Enough with the kisses already – it’s so bloody obvious he’s not interested that it’s PAINFUL to see

Published: March 4, 2013 at 2:43pm

For your own sake, Mrs Muscat, just stop it. Only a three-year-old can’t read the body language in these staged kisses.

You want to kiss him, but he really, really doesn’t want to be kissing you.

Why set yourself up for this? What for? It just backfires and makes you look like somebody who’s still chasing a reluctant man years after she married him.

Just look at this latest of a long list of reluctant kisses (yesterday’s): his mouth pushes forward to meet hers while the rest of his body recoils backwards. And where are the arms? That’s right.

This picture was actually published on josephmuscat.com.

Joseph and Michelle - really staged kiss

27 Comments Comment

  1. Makjavel says:

    Definitely unwanted and unreciprocated.
    The dentist looks more welcome.

  2. edgar says:

    It would have been a different kiss had there been Jason instead of Mish

  3. bags says:

    Oh my, even Ray Azzopardi has found the shenanigans amusing.

  4. Joanna V says:

    I won’t bother suggesting they get a room.

  5. Natalie says:

    I’m starting to think that the real reason why Joseph looks so uninterested in kissing Michelle is much simpler.

    I think the man is just wooden. He’s uncertain of his body and is just plain awkward.

    He’s the kind of man who would be hilarious to watch dancing, maybe at a wedding, because he completely lacks any grace.

    But that’s ok, many people are like that.

  6. Ooooops says:

    Talk about stating the obvious!!
    Justyne Caruana
    19 minutes ago via Mobile
    Kollha kemm ahna ghax-Xaghra. Ghawdex u Malta taghna lkoll

  7. george grech says:

    I kiss my dog with more affection than that.

  8. ciccio says:

    It’s probably the only opportunity Lil Din can find to compel her husband to kiss her.

    I do not wish to sound malicious, but Joseph looks more excited to kiss and hug with John Bundy – see how even Toni Rubber Puppets White Block Abela gets emotional.


  9. P Shaw says:

    At the same time Ray Azzopardi is salivating, wishing that he is the one instead of Michelle. No need for stage managed skits then.

  10. Karmnu says:

    u ddahhaqx..ma ghandekx fuq xix tikteb..sib x taghmel ..

  11. anon says:

    Trouble is brewing again. On the times there is a report of a PN supporter attacked in Hamrun. The woman’s mother also reported it on Dr Gonzi’s Facebook páge yesterday.

  12. 5550 says:

    how can u look in the mirror when u say these things

    [Daphne – I won’t be looking at the mirror when I say them, sweetheart, but at my laptop screen or people I know.]

  13. pablo says:

    A kiss to turn a frog into a prince.

  14. tinnat says:

    Never seen a face like that during a kiss.

  15. Kate (not Middleton) says:

    PDAs tat-tqallieh.

  16. ken il malti says:

    It looks to be a marriage of convenience, a shame created to fool the public that Joey boy is 100% heterosexual.

  17. Bella Kumpanija says:

    Kemm huma helwin hux? Nahseb qed jisthajjluhom William u Kate fil-gallerija ta Buchingham Palace u l-udjenza jistennew il-bewsa. Anzi William u Kate faqqghu 2 bewsiet mhux wahda. Nahseb dik hija d-differeza kollha. Cheap stuff. Never seen any other political couple acting this way publicly.

  18. Pink says:

    Anke jien, li m’hiniex body language analyst, indunajt kemm qed ibusa ghall-image.

    Michelle dahlet b’ruhha u gisimha u hu ghamel id-duck face u halla l-parti ta’ gismu migbuda l-barra.

    Nimmagina li jekk persuna vera thobbha, ma tkunx daqshekk iebes biex tbusa.

  19. MMuscat says:

    Dear Daphne, you are too harsh on poor Joseph. Take a look at the basic skills of this guy: he has difficulties tying his own tie; he cannot string together proper sentences in his mother tongue; he has a horrible posture and as your readers duly noted, instead of walking properly, he waddles.

    Look at the way he writes – he can’t even hold a pen like a normal grown up would.

    Most probably his general lack of skill in the most basic things we do is the reason behind such horrible displays of affection. It quite possible that that Joe might even have poor skills as a lover and these are playing a part in these PDAs.

    We Maltese have the perfect word for such a being. He’s a textbook ‘caflangu.’

  20. MB says:

    This reminded me of Homer Simpson telling Bart to kiss him in order to make a good impression on his employer.

  21. Reporter says:

    Eva kissing Benito.

  22. Jerry says:

    And come on, why all this kissing! It’s so damn fake. Everything about them is fake.

    It’s a political campaign, for crying out loud, not Stran Amore. Can she stop f**king kissing the man all the time! Madoff ma niflahiex.

    Kemm hi vojta dil-mara. Ahjar tmur taghmel ftit soup u selit u tieqaf hemm.

  23. Makjavel says:

    The perfect soap opera of 2013 is unfolding.
    Jason Micallef has the script.

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