taken the membership decision once and for all.
What a fantastic mass meeting! The best yet.
Simon Busuttil was perfect, Eddie brought a tear to my eye and Dr. Gonzi was superb as usual. The crowd and atmosphere was mind-blowing.
Must admit I still get emotional when I hear Eddie speak.
I have said before that I totally agree with you regarding what you say about Joseph Muscat – pruzuntuz and all the other adjectives you used a day or two ago which do not readily come to mind.
Lawrence Gonzi is certainly a safer pair of hands with a proven track record.
However, I form opinions as I find them. I interpret the fact that Dr Gonzi felt the need to seek Eddie Fenech Adami’s help as an indication that he is feeling a bit wobbly on his legs.
I have not a clue of the ratings the political parties have in their hands although the 11.7 per cent is an exaggeration.
I agree with a previous entry that Dr Fenech Adami as a President Emeritus should not involve himself in party politics any more.
Mass meeting Fosos – Highlights.
Thank you, Simon, thank you, Gonzi, thank you, Eddie, we loved it.
Even on the bus going back home it felt so serene. It just reminded me of pre 1987 when Nationalists grouped together and believed that is-sewwa jirbah zgur.
And what a speech that was!
Short, to the point, diplomatic yet no dramatics. Nostalgic yet hopeful of another victory.
No cheap politicking, no personal animosity and if I can correctly recollect, not even a mention of the Labour Party.
A true statesman the likes of which Labour never had, doesn’t have and never will have.
A fantastic crowd, lots of enthusiasm which hopefully will translate into yet another victory.
Polls say otherwise but what counts are votes cast on Saturday and not telephone calls to people who are rarely anxious to reveal their real intentions.
HI Daphne
what is your email – I would like to send you a piece I have written just now. If it is of any value – maybe you can polish it a bit
[Daphne – dcg@proximuspr.com]
I was at the PN meeting tonight and I can say that everyone at the Granaries had his eyes filled with emotional tears as soon as Dr. Gonzi announced that Dr. Fenech Adami will be addressing the people.
Thanks to both our IRON leaders who worked so hard to lead our beautiful island MALTA to the way we are enjoying it today. God bless MALTA and its people.
The moment I heard him start his address, I got goosebumps. What a great statesman.
This was truly a hard pill to swallow for the PL.
An ex-PM praising the current PM, while Labour’s own ex-PM had brought down the government. What a difference.
Eddie il fundatur tall paci f Malta.
Grazzi Eddie
Grazzi Lawrence
Grazzi Simon
What great moments we have just witnessed. Two great leaders!
And now that we are supposed to reflect, here’s something just to inject a little humour into this long and tiring campaign:
Thank you Dr Fenech Adami for all you have done for us.
I was proud to be one of the thousands on Fossos this evening waving the European Union flag, and it was all thanks to you.
YESTERDAY WAS JUST GREAT – everyone can say whatever he wants but what we felt yesterday at the fosos while listening to Eddie Fenech Adami it was much too emotional.
I went home with tears in my eyes knowing I can wake up next Monday under a Labour government.
I don’t know how Fenech Adami’s presence affected the situation, but I surely know one thing: that yesterday evening I felt proud to be voting Nationalist. The party can look at its past and regret not a single moment of it. What a difference to Labour.
Thank you, Eddie, thank you, Lawrence Gonzi, and thank you, PN.