Franco was part of the Labour granfalloon. But how is Joseph going to incorporate this loon into his government?

Published: March 15, 2013 at 10:05am


34 Comments Comment

  1. AllIWantIsToLiveInPeace says:

    He is so out of touch with reality that he doesn’t realise how he has been used, and that JM will never entrust anything to him. Who needs a wild card like this?

    His best bet is to crawl back into his hole and let everyone forget him and the way he has embarrassed himself and all around him by his antics and his Form 2 reports.

  2. yan says:

    ragel tal-misthija

  3. mattie says:

    U iva, jien ghamluli hekk fit-tieg.

  4. Tarzan says:

    I read recently in Scientific American that researchers have uncovered what lead to the universe being created. Apparently, it was all down to Franco Debono’s doing – the “Big Franco”.

    In other news, a country has recently named itself after Franco Debono, “France”. As their unofficial national symbol, they have chosen the rooster.

  5. freefalling says:

    How about Junior Secretary for Subversive Activities with a daily rate of 30 pieces of silver

  6. maws says:

    What would have happened to francisco franco if he was a labour candidate disagreeing with a labour leader?

    What would have happened if as an ex labour candidate, nationalist supporters paraded him after an electoral victory?

    habemus rabidus legisperitum

  7. Manuel says:

    I have already hinted yesterday on this blog, that I would not be surprised if JPO and Diva Debono will get a “promotion” from dear

    Muscat now has to deliver his promises and I am sure that somewhere along the chaos created by these two nuts during the previous administration, a sort of “agreement” was reached with the Great Kim Il Sung.

  8. ken il malti says:

    I am sure that this new Jesuit Pope as cardinal had his admiring eyes on the comings and goings of Franco Debono for a few years now.

    • ciccio says:

      The Pope has chosen the name of Francesco as a sign of humbleness. Surely not a trait of Frankie Tabone.

  9. AB says:


    On a different note – what is your opinion on the possible involvement of Dr. Anne Fenech in the NP leadership structure?

    [Daphne – I’m not going to stick my oar into this one, just I didn’t with the deputy leadership election. It’s not helpful. This discussion so far on the PN leadership has taken on shades of betting on horses in a race. When the situation develops I’ll have a clearer picture.]

  10. gejnasew says:

    Vera marlu sew ll-pjan tieghu tal- Form 2 li jilhaq Prim Ministru u jittella fuq l-ispallejn.

    Spicca mkecci mill partit tieghu u merfugh fuq l-ispallejn tal-partit ghadu tieghu.

    Pinna marlu l-pjan.

    Min jaf kemm holom sa ftit snien ilu b’din ix-xena dak iz-zmien imma lanqas l-iktar nightmare tal-wahx li qatt seta’ kellu ma kienet tkun kerha daqs dak li gralu Frankie Tabone il-gimgha l-ohra.

  11. xdcc says:

    Miskin. Franco, ma setax spicca fi stat iktar tal-biki; jiccelebra ma’ min sa ftit zmien qabel kienu l-avversarji politici tieghu.

    Bniedem bla sinsla u bla principji.

    L-istess jista’ jinghad (anzi iktar u iktar) ghal JPO.

  12. Mandy B says:

    Daphne please tell me that this is meant to be satire.

    [Daphne – No, of course not. It’s real. Go to and you’ll see for yourself. It’s a website composed of the ravings of a deluded lunatic, from 1789 to eulogies about almond blossom.]

    • Mandy B says:

      I’ve actually looked through his blog a couple of times, usually after you would written about it here or posted a link.

      I too have come to the conclusion that he’s stark raving mad, but I was referring to was the ‘poem’ he wrote about himself & the Pope, he can’t be serious, can he?

      • zz says:

        It wasn’t he who wrote the poem. His poems usually involve almonds. It was written by Alouette III who is a frequent visitor to Franco’s blog.

      • FP says:

        Mandy B, it WAS intended as satire by the author, Alouette III, as most of his comments are.

        But of course any form of ego-booster is taken very seriously by our national hero, thus Alouette’s comment was taken up to its full glory as a blog post for the world to admire the pope-naming imbecile.

    • john says:

      !789 eh? It’s not unusual for loonies to think they’re Napoleon.

  13. beingpressed says:

    Can we not worry about leadership at this moment. Our back door is wide open.

  14. Joe Micallef says:

    This moron apart, I am interested to know if any self-respecting Permanent Secretary who was made to resign, will accept Muscat’s arrogant and pedantic reappointment.

  15. mattie says:

    On a very serious note, I was just following the Times of Malta blog and someone wrote:

    “France is in a free-fall!”

    The person who said this, made an excellent observation, France is not what it used to be. Mr Hollande’s big smile for the cameras will not help the economy he is steering nowhere at the moment.

    French friends tell me, the man is not even discussed in France – people are worried about their jobs, their kids, their future.

    Funny isn’t it? these are the same people who nine months ago saw a bright future in the new French President.

    As one french friend told me: “People used to grumble when Sarkozy was in power, but now France has never had it so bad!”

    I feel sorry for them, honestly!

  16. silverbug says:

    Ghaxqi li ghaxxaqha.

  17. ciccio says:

    Has Frankie Tabone collected his 30 pieces of silver yet?

    I advise him not to. Saves him the trouble of having to return them.

  18. N.L. says:

    Spiccat l-ajkla u lahaq is-serduk.

  19. Last Post says:

    F’din li-still li ghandek f’dan il-post rajt link ghat-topic “Two different people responsible for justice and home affairs” fil-blog ta’ Debono.

    Jigifieri dan dam mill-inqas 3 snin jaghmel il-hajja tal-Gvern infern u tajjar lil Ministru tal-Intern (Dr Carm Mifsud Bonnici) ghax il-pulizija u l-qrati kienu taht l-istess Ministeru u baqa’ baqa’ sakemm fl-ahhar waqqa’ l-Gvern fl-ewwel stadju tal-Budget.

    U issa qed jghid li hu kuntent li l-Gustizzja taqa’ taht il-Ministeru tal-Intern (bhalma kienet qabel) ghax hemm Segretarju Parlamentali? Kuntent li hemm tnejn min-nies differenti avolja t-tnejn li huma jaghmlu parti mill-istess Ministeru tal-Intern?

    U la semmejna l-infern aktar qabel, sewwa jghidu l-antiki li IX-XITAN M’GHANDUX IMMA JAGHMEL IL-GBEJNIET!

  20. Last Post says:

    Skuzani, fl-ahhar sentenza hallejt barra l-kelma HALIB bejn ‘m’ghandux’ u ‘imma’.

  21. Lee says:

    Dear Daphne, you seem to have forgotten that he got 100 in religion so it understood he writes poems about popes. There again it more than understood that he never managed to get any hundreds in literature.

  22. FP says:

    Muscat had better watch out. Given a few years, his head will be next.

  23. Brian says:

    Can’t really understand how they didn’t spot that he was a total idiot and they let him become a candidate for the PN!

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