Franco Debono speaking at Labour’s mass meeting tomorrow? Joseph Muscat must be as cracked and dirty as he is.
The word going about town is that Franco Debono will be speaking at JosephMuscatDotCom’s final campaign mass meeting tomorrow.
Perhaps he is getting his rocks off fuelling this rumour himself. Or perhaps it’s been people’s natural conclusion made on the basis of Franco’s ‘star turn’ with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, that other weirdo, with Norman Hamilton on Super One last Saturday night.
Joseph Muscat’s terribly positive campaign has been impressive. But exactly how he plans to cope with Franco up there on stage with a crowd of tens of thousands before him – which will excite him to the point of severe agitation – is beyond me.
If his lastest blog updates are anything to go by, the man should be on medication. He’s now signing himself off as ‘1789’ and his last post yesterday night was literally incomprehensible, the ravings of somebody who needs to be looked after. I have uploaded a screenshot.
These are the switchers and testimonials that Labour is so proud to have. I won’t be specific about the serious psychological weaknesses of some of the others, but Franco has put his on open display far too regularly over the last few years. This latest piece of his is just plain demented.
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He is referring to Joseph Calleja, methinks.
Yes! You must be right.
Next Friday’s episode of Xarabank will be with tenor Joseph Calleja. He is still livid for not being invited for a whole programme to discuss Franco Debono! Incredible. It also shows he is jealous of the ambassador title. And he is afraid Calleja will tell another Franky Tabone joke.
I don’t get 1789 though.
It’s a prophecy: Peppi Azzopardi will have Alan Bates on Xarabank this Friday hypnotising viewers to vote PN.
1789 could be the verse number, Emy Bezzina breached the Bastille long ago.
Cuckoo. Utterly and hopelessly, cuckoo.
That having been said, he must be livid that on the one day in the last two months when politics is prohibited, it will be his arch-nemesis basking in the spotlight that is national television.
Depression? No kidding. This guy needs to break out the Prozac.
Maybe Prozac got him in the mess he is in.
As usual Labour have no shame using a person with special needs..
Franco Debono the demented idiot. He might be referring to 1798 and not 1789.
Most probably he thinks he is Lord Nelson himself fighting Napoleon! Maybe he is planning a bloackade with lejber, taf kif, kif pruvaw jaghmlu mal-UE.
Speaks volumes!
Nostradebonus, rival of Nostradamus.
Is he dressing up like Marie Antoinette?
If this rumour is true, Franco has demoted himself from being Muscat’s rival and has become Muscat’s b*tch.
1789 = date of the French Revolution.
Please don’t tell me he thinks that by voting PL, we’ll have a ‘French Revolution’ of our own in Malta?
Mulej hudni.
Seems like something from Edgar Alan Poe: the fall of the house of Debono.
Incoherent and incomprehensible.
Let’s just hope this nutcase will go away for good after election day. Then Labour won’t need him anymore, he will have served his purpose, and they will dispose of him…
Hi Daphne,
He means Joseph Calleja’s appearance on Xarabank this Friday which might influence the vote on Saturday.
What about 1789? The number of votes he got? And who/what is the Ambassador of Depression?
I’m afraid I’m missing the point of his post completely.
The man has many facets including prophesy – Nostradebonodamus. You’ll know what it means after it happens.
it has been Franco’s custom lately to post blogs and remove them after a day or two. one such block was also referred to by MaltaStar:
Debono haxxej prim ta avucat li hu! He throws dirt in question form so he can’t be held liable while the gullible PL supporters pick it up and share it as fact.
He is so flippen blinded by his revenge that he doesnt care if he damages one of Malta’s strongest banking instituations – BOV – and throwing us all in economic oblivion.
He clearly needs looking after and if Joseph takes him on board (rather on platform) than he also needs looking after
How exactly is Joseph Calleja an ambassador of depression? Verdi and Puccini also do happy endings, don’t they?
2525 [“If man is still alive?” Shouldn’t that be 1789? Ed.]
[No it shouldn’t. H.P./3.a.m. The painted cow]
[? Ed.]
[Just doing an Orlando Finto Pazzo. KZT will understand. H.P.]
Joseph copies Obama (among others) and Frankie copies Nostradamus.
Obviously he’s thinking of himself as the catalyst of the Maltese Revolution that’s coming.
Oh dear dear dear….
1789? Is he planning on beheading someone?
Franco’s trying to deal with his inner crisis and console himself
Jalla imur tajjeb ghal PN.
JPO zgur sejjer ghax inkella addio il-weghda ta’ chairman(dejjem skond il-meritokrazija), Dalli imdorri imur ghax minn mindu ma lahaqx PN leader gej u sejjer fuq il-One, u tghid lil Martin Scicluna u Mugliett ma weghdomx xi haga ukoll?
Francodamus? Nostrabono? Whoever he’s trying to be this afternoon he remains sadly psychotic to the core. It’s like the Book of Revelations according to A Maltese Nutter.
Yes, read it and thought what the hell is he on about.
Well, he definitely has a few marbles missing and seems to be clutching at straws.
Couldn’t figure out who he was referring to and Joseph Calleja then Eddie Fenech Adami came to mind.
But in his demented state it could be anyone. So I decided it should be Jack Nicholson in The Shining.
Imagine being married to this guy? Imagine how cheated those who voted for him on the PN ticket feel?
At least Judas had the decency to hang himself.
He is the Ambassador of his own depression.
I’m surprised he hasn’t signed it as Nostradamus
What on Earth is he going on about? I mean the allusion to Xarabank is clear, sort of, but the rest?
Seek help, Franco. Not for us out in the real world – we couldn’t give a monkey’s – but do it for yourself and your family.
Dafniiiiiiii….I think that you should really get a life and shut that ridiculous mouth of shall be burning in hell very very shortly and rest assured your blogs would have been long forgotten but your soul would still be rotting away to make up for the blasphemy that comes out from your hideous mouth …
Why is it impossible for you ‘Malta taghna lkoll’ sheep to participate in a discussion without insulting someone? It has to be a Laburista.
Gb you are so typical of Labour. You are incapable of writing anything intelligent or articulate. The only retort you have is the usual drivel of,”Get a life, burn and rot in hell etc.”
If you don’t like what is written on this blog, don’t read it.
I, for one, am very appreciative of all the time and effort that Daphne puts into this blog. It is entertaining, informative and persuasive. I look forward to reading it every day.
Thank you, Daphne, for your courage, your humour and your genuine love of Malta. Keep up the good work. A lot of us are behind you.
Joey must be nervous.
After all, this is the first time he has stood for election as an MP.