Festa hamra – ghax ta’ Joseph se jaghtu tkaxkira, kemm huma clever u wajs (u progressive)

Published: March 8, 2013 at 1:00pm

3 Comments Comment

  1. Josephine says:

    Those scenes give me the shivers.

  2. Joseph Muscat says:

    Avanti popolo, alla riscossa, bandiera rossa trionfera’. Socialism is back in business come next Monday. The spectre of Mintoff will haunt Pieta’ and Bidnija.

  3. fm says:

    Tal-wahx – all you thinking of not voting, voting Labour or AD will all result in the 80s Labour people in government.

    We’ll be all swimming in a sea of red with 80s ministers leading our blessed country – just don’t do it, it’s too risky.

    Vote 1 PN for a formidable PN candidate.

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